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....BigFoot to slap people without snapping their necks, would you want to rent him out for family gatherings?ahhhh i see you know my ex-DM.
*groovy* find out why he was such a twit and listened to my slob boss? thanks. then send him my regards and this summons. there's a giant ham-hock in it for you if you do.
♥family gatherings?
Sorry buddy I dont slap anyone in my family.I think he should go to The Jerry Springer Show.sure.....No way..I'd take him straight to work and introduce him to my boss...My sister is dating bigfoot and he hasnt snaped anyones good luck training!no thank you, some simple pleasures I refuse to sub outoh yes!Could I rent him for a company dinner? I'd love to introduce him to the CEO, company president, and the plant manager.I'd rent him for school reunionlaughs..
I would.. and buy him a nice large size tux!!No but I'd def take him to my gym. there are a few posers that could do with some EDUCATION in manners!!!!!!!!!!!Of course, it would be so much fun. I hope you rent him out fairly cheap. After all, he is doing such a good service to us all.what on earth ur talking about ?noSure. And funerals would be more exciting as well.That's totally hot. I love the fact that SOMETHING with big feet could just snap a neck and be rented out. email me your numbah when you find him/it and train him/it.Yes, but not my family, my husband's family. I will pay twice your rent.Oh yes indeed....
I would love to introduce him to my Mother In Law...
Peace.yes, i need him now for all this election junkWe have a few rednecks that need a pimp slapUm...
Bigfoot IS my family...(on my Dad's..Sorry, Dad...the secret's out now...)
Make sure I get a nieces wedding will be a start...yes and work partiesnah i got them covered but thanks anyways. maybe i could use him for people who cut in front of me at the check out.I have a few neighbors I could use him for! How much rent we talking?
I will give you a 6 pack of keystone light and a sausage breakfast for 2 hours...He**s ya, then he could betch slap anyone who gets on my nerves.LOL...I want to bring him to work too....he'd be great at any sort of gathering, especially family ones.. you train him to slap to the tune of dueling banjos??!No, he resembles many of my families members. I couldn't tell them apart
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that fascinates you?Atoms are mostly hollow but the continuous motion of the particles presents the illusion of solidness. We are mostly made out of nothing.
Another weird one is what if there is actually a color that we haven't discovered yet. What would it look like?
Considering what music sounded like 10 years, 50 years, 100 years, 500 years ago how would music sound like in 50 years just based on the current trends; louder, faster, harder.yes there is....good one...I'm gonna have to think about itYour english that writes implausible to impossbile I guessyes, the mystery of the mind, I am learning in therapy and I am amazed ♥For the person above me there is a difference btw implausible and impossible... the first one meaning unlikely.. ummm yeah actually see previously it was so implausible that man could explore the universe discover stars, see the other side and the mystery of the unknown so much of what we still cant and haven’t discovered is very fascinating and exciting =D.!...who knows whats out there and if we could ever reach it..Only implausible fascinates me lately....
Reality needs attention and action. Such, cannot fascinate me!
I mean, I love my husband deeply, but George Clooney, fascinates me!!! lol lol
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In your life what is the worst thing you have experienced?3 of my Grandparents have passed away and that was terrible. Also when my parents divorced.Being taken to the hospital by a deputy. I was stuck for 3 days observation in a psychiatric cousin dying in my armsthe doctor put his finger in my butt...rapeI had an ectopic pregnancy 7 years ago and it still upsets me.child abuse .My best friend dying in my arms after a drunk driver crashed into her.Almost dying in an ambulance after a bad car wreck i was involved in, 2 years ago.when my child died.the death of my youngest brother ..back in September of last year..seeing my grandmother (dad's mom) die in the hospital.
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I hate this, but my parents agree that it would be a great idea to have peoples limbs chopped for stealing so that they won't do it again. And guess what they are non-Muslim. Is there any non-Muslim who agrees with this. I am shocked my parents feel this way...It does sound pretty harsh, but cutting off the hand of a theif, stoning rapists and adulterers, and assigning a more immediate capitol punishment to murderers would quite certainly reduce these types of crimes if enough people witnessed them and a law like this was put into effect. I mean, look at how our democratic nation works, lol. Doesn't matter what you do or how bad it is, you get free housing, clothes, three squares, t.v., internet too... it's not luxury, but you can get this all for free with manslaughter! The only things that are taken away from you is the ability to visit McDonald's or Disney whenever you like, voting, and eating hot dogs by the lake. Heck, you can even earn your Master's in prison!!
Just recently a woman in my city set her house on fire with her two children inside it... completely intentionally, btw. They showed her in court begging for a life sentence instead of the death penalty when she got her guilty verdict. Do you think she deserves it?
BTW: stoning rape victims is not sharia. Just because a country that calls itself Muslim and runs by "sharia" law doesn't mean everything they do is by-the-book. ESPECIALLY in cases like this. Forbidding women to drive, forcing them to wear the full niqab, and other such laws that are imposed by Saudi Arabia are neither Sharia nor do they have anything to do with Islam. Just like doing meth and having sex with male prostitutes has nothing to do with being a Christian or a pastor.
Oh, and just to add:
In terms of multiple offenders, some people spend their entire lives as thieves, at least until they get caught. But as soon as they're turned loose they're out doing it some more. So when you think about it, if a person is caught stealing once, he gets a hand removed. Only one hand left. If he gets caught stealing a second time, then it's certainly going to be his last time stealing, right?i too do agree...
anybody with sense would agree if u compare rate of crimes with middle east and the west...
provide solid facts if u argue...
dn't try to mix terrorism and this...why dn't u provide facts about crime rates in west ah?
im sure u'll delete the question if u have the facts.. lol.I know american christians who feel this way, yet express outrage at every Muslim action.
Go figure.
Give me Rule of Law/Common Law over religious law any day.funny but you have to be muslim to accept sharia law
they would not be called on for stealing its more for people of the muslim faith to have one of there elders to settle disputes between other muslims
it will never inflict itslef upon UK law its already being used in the UK and has been in muslim areas for years
just as the jewish councils can do the same for those of the jewish faithWhy feel sorry, Every law is good in every possible way. But every good law u think might be opposed by some one in the world. So in many parts of the world the Sharia Law exsists and no one is complaining there. Now even in Britian it is acceptableLook how great it has worked in the middle east. After 1500 years of no progress they are still fighting and killing each other.It would deter criminals. In Islam, Muslims are given Sharia Law to preserve their society from crimes and evildoers. It's harsh but it does make a BIG difference. It makes the society a lot safer.
Edit: "Dellow" - They are fighting each other because Sharia Law is implemented there? You are nutter of the highest quality. What rubbish. The only country which implement criminal Sharia Law in the middle east is Saudi Arabia and look at them. They over there boast and brag of leaving there Jewelery shops unguarded while they go to pray. The really brag about the safe society they have their. Maybe Iran has Criminal Sharia Law as well. Not sure. Most countries only use the Civil Sharia Law.hey Christians used to believe in an eye 4 an eye, some believes r to to with principles not faith, i hate seeing criminals now adays getting away with murder. i wish the law could be tough but i dont believe in tit 4 tat aether....................
