
When is Reed Sorenson's cup contract up with Chip Gannasi Racing?

May be...

  • Jayski does have it listed, it says 2008. Driver 2008, sponsor 2008+?.


  • Its this yr...I'm sure he is going to drive his tail off this yr, with Franchitti, and Montoya as team mates, and we already know that Ganassi IRL driver Wheldon wants to give Nascar a try..Stay in IRL Dan please, we don't need another whiney driver..I think Reed could pull off a win this yr, if he drives smart, anything can happen with this crazy season so far...
  • It is after this Years season!!!!!
  • Jayski doesn't have Reed's contract year listed, so I don't think someone will be able to tell you for certain.

    It is likely this year, as this is his 3rd year. However, last year could have been his contract year and he could have resigned. Rookies usually get 2 or 3 year contracts.
  • this year
  • How come no one has said anything about Tony Stewart getting his hair cut?

    May be...

  • Because most people do not care! I heard about it, but last I knew, a change in a driver's hair length isn't breaking news.
  • I am NOT a Tony fan and didn't know he go his hair cut. But now that I do - all I can say is GOOD. I know it doesn't affect his driving and it doesn't matter how he looks - but...... You know NASCAR has this All-American image in my mind. I can't really think of any other drivers that have a long silky (or greasy depending on the photo) mane. I really don't like the long-hair-look that Hollywood is sporting right now and that is where Tony looked like he was trying to fit in. I mean I can forgive a guy stubble - any type of facial hair - but having hair that could get a guy confused for a girl - NOT GOOD. Don't even get me started on Kyle Petty.

    I certainly am not saying the he isn't a good driver - he's one of my favorites in my fantasy league on foxsports. He's good - long hair, short hair, highlighted hair, no hair, he's good.
  • Because no one gives a crap!
  • The bottom line is....Who cares?
  • Probably because nobody was that worried about a driver getting his hair cut.
  • I have no Idea why people have not said anything about his hair, but they should of. It looks really good!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • cause we're not gay and we don't comment guys... :D
  • I loved the grunge look on Tony. Gimme just one chance to run my fingers through that hair and give it a playful tug..........
  • Did not know he had it cut, thanks for the info, I think he looks good in the photo.....I liked it long too
  • I wasn't aware he did. His hair doesn't bother me, his unshaven unwashed look like he's been drinking for a couple days is not class.
  • Look, his hair is shorter in the back, I just know there has been alot of people making a stink about it.

  • Because nobody cares about his hair.
  • I didn't notice and I really don't care about him. I hate him.
  • Oh jeeze, didn't even realize it. Of course, I'm a fan of him for his driving skills, not his looks.
  • Who thinks that Tony Stewart is a crybaby?

    May be...

  • I was a fan before He is. Just shut up and drive. All the rest do with problems.
  • I do. But of course even if Jeff Gordon says the same thing as Tony, Tony isnt a crybaby and Jeff is. I think that is very stupid
  • Not me !!....
    He's my New Friend !!!
  • I don't know who that is.......and could careless if he is a cry baby or not. I only answered this question because I could not believe a real person would waste what little, if any brain cells they have on this question......You need to get a life! Like really fast! Don't hate motivate!
  • No, Kyle Busch is a crybaby, Smoke's just a race car driver.
  • I don't think he is a crybaby but if he complains about a race, he is being a rebel, according to some fans & talking bad about NASCAR but if Jeff Gordon does the same thing, the fans say he is whining. If both do the same thing, why is it whining for Jeff & not Tony?
  • Yes, but he's a crybaby with good points :D
  • Sometimes.
  • No he is not. He speaks his mind about things. The only reason why people say Jeff is a cry baby because if he does not stick to the Hendrix cue card he gets criticized.
  • Not me.
  • I think He is but he is also straight forward and says it like it is
  • just asking
  • Here here, yes most definately...And it's NEVER his fault...
  • Crybaby...and he's fat.

    he also has road rage and admits it.
    tms is doing a billboard thing and when they asked tony about it he laughed alot. his said "reason #20, Road Rage"
  • no i do not think he is a crybaby.he has opinions just like everyone eles..
  • I have personally never seen him shed a tear. He might cry a little when he hits his thumb with a hammer (from Home Depot, of course). But you can't really blame him for that, can you? :)
  • Tony is a super driver, a great humanitarian and has a tendency to tell things the way he sees em regardless, I think he's great!
  • Why is Jack Roush such a big baby when it comes to Toyota? Is it fear?

    May be...