Why would someone steal when he knows that his hand would get chopped?
Think....?Your parents are barbarians. You are right to feel shocked.If you are hating your parents then what else is left to talk.Are they serious? I guess some people feel like that. Good for them. I think it's inhumane and wrong. In some ways maybe effective, but not in others.oh for the love of God, tell them chopping off limbs is just the tip of the iceberg, what about stoning a woman to death for adultery because she was raped or killing a woman because she has shamed the family? tell them you can't pick what bits of Sharia law you fancy, it's horrible and outdated and totally outrageous to even consider implementing it here, it goes against everything we believe in...democracy.
on the other hand older people are scared to go out because of the crimes on the street etc, things need to be done but not maiming and killing people..You can't have human rights while at the same time stoning women for adultery, amputating limbs and marrying off 9 year old girls....Today muslims wants sharia....tomorrow they will want all non-muslim religions outlawed...I mean when will we draw the line.....????
I think allowing muslims to swamp all non-muslim countries (such as UK, EUrope, India, Thailand etc) we are all destroying the future of our coming generations...we will all be dead but it will be our children and grand children that will be left to deal with these barbarians....No its barbaric and savage.
I think we do need much stiffer sentances for the Chavs and other scum that are infecting our society though.well i agree its way too harsh that law , but with that the crime rate is very low in those countries wich makes them think twice of stealing, when i had my car stolen i said alot nasty things to the crooks lol.Even the thought of such barbarity sickens me. I can't even find words to express how I feel about this.
Amazing! I've actually gotten some thumbs downs for saying that cutting off people's hands is barbaric. Some humans sicken me beyond words. Those of you who fall into that category, feel free to give me a thumbs down. Just be glad that you've got a hand to do it with.
.No it disgusts me.Life and personal properties are much more protected in Saudi Arabia as compared to any other part of world.Sharia is tied into religion. You can't implement sharia without believing in the religion also.
Perhaps your parents are not so much suggesting sharia as they are suggesting stronger punishments for criminals. I agree that criminals should be more harshly punished, because look at the return rate of prisoners! People aren't scared enough of breaking the law, and i especially think it's ridiculous how unsevere the laws are concerning child molesters and sexual offenders.
Sharia won't work in many places, but harsher and more serious punishments will scare potential criminals into thinking twice.I am a Muslim and I don't agree with this either. Infact in Islam there are complex situations for this rule to be done and it happen rarly and also it is not in main of Sharia, these kind of rules could be change with time.Two wrongs do not make a right they make two wrongs. Sharia law is evil when practised in extreme. Cutting peoples hands of, hanging and stoning etc are just vengeful acts. These are the emotions of the devil. Rule by fear is the motto of sharia.this country is being taken over by immigrants and asylum seekers
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a piece of you (your heart, mind, your time), do you usually expect something in return?Never have expectations as it will bring you down.
When we give people a piece of whatever that is given, give it with an open heart, sincerity and the willingness. Cause at the end of the day, we felt good in doing something worth our while. Its about giving the best but not expecting something in return.
When you start to have expectations and wanting something back in return, where is the sincerity and the innocence of the whole purpose.
Dont defeat its purpose.PSH hell yeah!!!
At least a number 3 with a cokeno.No i don'theart yes, mind nomy heart, yes, but not really my mind or my timeno not anymore, I have learned to give unconditionally, it's better that way, I don't even expect loaned money to return, it's not worth the worry ♥oh yea....your heart, mind, your time then a kick only that we can expect always ......i expect to be treated with respect.In the past, yes.
Now, all I find out there are TAKERS!!!!!!!!no I don't but IF I get it back I think it's wonderful and I feel better when I don't I just say oh well I atleast hope that I made them feel nice at one point.friendshipmost of us do I expect, but that is not in the true spirit of giving. It is something for us all to work on I believe...No, I am one of those people who gives without thinking of receiving. I wish there were more people like that.YESofcourse i do, how could people not.. i mean sure its nice to be unselfish but when you're giving so much you have to get something back espeically when its your heart.... cause everything is a two way relationship you give some you get some.. =)yes ... a bit of their heart mind and their time.
If i gave them that then they must be worth it and like minded other wise i wouldn't have bothered at allYes.
It is only natural. Even feelings need nourishment..
I don't say that I expect the equal since it depends on how other people have learned to love, to share, to express themselves. But, some return, yes, I expect and need it. Otherwise, I stop giving. It usually hurts stop giving, but in the long run, it hurts more never to be receiving....
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my son wants an xbox 360 for his birthday and after some research,am hearing about this red ring fault. is this common in xbox 360s? has it happened to you? i think he would be better with a they have come down in price and seem to be better value for money.more reliable and more features with free online gaming. i know they now dont have backward compatability with older games,but whats the point of buying a next gen consol and playing ps2 games?Go with the PS3, it is more worth the value, it has better games with better graphics, especially in High Def. Also, I have an xbox that had problems all the time, I have had 6 new ones because of faults. It is not worth it.It's less common these days but it was quite the epidemic only months ago. My suggestion is to purchase an external fan for your 360. They run about 25 bucks and can be bought from anywhere they sell 360's usually. The main problem with the RROD was overheating and these fans are a great and inexpensive way to counter that problem. I've had one RROD. When I received my new 360 I immediately bought a fan and havn't had any problems since!
And yes the 360 is backwards compatible. You can go the Xbox's webpage and view all compatible Xbox games. It's not 100% with every game, but its close.well it is common but you don't normally have it happen till 12-18 months in i have had my 360 for 10 months and if it does happen just use the warrenty to send it to microsoft for a new 360.
keep the hard drive if u have to send itring of death does seem to be quite common with xbox 360 . but they are getting better . xbox i belive have extended the warranty to three years (but i not 100%) .
I have never had one but based on my friends . One is on his THIRD machine , other is on his second .
PS3 seems to be quite reliable but expensive and not so many games out at the mo . also never forget about the wii . Thats my fav.
If you are to get one you can get fan coolers that may reduce the chances of it going wrong .The 360 is amazing. I unfortunately have the red ring of death right now. But, Microsoft is so nice, they replace it absolutely free. =DThe matter of "value" comes with what games are available for the system. Even the most awesome graphics and free online play doesn't mean a thing to a kid who only wants games on another system.
The "red ring of death" happens when an Xbox 360 breaks, usually a case of overheating. This was a huge problem early on, but they've since done a lot to fix it. If something happens, just make sure you save the receipt and keep records. Microsoft has extended the warranty, and a defective 360 that breaks like that can be replaced for free up to three years later.
With Xbox Live, you get a lot of things, including game demos and trailers for new games, easy chatting with buddies online while playing games, and more. Sony has a good online system, but Microsoft has the best one.