  • I don't believe that Jack is a baby when it comes to Toyota. His teams are doing great this year. He has good drivers and his teams are consistent. If someone is stealing parts he should be able to state how he feels. Any other owner would.
  • Jack is only trying to protect his teams, I don't think that that is being a Big Baby, it's being responsible. Report It
  • in the words of the rap star field mob misery needs company

    he just wants to cry that's all it is i mean come on its not like Toyota is whupping your *** every weekend i mean Roush Fenway won 2 races in a row this year and he keeps saying he worry ed about Toyota's power band id be worry ed about other things then that like how to make my cars better then the Toyota's so i don't got to childish stuff like ranting and crying i mean oh well if your so upset start testing and going to the wind tunnel studying notes and stuff and try to beat them
  • I read somewhere that Jack Roush has been against Toyota ever since they decided to join the Cup Series. It seems like he has a grudge over Toyota. Even a few drivers have mentioned that Jack overreacted to the whole Toyota stole my proprietrary part thing. It's not like the part has helped Toyota, if anything it's helped Roush Racing as they've dominated the 1.5 mile tracks in terms of performance without the swaybar.
  • Because he's been against them being in Nascar ever since they first announced they were going to be there.
    I also saw an interview years ago with him saying that Japan is an extremely hard country to do business with so he sorta holds a grudge against them.
  • if you ask any fan, of any driver or team, somebody is a crybaby. jeff gordon's a crybaby in my book. darrell waltrip used to be the biggest crybaby.
  • Getting angry and speaking your mind is NOT being a baby..If that were true Tony would be the biggest baby in NASCAR...Dale Jr completely agrees with jack. Is he a baby too??
  • No he is the Last of the Ford big Team Owners and he is A Crybaby but not afraid of Toyota!!!!!!!!
  • jack has allways been a big baby when he is not on top and his driver are not winning.
  • baby business would depend upon who you like or rather do not like, I like RFR and that's about that
  • Jack Roush isn't a "Big Baby" when it comes to Toyota. Jack Roush is a "Big Baby" when it comes to his own Ford racing team. Jack Roush could give a flying f@#k about Toyota. I think your confusing fear with business. Emotions don't win races. When it all comes down to it. Racing is cold blooded. Please do not misinterpret this cold business, of racing, as fear.
  • Who do you think will take Martinsville, between these six?

    May be...

  • either the 99 or 18 cars--although both
    have been in a serious slump lately.
  • going with the ##### 9
  • 24
  • 88
  • # 88 Dale Jr
  • #88 Dale jr rocks even though he is a red neck.
  • #99
  • 24
  • #24,this is an HMS track and it will go to the veteran. Jimmie's been struggling. My driver probably won't even start (#19 BTW).
  • Probably the 24....but I'm cheering for the #88

    Go Dale Jr & Hms
  • The #9.
  • Tom G is right this is a HMS track and by qualifying Jr. isn't doing that good this weekend. I know that #48 isn't on there but i think it will be a good race between Jeff and Jimmie.
  • #20
  • 99
  • Jeff Gordon of course! He's the man at Martinsville and Sunday will be no different
  • #24
  • What Troy said.
  • 24
  • # 9 of course
    GO # 9 Kasey Kahne
  • #24 Jeff Gordon!!!!!
  • #20,#24,#9,#88,#99, or #18
  • #20
  • #20. Who do you think will?

    Go Jr.>>>>
  • IDK I could go with my fav. driver or I could go with someone that is good at the track. SO I am going with #24, # 20 or #9.
  • Of those 6, my prediction on who has the greatest chance of getting the win Martinsville goes in the following order:

    1.) #24
    2.) #99
    3.) #20
    4.) #18
    5.) #88
    6.) #9

    I also think the #48 has a real chance of winning as well (probably only second to JG).
  • 99
  • #20
  • Let's see who has the most wins at the track among active drivers, the 24 car
    Most poles among active drivers: The 24
    Most top fives and top tens among active drivers: The 24
    On the Pole: The 24

    All this leads to the 24 car winning the race
  • #18
  • I'm with #88 all the way! Go, Junior!!!
  • 9 of course
    24 he is good at this track
    SO I am going with both the 9 or the 24
  • 99
  • How can a Nascar driver lost ten pounds?

    May be...

  • Tony Stewart gains 10 lbs a race, or so it seems
  • It is real simple-- I sweat out 6-8 pounds every Friday Night Running my Cars--Then cant get enough to drink Saturday--Do it again Saturday night and Drink it back in on Sunday-- 95 Degrees outside--125 Degrees in the Car--Nomex Multi Layered Firesuit-Helmet-Gloves-Nomex Head Wrap under the Helmet. You sweat it out--Your Heart beats faster-Your Adrenaline Level is up-- It is Easy!!!!!!!!!
  • Your question, if written grammatically correct, would ask "How can a Nascar driver lose ten pounds?"