So you're protected from the "red ring of death" under the Microsoft warranty. I suggest you consider the 360 if that's what he wants, because he might not appreciate a ps3 even if it's a better system. That would be really frustrating, I'm sure.You'll have a 3 year warrenty on the RROD. I really wouldn't mind if I got it tomorrow, as I'd get it back in a couple of weeks with some goodies :). Anyway, personally I haven't got the RROD and you shouldn't worry about paying for xbox live, its really worth it.get a ps3 mate
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would u rather drink wine n beer or dance at a bbqive mastered the fine art of drinking wine, with my spare beer on the lawn... while eatin steamed BBQ'd red snapper and dancing the Limbo to 2 inches from the ground... drink and fish drink beer and danceAll 3. Not the beer and wine together but it is good for the guests to have the optionI think BBQ's are better to socialise and chat, not dance.Beer,goes better with fire roasted meats,in my opinion.I'd rather have iced tea w/option of beer or wine and dancing!
Have a greatttttttt time!!!!!---Both__I mean, what else do u do @ these gatherings___duh
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which team has scored the highest total in test cricket and in odi?It's Sri lanka in both ODI's & Test's
They scored 952 for the loss of 6 wickets against India from 271 overs in Colombo SCC.
They scored 443 for the loss of 9 wickets against Netherlands from 50 overs in Amstelveen.The England cricket team is the national cricket team which represents England and Wales. Since 1 January 1997 it has been governed by the England and Wales Cricket Board (ECB) having been previously governed by the Marylebone Cricket Club (MCC) from 1903 until the end of 1996.[1][2]
England, along with Australia, were the first team to be granted Test status on 15 March 1877 and gained full membership to the International Cricket Council (ICC) on 15 June 1909. They also took part in the first ever One Day International (ODI) against Australia on 5 January 1971, while their first Twenty20 match occurred on 13 June 2005 with their opponents being Australia.
As of 3 February 2008 the England team have won 301 of the 867 Test matches they have played [3] and are ranked fifth in the ICC Test Championship [4]. They have finished runners-up in three Cricket World Cups (1979, 1987 and 1992) and are currently ranked seventh in the ICC ODI rankings [5].
Peter Moores was given the job of Head Coach on 1 May 2007 following the resignation of Duncan Fletcher after a poor 2007 Cricket World Cup campaign. He subsequently employed Andy Flower as assistant coach.sri lankai dont know.......Sri Lanka
i don't know how they did it, they are 4th best in Test and 5th best in ODI
if it was India, England or Australia then i won't be supriesedda lankan lions
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Is it possible to be in love with someone who you haven't dated? Like someone you're around most days, chat with & enjoy each others company? Someone who you can't stop thinking about - ALL THE TIME!
I'm skeptical :\Maybe the beginning of Love...falling in love is usually a gradual process that takes a little bit of time, and it must come from within each person.I don't think that is is impossible, I actually think that is more possible then falling in love with someone only because you guys date you know, but if you like that person and you guys are not dating that might show that you actually like the person.YesYes, I think you can definately be in love with someone who you see everyday but aren't "with". But that level of love wouldn't be as deep as if you got to date the person and really know them...their personality and secrets and dreams.I think it's more possible you have no life experience. You need to get out more and quit worring over meaningless crap.Not impossible but you have to have some type of real relationship for it to grow to in love!yes! i meet my husband the same way
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if a murderer got converted to christ then he goes to heaven but his poor victims who did not know christ ended up in hell. ( this is a true case happened in Asia.)Yes I agree my friend. You see, people do not know what will become of tomorrow. A person has to be ready for the next life in this life and to believe God of the bible.
The bible states that today is the day of salvation.This word had been written before the deceased was born and it will still be in the bible until judgement
2 Corinthians 5:17 - 5:2. Jesus is the only way to everlasting life - John 14:1-6.whaaaa??? A "true case"? It's been documented that a murderer went to heaven and his victims went to hell? Funny.First, you don't know where they ended up. A person's karma decides where they end up.Whaat? case?. i thing there is a ,,case, of a nut here.How did you know that the murderer went to heaven or the victim landed into hell?
Think before you ask such a stupid question ... because only the Almighty has reserved such a task for himself; no one has the right to condemn anyone to hell or send him to heaven.What sort of justice is that. The murderer will have no chance to be converted to any thing. He will be judged an God will sent him to Hell . Victims will be compensated .After his death, and before his resurrection, Christ went and taught the spirits in prison, so they could be judged like men in the flesh. 1 Peter 3:19,20
His gospel is still taught there, and it can be accepted. This is why the early Christians, and the Latter-Day Saints practice baptism for the dead. 1 Corinthians 15:29
God is fair, and does not punish people without first teaching them his law. He loves all of his children, and has provided a plan where each of his children may return to him."( this is a true case happened in Asia.)", How do you know he went to heaven?well you need to rephrase your q.
what you meant was that the victim was non christian so according to the bible he should be burning in hell now!!!WELL THAT IS REALLY UP TO GOD HIMSELF TO DECIDE NOT OURS TO PONDER UPON. WE JUST HAVE TO MAKE SURE WE LIVE THE RIGHT PATH AND NOT DO ANYTHING THAT WOULD MAKE US GO ASTRAY. GOD IS LOVING MOST MERCIFUL AND KNOWING THAT IS WHY WE SHOULD LET HIM DECIDE HOW THE DICE ROLLS.Well when bad thing happen and people die, the bible has this thing called the resurrection. there are nine recorded resurrections including Jesus.
So according to the bible we are warned that bad thing can happen. And God will allow many people to live again.I have also struggled with the same question. It is difficult to comprehend the depth of Gods wisdom, love, and grace. Though one may see such a case as this as unjust, one must realize a few things about the nature of God and all that he has done in order to fulfill his greatest desire, which is indeed that all souls would be saved. For though it is truly Gods desire that all be saved, it is not in Gods nature to force himself on anyone. For such an act would make him a rapist which he surely is not. God has given to all souls light, and to whosoever responds to the light which he has given, God will surely give more. God will find a means to get the Gospel to any soul that seeks and responds to this light. On the other hand, God is well aware of all those that refuse the light which he has given. Consequently, those who refuse this light become blind to the truth. Furthermore, God knows when a person has gone past the point of “no return.” It is not that God can not save one from such a spiritual state, but that due to ones hardness of heart and blindness they refuse and reject the very hand of God who is pleading and reaching down to their drowning soul. There comes a time when God will allow a person to have their own way and thus drown due to their own continues refusal of his gift of Salvation. For if God forced salvation upon a soul, that soul would have the right to complain for all eternity, that God refused to give him free will, and thus, could rightly say that God is an evil dictator. For those whom find themselves in hell, it is not because God sent them there, but that God allowed them to go there because they insisted, and demanded on paying for their own sins by their rejection of the gift of his payment for them, which he freely offers to all mankind, through faith in his Son, Jesus Christ. It is not possible for one to refuse a gift and at the same time receive it. To sum this up, God gives to all opportunities for Salvation, but he knows that point of which no matter what he does to save that soul, that soul just will not allow it. Therefore, out of love, he allows that person to go where they will, even if that means allowing them to go to a place called hell. Also, no one could know who in this group, which you are referring to was actually saved or not. In conclusion, God is truly fair and just in all that he does, even though mankind may not understand the ways in which he brings his will to pass.