    But anyway, I'm assuming he would lose it the same way as any other human being. I'm also assuming that you mean to ask how they lose weight during a race...

    I don't think it happens, because I saw Jeff Gordan in a commercial drinking a Pepsi while he was racing.

    There's your proof and yes, it does make much of a sense. Dipshit. All Hail Satan Almighty!!!
  • How is it possible? Do they looks skinnier when they're done? Doesn't make much of a sense.
  • You're heart is constantly pulsing around 200. You lose tons of weight. Just look at F1. And also, Tony Stewart lost 10 pounds because his back got waxed, not because of his driving.
  • sweat, mainly, but stress has proven to make someone lose weight and nascar would be pretty stressful. as for what running on empty said, i think tony stewart has a buffet in the 20 car and that is why he gains weight though and if that he does not chow down while racing then i dont know he gains that much weight...
  • youve obviousy never worked an honest day in the florida sun. or at all, as far as i know........... it is NOTHING to lose 5- 10 lbs. of waterweight in an 8 hr day in 100+ degree temps
  • It's all water.
  • Sweat. It's about 130-140 degrees inside the cars. Add to that the firesuits they wear, and outside temperature. They sweat it out! It's like a sauna for 3-4 hrs.

    Go Jr.>>>>
  • American Lit class? wtf? and the answer is ******* stupid. how does he know how much he sweats out on friday night..and wtf does he mean "Then can't get enough to drink saturday" he's a ******* idiot and your a ******* idiot for picking that answer. i'll see you both in hell. idiots. **** you. Report It
  • Simple, a 80mg Lasix will do the trick.
  • Ed P has your answer...out here in Calif at Fontana last September I'm sure some of the drivers lost more than that, as it was 108 degrees when the race started with a track temp of over 150, and the race started late in the day as well. I was there, it was awful.
  • Dale Jarrat lost 10pounds in a race once.Inside a racecar can reach temp. of over 110. And a race can last 4hrs or more.
  • Easy....temp inside the car from the engine and brakes, all the clothes they have on, driving for that long, dodging debris, walls, other cars, having a tire blow out and try to control the car at speeds pushing 200mph at some tracks, a fire in the car, gettin slammed in the rear end and no place to go. That's just for starters...I've got more if you want to hear em!.
  • 28.3.08

    Weight requirements for drivers are they serious? Or just intimidated?

    May be...

  • Its a moronic rule.....it tells me one of two things..

    They are worried a girl will beat them.


    Drivers are jealous that she is garnering so much attention without winning.

    Its one or the other...either way its ridiculous. One of the few positives sponsor/viewership/endorsement wise that IRL has and they are pushing her away.....
  • At just 100 pounds, she weights 20 pounds less than the two other women on the circuit, Milka Duno and Sarah Fisher. The heaviest driver, according to the IRL guide, is 165вЂ"pound Ed Carpenter.

    The rationale for the move? Patrick told USA Today that she asked IRL honchos for a reason for the change. "They didn't really have one," she said.

  • NO
  • There needs to be a weight limit to equalize the field but it should be a car with driver weight limit. That way they have to add more weight to the car if the driver is to small and take it away for heavier drivers!!

    If they did that, the team would be on the driver to lose weight instead of saying it is wrong!!!
  • I guess people really do listen to what Robby Gordon has to say and I agree 110%. I doubt anyone is intimidated by Danica dude. She leads the IRL with the least amount of passes for position gain. That's not a good stat.
  • Who agrees Hamilton is arrogant and big headed?

    May be...

  • Hamilton is a snob
  • At the moment, there are no reports of him being arrogant. He still stops and signs autographs for fans. As for big-headed, maybe. He's talking about beating Kimi s bit too often now.
  • I, being English so this may surprise you, agree that he is getting a bit too cocky for his racing boots, but my mother and father, who have been watching F1 since Mansell's era, have both agreed that one day he will get killed. I think he'll win the title this year, but I fear that if he does, it'll make him worse, and will demand to be locked away in his motorhome until 10 minutes before the race starts, so that he doesn't have to deal with the fans any longer.
  • Who is the hottest formula 1 driver?

    May be...

  • Alonso, .......he is a Spanish man....very hot in the race......but I don't like him.
  • i will go for robert kubica, a new driver and yet he always finish among the top 5 drivers almost consistently.
  • Alonso :)
  • Alex Yoong.
  • To Nicole E: Yeah, Massa is definately hot right now, despite the fact his failure to aclimate to the new ban on TC caused two identical incidents of a self induced spin.