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Mine is Entertaining
Star Me Coz im The Star Man I star Every Question I answer
Cena is like a Pokemon, can only learn 4 movesElectrifying
Cenamon should learn self-destruct.Fakefake?id have to say WWE is FaKe!!WWE = Entertaninin
Cena = Chump
5 Questions with the chump John Cenaboringi say wwe is fun. some of it is fake. it is World Wrestling ENTERTAINMENT, and is just that, entertainment.Predictable.My friend and I have been predicting what would happen next in WWE and so far we've been spot on.My friend even predicted that Cena would win the Royal Rumble,and Cena was MIA for 4 months.Hobby
and yes it is fake but i wouldnt use that word to describe itMcMahonLegendaryAfter The Rock, the greatest entertainer ever, retired-
Its been pretty crap. Dont watch it anymore.Memorable.acting!
oh and the yahoo user "fan" it is fake but some wrestlers do the fake moves wrong and accidentely injure a wrestler
so u a the wrong one.real and ENTERTAINMENT
i know the acting and the backstage segment are fake but the wrestling is real. why do you guys think its fake. they really do get hurt and injury really bad if you know haters also do you know that if they get injury and is out of action they wont get paid. why would you fake a injury and you wont get paid that stupid you guys are dumb and if you dont know wrestling that well dont be saying it fake if you dont know anything about itPheonomenalStupidAttitude? Fantastic
Invasion? Interesting
Now? DisappointingCena.Cool...One word to describe the WWE?
My word would have to be:
May be...
Traveling down the road of life.
sentence structure iis correct
the subject is missing
the predicate is missing
the sentece contains a noun and no verb
Eric ran in the race
the sentence structure is corret
the subject is missing
the predicate is missing
the sentece doesn`t express a complete thought.Traveling down the road of life.
sentence structure is correct - NO
the subject is missing - YES
the predicate is missing - NO
the sentence contains a noun and no verb - NO
Eric ran in the race.
the sentence structure is correct -YES
the subject is missing - NO
the predicate is missing - NO
the sentence doesn`t express a complete thought. - NO
Dude, you better study, though.◕ ◡ ◕In first sentence " There is predicate missing " and in second sentence " the sentence structure is correct ".The first sentence is missing the subject.
The second sentence has correct sentence structure.
May be...
Roger and Regina stopped working and ran to help the injured child.
-sentence structure is correct
-sentence contains a simple subject and a compound predicate
-sentece contains a compound subject and a simple predicate
-sentence contains a compound subject and a compound predicateThe sentence structure is correct (there is nothing wrong with the xentence) AND the sentence contains a compound subject and a compound predicate
A Compound Subject is a subject with two or more nouns or pronouns joined by the word "and" or another conjunction.
Example: Her shoes and ankles were covered with mud.
'Her shoes and ankles' is the compound subject.
A Compound Predicate is a predicate with two or more verbs joined by the word "and" or another conjunction.
Example: Jan jumped on her bike and rode around the block.
The compound predicate is 'jumped on her bike and rode around the block.'
A sentence can have a compound subject AND a compound predicate.
Example: Sue and Maria went to the mall and shopped for an hour.Roger and Regina....... Compound subject.
stopped working..... and ran......Compound predicate
as there are two predicates joined by "and"
I am pretty sure that this is correct. I am working on the principle that "and" makes the subject or predicate a compound .
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I prefer to sit in a eat. The atmosphere is better and you can make it a social night out. Takeaways are fine if you are in a hurry but I don't think the food tastes as good. Well that is my opinion anyway.restaurantrestaurant.TAKE OUT...... Im pregnant with twins..... Lets just say the seating isnt comfy any longer lol Before i would have said restraunt....depends on if I am hury or have extra timetake out!take awayrestaurantRestaurant. I'd rather tip some ho than wash my spoons and stuff myself.restaurantDepends what food though usally restrauntrestaurantRestaurant!Take awaytake away.take awayRestaurantrestaurant. I like going out because it feels like a special occasion.Restaurant most if i have the time but most times i can only afford the take-aways...always running after time...
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I have both. The laptop is handier and you can carry it around with you but it is slower than the PC. I use the internet on the PC cos it is faster.I prefer loptos because loptops can be carried around, lightweight, less wires,compact,has a battery.
But never forget that PC or desktops are faster.PC but my company loans me a laptop mean laptop or desk top? I prefer dek top lap tops are slow don't have good sound expensive. and easy to break.Laptops are your best bet they are fast and very portable, they have an average lifespan of 3 years, so if you are looking for a longlife computer, I would choose a PC.Lap top (note book)
There isn't the weight and more size/room with a lap top.I prefer my tower. I can add more to it, it runs faster, better sound, has more storage and I can watch TV on it and use Skype. My laptop is fine for stuff like this when I'm in the living room or I go out. I still end up having to download something from the laptop into the tower or vice versa.
R~i depends on u what are u looking for:-
less lifespan as compared to a PC
less usb ports which can make a diff....
A laptop and a PC when compared to each other even if the con-fig. are same a laptop is more exp....
Can be used for a longer time as compared to a laptop
Has a no. of options of monitors while laptops have monitors of 17 inch mostly
No. of external hard-wares can be used
The hard disk can be change (i.e configurations of PC can be improved while a laptops cannot be improved)
Not portableLaptops are good because they can do almost anything an ordinary desktop pc could do. Plus they are portable, and they consume less electricity than a desktop pc. You could do work while on the go and never have to worry about being late.
A desktop pc is also good but it doesn't give portability and electricity management.
Personally, laptops are considered to be a desktop replacement. There are a lot of things a laptop has that a desktop pc has yet to have such as wirelass LAN, lightscribe technology, bluetooth, built-in microphones and camera, and easy to reach USB ports. Plus when the power goes out, you have the battery to extend your time to meet the deadline. Laptops are good because it has the features metioned above at an almost affordable price.
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I need to use scripture to explain that it is wrong by using the Bible, and not just my thoughts that it is wrong.Deuteronomy 18:11-12 Do not cast spells, or who is a medium or spiritist or consults the dead. Anyone who does these things is detestable to the Lord, it go's on to say that you must be blameless before the Lord.It says do not MOURN the deadThe Bible tells us not consult mediums or spiritists. I "think" it is because they are involved with demons:
People whom have died do not become spirits walking around in the world.unless god gave you the gift you cannot use it....
i can read tarot but because I'm a heathen i cannot read my christian friends cards because her church elders have told her I'm not a Christian so god did not give me the ability.....stupid damn rule.
why dont you read your bible and find it? Dont quote from a book you havent read.Where in the Bible does it say do not consult the dead?
I've printed out the passages from the Bible below -
(Leviticus 19:31 KJV) Regard not them that have familiar spirits, neither seek after wizards, to be defiled by them: I am the LORD your God.
(Leviticus 20:6 KJV) And the soul that turneth after such as have familiar spirits, and after wizards, to go a whoring after them, I will even set my face against that soul, and will cut him off from among his people.
(1 Samuel 28:3 KJV) Now Samuel was dead, and all Israel had lamented him, and buried him in Ramah, even in his own city. And Saul had put away those that had familiar spirits, and the wizards, out of the land.
(1 Samuel 28:9 KJV) And the woman said unto him, Behold, thou knowest what Saul hath done, how he hath cut off those that have familiar spirits, and the wizards, out of the land: wherefore then layest thou a snare for my life, to cause me to die?
(2 Kings 21:6 KJV) And he made his son pass through the fire, and observed times, and used enchantments, and dealt with familiar spirits and wizards: he wrought much wickedness in the sight of the LORD, to provoke him to anger.
(2 Kings 23:24 KJV) Moreover the workers with familiar spirits, and the wizards, and the images, and the idols, and all the abominations that were spied in the land of Judah and in Jerusalem, did Josiah put away, that he might perform the words of the law which were written in the book that Hilkiah the priest found in the house of the LORD.
(2 Chronicles 33:6 KJV) And he caused his children to pass through the fire in the valley of the son of Hinnom: also he observed times, and used enchantments, and used witchcraft, and dealt with a familiar spirit, and with wizards: he wrought much evil in the sight of the LORD, to provoke him to anger.
(Isaiah 8:19 KJV) And when they shall say unto you, Seek unto them that have familiar spirits, and unto wizards that peep, and that mutter: should not a people seek unto their God? for the living to the dead?
(Isaiah 19:3 KJV) And the spirit of Egypt shall fail in the midst thereof; and I will destroy the counsel thereof: and they shall seek to the idols, and to the charmers, and to them that have familiar spirits, and to the wizards.As I remember (I think), didn't God give Solomon the ability to call upon the dead in his search for wisdom?Leviticus 19:31 do not turn to mediums or seek out spiritists........The dead can not be consulted, but a demon can.
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There is nothing to beat home cooking although eating out is nice for special occasions like wedding anniversaries or birthdays.home cookingeat outhome cookingeat out.home cookinghome!Home cooking, and only eat out food once in a outeat out because the is more choicehome for meHome cooking, but with the demands of my business it isn't always possible.Eat out while the cooking's on at out.... bt home food rox too....Home cooking.home cooking...with a dinner once in awhile at the Olive Garden, TGIF's or a Chinese restaurantHome cookingIt depends if the kids come or not.Out. mom's cooking sucksHome cooking. I try to watch carbs , salt and sugar intake
The Carl's Jr 6 dollar burger has over 1500 calories and lots of fat grams.... SO not worth it. Dont like to fill my kids with junk food...... I like them to eat healthy balanced meals.home cook its a lot cheaperIt depends on my mood. I love to eat out, but I also love to cook. What really turns me off cooking is having to clean up afterwards (no dishwasher in my apartment).depends on whos cooking it. if its like home made cookies or something... oh great now you made me hungryLol depends on my mood, but I'm mostly in the mood to eat outsideHome BBQeat outI prefer to eat at home and cooking ..and u?If It Tastes Good Then HomeEat WHAT out?Both have a time and place.I Love to eat out. But personal hygiene is the biggest issue. Did she take a shower that day? How much time has gone by after her period. I mean there are allot of things to consider....
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I am from England.I am from the republic of Ireland. I am not far away from you. Just across the Irish sea.TasmaniaUkraineIreland.jacksonville florida usaU.S. - NJ to be exactlos angelesGermanyLos Angeles, California USAim from USA
northern californiaNew Jersey, USANew Zealand.Seattle, washington, usaUnited StatesvenusA place where we avoid giving our location out to sexual predators.I was born in the bayou.AustraliaOriginally from Palestine but I have never been there.Im from Clitheroe in Lancashire in EnglandGreeceThe beautiful Gold Coast in Queensland Australia whats the weather like in England sooo hot and humid here ands its 8pm"INDIA"india..I'm from Australia :)new zealand!Orlando, FloridaUSPakistan...I'm from New Zealand.Im natively frm Japan but Im in England right now!^^
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I am not that fussy as long as it has plenty of lemon juice on it. I have this thing about covering fish with lemon juice :)I love fish in any sauce, but to answer your question, I'll go for the bread crumbsNeither I poach in lemon not too fussed on bread crumbs so it would have to be batter if any, :)I prefer batter or beer batter but like crumbs too.Seasoned bread crumbsNeither. Try this alternative:
Pan Fried Sardines on Tomato Sauce
Per person, you will require:
2 fresh sardines (gutted, heads and tails on)
1 220g tin of chopped tomatoes in tomato juice
2 cloves of garlic (crushed or finely chopped)
2 tbsps plain flour
3 or 4 basil leaves (roughly torn)
Olive oil
Salt/freshly ground black pepper
In a small saucepan, sweat off the garlic for a minute in a little olive oil. Add the tomatoes and basil and leave to simmer for 20 minutes, stirring occasionally.
Season the flour on a plate and pat the sardines in it to coat them on both sides. Fry for about 5 minutes each side in a little olive oil on a medium heat.
Plate the sauce first then carefully lay the sardines on top.
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I think the sausage are more cooked right through with batter.ew withoutneither, both have a high fat contentwith but so often it is cooked so badly its ruined!What country puts batter on sausage? Might be good!I prefer both because some places do battered saudages really well, but others are undercooked. there's a chipshop near me that does the best battered sausages in the world!! i always have battered from them but not is very fatty and fillingi never herd of sausages with batters.without is okay for me.O_ODefinitely without. Think of all that saturated fat clogging up your arteries! Try this:
Sausage, Egg, Chips and Beans
The first thing we have to do is consider the type of sausages we are going to purchase. Here, I have gone for high meat content pork and apple sausages. They should be cooked in a little oil over a very low heat for forty minutes to an hour. Do not prick them before cooking. If the heat is low enough they should not burst.
The potatoes should be peeled and chipped in the normal fashion then parboiled in salted water for 5 minutes. Drain them well and mix them around carefully (so as not to break them) in a bowl with a little olive oil. They should then be placed on to a baking tray and in to an oven preheated to 200 degrees centigrade or equivalent for half an hour.
The egg should be poached, or alternatively, scrambled. Bring a pan of water up to a boil and add a touch of vinegar. Break the egg in to a small bowl. Stir the water with a spoon to create a "whirlpool" effect and gently pour the egg in to the centre. I like mine cooked for about three to four minutes.
The beans are runner beans, chopped up and boiled in salted water for 5 minutes.
(See site link for photo)I prefer with batter,but ok to eat without it.So I like sausages.In America we don't serve sausage battered.....but it sounds interesting....I might have to try it sometime.Without batter.
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Then it dropped to 97.1 one day, and 97.0 the next. The day after the 97.0 day it jumped to 97.87, but today (the day after 97.87) it's back to 97.67. Am I not ovulating?
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so many cars once in a whil ei catch nascar races and never see them in them like the wwe car or the little debbie snack cars and several others so are they minor leagues or they just dont make it to the top races?.Alot of the low budget team's run in the Daytona 500 as it pays so well ,then they take the money and try to run more race's ,but often don't make it because someone who has more funding beats them out of a position .
Look at the how much last place payed in last year's race .
1. (34) Kevin Harvick, Chevrolet, 202 laps, 149.335 mph., $1,510,469.
2. (26) Mark Martin, Chevrolet, 202, $1,102,258.
3. (7) Jeff Burton, Chevrolet, 202, $819,216.
4. (22) Mike Wallace, Chevrolet, 202, $615,658.
5. (35) David Ragan, Ford, 202, $529,350.
6. (30) Elliott Sadler, Dodge, 202, $407,153.
7. (28) Kasey Kahne, Dodge, 202, $386,074.
8. (1) David Gilliland, Ford, 202, $374,764.
9. (18) Joe Nemechek, Chevrolet, 202, $302,008.
10. (42) Jeff Gordon, Chevrolet, 202, $371,679.
11. (6) David Stremme, Dodge, 202, $294,758.
12. (12)(J.J. Yeley, Chevrolet, 202, $308,541.
13. (33) Reed Sorenson, Dodge, 202, $280,657.
14. (23) Boris Said, Ford, 202, $265,375.
15. (39) Robby Gordon, Ford, 202, $268,475.
16. (41) Johnny Sauter, Chevrolet, 202, $262,675.
17. (38) Sterling Marlin, Chevrolet, 202, $266,483.
18. (11) Clint Bowyer, Chevrolet, 202, $275,500.
19. (36) Juan Pablo Montoya, Dodge, 202, $299,483.
20. (17) Casey Mears, Chevrolet, 202, $275,225.
21. (27) Bobby Labonte, Dodge, 202, $300,436.
22. (43) Dale Jarrett, Toyota, 202, $259,575.
23. (14) Carl Edwards, Ford, 202, $273,383.
24. (8) Kyle Busch, Chevrolet, 202, $276,858.
25. (25) Greg Biffle, Ford, 202, $276,075.
26. (2) Ricky Rudd, Ford, 202, $293,091.
27. (10) Matt Kenseth, Ford, 202, $309,099.
28. (9) Denny Hamlin, Chevrolet, 201, $279,175.
29. (13) Martin Truex Jr., Chevrolet, 201, $290,820.
30. (15) Michael Waltrip, Toyota, 200, $258,050.
31. (24) Jamie McMurray, Ford, accident, $265,058.
32. (5) Dale Earnhardt Jr., Chevrolet, accident, $315,733.
33. (20) Tony Raines, Chevrolet, 195, $262,583.
34. (37) Dave Blaney, Toyota, parked, $259,900.
35. (19) Kenny Schrader, Ford, accident, $271,189.
36. (31) Jeff Green, Chevrolet, accident, $259,025.
37. (32) Scott Riggs, Dodge, 179, $259,158.
38. (16) Ryan Newman, Dodge, accident, $283,233.
39. (21) Jimmie Johnson, Chevrolet, accident, $298,886.
40. (40) David Reutimann, Toyota, accident, $249,583.
41. (4) Kurt Busch, Dodge, accident, $300,816.
42. (29) Kyle Petty, Dodge, accident, $248,050.
43. (3) Tony Stewart, Chevrolet, accident, $334,931.
That $334,931 may be pocket change to the BIG NAME driver's ,but for those who struggle to make it ,thats enough money to run a race or 2 more .Thank you for the 13 point's! Report Itthe major races are on sunday, the minor games or warm up are on friday/saturdaysWith Daytona being the 'big race' there will be many people who enter that have sponsors that you many never see again or only see on occasion .
There are many series that are NASCAR but not, Nextel, now currently called Sprint Cup series. There is the ARCA division, the ASA, and the Busch series. These would be considered the minor league compared to the Sprint Cup.
There are many sponsors though out the NASCAR divisions. I hope this helps
for more info NASCAR.COMNASCAR drivers are specifically NASCAR drivers, and drive specifically for nascar races. However, many of the drivers also race in the Busch series, which has a schedule that closely follows the nascar series.
To become a NASCAR driver, you have to win races on the local level. There are a lot of races that are not as heavily advertised or shown on tv at race tracks around the country. They are not sponsored by NASCAR or the Busch series, but scouts look for future drivers at these races. Many local fairgrounds run races on Friday and Saturday nights, I know of at least five fairgrounds that do what we call "slick-track" races on mud . There used to be a series of smaller, local races around North and South Carolina where the winners of those races could qualify to drive in the NASCAR series, but the cost of the official NACSAR car, plus the cost of replacement parts, trucks to drive the cars and equipment all over the country to each race location, plus the cost of the support team is what prevents so many lesser-known drivers from becoming specifically NASCAR drivers.
It's not so much minor league as it is more of local races and local participants who drive as a hobby.
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Give me your top five most memorable moments in Daytona 500 history. The can be Good or Bad.
Mine are all great moments
5. Sterling Marlin "pulls" himself out of contention for a third Daytona 500 win. 2002
4. Mark Martin/Kevin Harvick Green White Checkered Shootout 2007
3. Derrick Cope's last lap pass after Earnhardt cuts a tire
2. 1988 The Allison Show- Bobby beats Davey
~drum roll please~
1.Earnhardt's 500 victory 1998 and when he was in victory lane he sai the "Daytona 500 is ours, we won it, we won it, we won it!!"
What moments make your top 5!!Bobby beating Davey
The Big Fight-79
The Finish last year 2007
Earnhardt Srs win
Petty winning his 7th!!!!!5. 2007 finish, Harvick/Martin duel and Bowyer crossing upside down and on fire.
4. Bobby Allison takes Cale Yarborough to the woodshed in the infield after the finish of the 1979 Daytona 500. It's the first live broadcast of a 500 mile race. In a recent interview, Bobby said that all he remembers was Cale hitting him with a helmet and after that Cale's face "kept hitting my fist over and over again."
3. Jimmie Johnson starts 2006 with Daytona 500 win and ends season with the championship.
2. David Pearson beats Richard Petty after a last lap crash in 1976. David limps across while Petty gets pushed across the start finish line.
1. (Most memorable but NOT good) Dale Sr's unfortunate accident in the final turn of 2001 Daytona 500. His drivers, Mikey and Jr, were ahead of him and DW was calling the race. I'll never forget the exicitement from DW, sort of like Ned with DJ, until they learned about how bad it was with Dale. What a bittersweet thing for Mikey and Darrell, what a tragedy for all of NASCAR and it's fans.They all work for me.
Allison, Cope, Andretti 1969, etc.My 5 Daytona Moments:
1. It has to be 1998 when Dale Sr got his first Daytona 500.
2. 1979, the fight between Donnie Allison and Cale Yarborough.
3.1993, Watching and listening to Ned Jarrett call his son Dale home for the Daytona 500 victory.
4. 2007, the close finish between Kevin Harvick and Mark Martin.
5. Bobby beats Davey in 19885) 1981-Richard Petty's final Daytona win.
4)1994-1995-Sterling Marlin's back to back wins. (does that count as 2?)
3)1993-Dale Jarret w/daddy calling the race
2)1998-Dale Earnhardt always the bridesmaid finally the bride
1)1989- DW, my favorite driver even when the world was booing him, finally gets his glory!!!! boogity boogity!
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Have you had Jr.'s new candy bar yet? Where did you find it? I havent seen it around here yet. Did you like it?Yes and it was delicious. I had the one filled with peanut butter. (no carmel).i heard of them but i havent seen them and i work at a mini-mart i hope we get them soon bc i wanna try oneI had one.. had too.. it was Alright.. it's kinda sweet.. it's a lot of chocolate, nuts and Carmel.. i live in Charlotte.. so it's in every convince store down here...I don't buy anything that relates to Jr.I had one. It's a lot like Jr. himself, kinda nutty and sticky. I put it on my dashboard and also like Jr., it couldn't take the heat.I've seen them in stores, but I just can't bring myself to eat a "Big Mo". I think that's an unfortunate (but maybe subliminal?) choice of names.
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If you had the money to field a car with a legitimate chance of winning the Daytona 500, and that is the only race you could run what driver currently not racing for any team would you sign to drive for your team?Mike Bliss!!!!!!!Miks Bliss sux i would have a better chance then him. Report ItMike Bliss? Get real he would be a lapper! Report Itkenny walace or ward burtonWell to drive in the 500 and its gonna be the race you drive in you have to have a driver who was a past 500 winner on championship winner so i dont think Shepard would qualify
EDIT:Unless they get lucky and qualify in one of the 4 open spotsThere are lot of good drivers out there. I haven't looked the entrants for this year...but here are some that weren't running fulltime last year in that division
Probably Ted Musgrave or Mike SkinnerI would take that money and run a car in the Champ Car World Series..........................I'd put Johnny Benson in the car. He would keep it clean and get a decent finish so that we all got paid.I was going to say Ward Burton but he is already taken by someone else. I think I would put "Mr. Excitement" in there. I would hire Jimmy Spencer to race the 500. Only thing that concerns me about Jimmy is whether or not he can still fit into the car. They might have to modify the opening of the window some.To heck with hiring someone, I want to drive the car. I have raced for years and would only dream of racing against Gordon, Johnson, Junior, etc....
If I HAD to put a qualified driver in the seat, I would put Terry LaBonte in the car. He has a past Champions provisional that could aid us in making the race!Terry Labonte............ Oops^^^^ He beat me to it! Great minds think alike!I know he's retired, but, I'd go with Rusty Wallace. If I can afford to put a car on the track, I can sure afford to get him out of retirement for 1 race!Dick Trickle or Junior Johnson
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who drives the #83 car?Brian Vickers. It is a Red Bull ToyotaBrian Vickers is Brian Vickers who is from Thomasville, NC.
Career stats:
* 136 Starts
* 1 win (UAW - Ford 500) Took out Jimmie and Junior and won on the last lap.
* 11 top fives
* Car is a Toyota
* Crew Owner is Dietrich Mateschitz
Brian has talent, but was with an upstart Toyota team in 2007 and he struggled mightily.
Look for a better performance in 2008.Brian Vickers. Toyota Camry. Team Red Bull.oh listen to Trego.. he sure knows all
that is for sure
I will let you know how things are going .. open up your e-mail dude.. I'm not against you
I'M FOR YOU. thanks again xxxBrian Vickers, Team Red BullBrian Vickers in a Red Bull Toyota, he also used to drive for Rick Hendrick in the #25 Chevrolet from 2004-2006.
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Let's face facts. The Spanish are a strange and nasty people. Racist abuse is rife at their football grounds. They pay to watch bulls being stabbed to death in an arena and call it family entertainment. They chuck donkeys off church towers and call it a religious ritual. They were a fascist nation for many years until relatively recently and the veneer of democracy they now hide under is clearly very thin.
What is really galling is that the UK taxpayer has virtually paid for the complete rebuilding of the Spanish infrastructure (roads, bridges, civic buildings etc) as Spain has been completely rebuilt with EU funds over the last 20 years or so. And as the UK pays the largest amount of monies into the EU coffers of any of the member states we therefore have contributed the most to Spain's emergence from the fascist gutter. And this is how they repay us - with vile racist abuse.Let's not lose track here and say Lewis Hamilton was singled out because he wasn't.
This behaviour pattern that he faced is nothing different to any sports people that go to spain.
Football teams get it a lot worse.
You are all right in what you say about it being an absolute disgrace.
When it all kicked off a few years ago our sports ministers should have said there and then, that any repetition no matter how far in the future, will be met head on and sanctions will be imposed.
But unfortunately some, in fact 99% of our politicians don't have the guts they were born with.
When our yob element step out of line they are battered senseless by the foriegn police and banned from going back to the country.
As far as I am concerned Max Moseley needs to get off the fence get to grips with the FIA and take F1 out of Spain for good.
If he does that, then maybe other sporting authorities will do the same thing if they get similar treatment.
Racism is ugly and unnacceptable where ever you are.i've travelled the world and the northern spanish people were the most unfriendly people i've ever met (after the welsh). I think there are racists in every country though and I wouldnt be surprised if that happened in any country.They only let themselves down. I`m sure some Spanish people will be disgusted by the behaviour of the few.
The EU, now that`s another matter and one which is the fault of our government, not the Spanish.I know what you mean, but all nations have racists, the Spaniards are just as bad as everyone else. I resent what they've done to the Abbey National - Santander indeed.Let me say in their defence that the racists in Spain occupy pretty well the same sort of profile as the racists here.
Fringe political lunatics and football crowds.
It is true that some of their treatment of animals is not civilised, unlike our fox hunting and hare coursing and badger baiting.
I will say however that when I lived in Spain, many locals would ask me about life in England and they would often ask about the same we bring up children.
In Spain they have a saying...Children are gold. They really believe this. They used to ask me if it was true that our public parks in England were for dogs to sh*t in, and that children had to either stay in a little fenced off area or play in the dog crap?...I was forced to agree.
They also used to ask if our homes were given over to smelly dogs and that children were expected to eat in the same room as them?...again, i was forced to agree.
They said they had heard that sometimes children had actually been attacked by dogs and killed?...I had to say yes.
I will never forget the looks on their faces. They were to polite to say so, but they thought I was a barbarian...and they were right.You should get your facts straight. Spain is a net contributor to the EU. Some regions are entitled to FEDER cohesion funds, as it is also the case in the UK (i.e. Yorkshire and the Humber, North East, etc).
On the other hand, i think that your racist generalisations are out of place in this forum.ok what those fans did was horrible and if i were him i would never have taken it aswell as he did, but lets not all stoop to their level and abuse all of them please.
I do think however they should have F1 events taken away from them, you are absolutely right-vile.the SPANISH PEOPLE....who the fu ck do you think you are??? spanish by the way, and im a communits meaning that im very anti fascist and very anti no not all panish people are racist...oh and yes we do kill bulls which by the way is something im against...but hang on a second who invented dog fighting????
wasnt it the shut up about being weird, and racism, at least we do it in our own country not like you english people that go to germany to be racist, that go to bazil to be racist that go to france to be racist that go to any country where the world cup is going on to be racist...
and for the tax payer thing...the 20 million that the uk gives to the european union is not for the spanish people is for your fu cking armys in shut up fuc k up, and tell you fuc king people to come back to their country and stop putting golf courts in spain...what you are saying are not fact they are lies....anyway the money that spain makes comes from the illegal imigrant who work in spain, just like the us gets half of its money from illegal imigrants who work shut it and next time put your facts right...Homosexuals can MARRIED in Spain, this is a Tolerance example that British deny
Why loosers becomes sport controversial?
Is LEWIS a new love/hate fair play Maradona's styled?Of course english soccer fans are the nicest, most civilised, anti-raciest people you can meet and were never banned form a major European competition for violence. Its just other countries besides england that are raciest. Wake up every country suffers from racism and the Spanish fans were going to abuse Hamilton no matter what race he was. You sound American in your question, everything is about you. Are there other countries out there who have contributed to the EU, I feel the need to enlighten you to the fact that Britain joined the Eu in 1973 almost 30 years after it was founded so don't act like you've paid for every project ever completed in the EU.You self absorbed and ignorant personi think they shoul relocate the spanish grand prixplease stop insult Spanish people.
don´t use this isolated case to put all Spanish into a racist-fascist side.
What can you tell me about your HOOLIGANS football supporters? What can you tell me when they get drunk everywhere, destroy everything they find in streets, fight with Spanish police, insult Spanish people, etc, etc...?
many Spanish think BRITISH are strange and nasty as you say, but we don't generalise. i was in Britain and i saw it is only a minority this kind of hooligans.
before talking bad about Spain, CLEAN your mouth and see what you have in your "perfect" own country.
OK, we got money from EU, but not only Spain, also Greece, Portugal and so on. and now, we are an important member that GIVES more than RECEIVES to new east-countries, we are a friendly country that helps other if we can. we have a lot of immigrants from everywhere.
not everybody in Spain agree with bullfighting but i could see many british THAT love this event and pay to see it. IT is an ancient TRADITION as in your country the FOX HUNTING... for example.
there are fascists in your own country, no doubt about this, maybe much worse than in Spain, please check this. your country was lucky and kept democracy last century, you won against fascism. But we couldn´t do it, and we had to do a big effort to get democracy as you say, and we are PROUD of this.
don´t be hypocrite, British people don't think we are racists when they come to LIVE to South Spain.
thank you.
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1.return the option of joypad steering
2. allow player options such as removing the restricter plate, engine modifications, just for fun, such as a turbo or supercharger, nitrous.
3, dont be so adhearant to the real life rules.
4. allow player to design and test things like any spoiler or wing, any size tire.
5. allow player to design their own track, and even put in a loop or a jump.
6. allow the vehicles to be configured for dirt, with the option of a dirt track
7 have all nascar stars from the start of nascar to current and the nascar vehicles of yesteryear.Nascar 08 sucks because of your reason number 1. I played it for 10 minutes and sold it. I use the "joypad" for every driving game from motogp to wrc to F1.i think ur rightHow about turning right a little more often.i don't know about the turbo/supercharger, but everything else sounds like it would greatly improve the game..I'd like a commentating team while you are racing. Mike Joy Darrell Waltrip and Larry Mac would be awesome to hear on the new game.
JMO but #5 is just plain stupid. It's not motocross it's nascar they don't jump or anything. I know that it is just a game but ya gotta stay within the realm of reality. If you want that, talk EA sports into making a Nascar Rumble 2.I'll take your word for it - my wife won't let me have a video game, but I do get a 50" BIG SCREEN for Valentine's Day!
:-DI wished they'd put Gateway back on the Truck and Nationwide series and I'd be happy.broadcast all races on network T.V.
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The top five were;
1) The 3 from near the back - No need to mention the name!
2) Bobby Labonte
3) Mark Martin
4) Steve Park
5) "Front Row Joe" NemechekDale earnhardt side by side with Bobby Labonte.Dale Earnhardt Sr!!!!!!!
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What about your predictions for the Craftsman Truck Series or Nationwide Series Race at Daytona who do you think will win these races.
My Picks
Nationwide-Carl Edwards
Craftsman-Johnny Benson Jr.
who are your picks?If I may, I'll go with yours Tony B. Those are good nascar..its always up for grabs..unless kurt busch is racing of courseKHI sweep, Hornaday in the Craftsman race and Harvick in the Nationwide.Im gonna say Kenseth for the Nationwide (if he runs)
and Todd Bodine for CFTSNationwide- David Reuitiman
Craftsman Truck- Jack SpragueJEFF GORDON!!!!
Number 24#
He is the best!!!!
if not jeff maybe a win for jimmie j or dale jr.?
but i will be cheering for jeff!!!!Jeff Gordon -Cup
Jack Sprague-Truck
Kevin Harvick-NationwideCraftsman Truck-Ron Hornaday
Nationwide-Kevin Harvick
(would love to see Ambrose pull a upset in the nationwide race)Stewart will run in the 500 in a heart beat my picks are..
Busch- Dale JR.
Sprint- StewartIf we new that , Do you think we would tell you. I would go to Vegas and bet a bundle.Silly Question Why not ask Who will win the Super Bowl next year. We all want to Know. Wrong.Nationwide--Carl Edwards
Craftman-Jack Sprague!!!!mark martinCraftsman - Winner:Todd Bodine
Nationwide - Winner: Jr
Cup - Winner: Smoke
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Johnny has the passion
Johnny has the drive.
He just needs a team to back him up.
sorry.. but he's been dealt bad luck due to other players in the game....
he's an awesome driver. with passion. with heart.
can we get a holla for JOHNNY SAUTER!
(i'm hollering for ya JOHNNY) you da manI’ll give you an example, Clint Bowyer. He was given a similar opportunity and capitalized on it. As far as the 07 being better equipment, look how Blaney did in it before, not so hot.
That’s the deal maker or breaker. Come into Cup, get a shot, but if you don’t finish in the low 20’s in points and contend for a win or two you’re getting replaced.
Bad luck, blown motors & flat tires get forgotten about in a week and all anyone looks at is stats. It’s an unfortunate fact about the sport.yes we can.He also has a dumb a** wife that wants everyone to crash. The guy has NO talent.He wont be racing in cup series but he is racing in the Nationwide series with the #1 Miccosukee Resorts as sponsor. The team is owned by James Finch and Phoenix racing.I can give him a Holler--But I dont think he will be in The Cup Series this Year!!! I would rather he get a ride rather than some Open wheeler with No Nationwide-Sprint Stock Car Experience!!!!I think he has already been given plenty of chances. Do you not remember he had a ride with RCR in the 30 car. He needs to stick with the Nationwide series.You could, but he is not marketable! Therefore, no sponsors. Thats the break in todays NASCAR!Happy to see another Johnny Sauter fan.He needs to stop wrecking for one thing, not sure if its his driving, or the equipment he was in last year. Hopefully someone will give him a shot later on in the year.He has had chances and chances. I can see him in Nationwide but not in Sprint Cup, wrecks to many cars, can't get a long with crew chiefs, he needs to learn how to drive and finish, if you are always crashing, not finishing and you have no stats to your name, hard to get on a great team and have great sponsors...He needs to prove himself maybe a Nationwide ride is the way to go for him.This just in.....Johnny Sauter sucks.