    Anyway, I think the hot driver's are Heidfeld, Webber, Kubica, and obviously Raikkonen and Hamilton. All those reports about BMW having a weak car were either confused or complete BS, because Kubica could have outqualified Hamilton had he not run wide on his hot lap.
  • jack brabham
  • Massa and heidfeld
  • Hottest drivers right now will be Kimi, Hamilton, and Rosberg maybe. Massa's still a hot topic despite losing the car in Malaysia. Heikki possibly, because he could outdo Hamilton
    But technically Kimi can't be the hottest driver......

    because he's the Iceman.
  • 27.3.08

    Who can't wait for Martinsville?

    May be...

  • Speed usually has the first coverage of anykind about the weekends races.
  • Yes I can't wait to get back to racing . Jeff and Jimmie should start turning their season around this weekend.
  • ME! I would be ready for ANY race this weekend but Martinsville is my favorite track and the racing is always good there. They are having the first practice at 12 EST on Friday, before they qualify. Here's a link to the schedule for this weekend.

    You're welcome. I don't know why they aren't broadcasting it, they usually do.
  • ME TOO! It has been a long 2 weeks and I agree, Drop the green flag already!
    GO # 9 Kasey Kahne
  • Martinsville is my favorite track on the NASCAR circuit! I love the beating, the banging, the pushing, the shoving, the tempers.... How can you beat it?

    My prediction - a 1-2-3 Hendrick finish this weekend:
    Gordon - Earnhardt - Johnson. Just my thoughts..........
  • I as a 48 and HMS fan, absolutely cannot wait.

    These questions about who will make the chase and what top level drivers won't make the chase. People are actually saying Jimmie's name? (Hey, I know there's a first time for everything, but 2008 aint it) These veiled shots about the "cream rising to the top" now that the COT is being run full-time (as Jimmie struggles a little early on).

    Yeah. I'm ready for Martinsville. Check those straps, pull back on that steering wheel one last time...
  • ooo...Me!

    check www.jayski.com

    best site out there...and www.nascar.com too!
  • Dale Jr is going to get his first win of the season so I can't wait!!
  • My family all live in Martinsville. I'm leaving tonight for the race! If you havent been to this race, GO! Its an awesome place to watch a race. TV does it no justice.
  • Can't wait, I love Martinsville, I'm even looking forward to the truck race as well...In the Sprint Cup race, I'm sure Hendrick Motorsports will turn it around for Jeff and Jimmie, and I wouldn't mind Dale Jr winning also.. Got my sirius radio ready to listen to qualifying tomorrow as well..

    Go Dale Jr & Hms
  • They haven't started yet? Try speed channel or ESPN2 for qualifing. GO JR!!!!!
  • I can't wait for every race
  • I love Martinsville. I wish I was going. This will be the 2nd year in a row that I can't go... But - it's worth it - I was pregnant last year and I don't want to leave my son with someone all day yet... :)

    That's ok, my son and I will tune in and watch it together! :)
  • I cant wait for Sunday. Martinsville is a great track. But I personally am going through withdrawls. Its been a long break. LETS GET BACK TO RACING BOYS!!!!!!
  • Im ready, lets get it on. Short track racing at its best.
  • It's been a long two weeks, let's get some racing going on! I love this sport! By the way, is there an opening practice or do they just unload and qualify this week?
  • Who can't wait for Martinsville?

    May be...

  • Martinsville is my favorite track on the NASCAR circuit! I love the beating, the banging, the pushing, the shoving, the tempers.... How can you beat it?

    My prediction - a 1-2-3 Hendrick finish this weekend:
    Gordon - Earnhardt - Johnson. Just my thoughts..........
  • ooo...Me!

    check www.jayski.com

    best site out there...and www.nascar.com too!
  • I cant wait for Sunday. Martinsville is a great track. But I personally am going through withdrawls. Its been a long break. LETS GET BACK TO RACING BOYS!!!!!!
  • Yes I can't wait to get back to racing . Jeff and Jimmie should start turning their season around this weekend.
  • It's been a long two weeks, let's get some racing going on! I love this sport! By the way, is there an opening practice or do they just unload and qualify this week?
  • I as a 48 and HMS fan, absolutely cannot wait.

    These questions about who will make the chase and what top level drivers won't make the chase. People are actually saying Jimmie's name? (Hey, I know there's a first time for everything, but 2008 aint it) These veiled shots about the "cream rising to the top" now that the COT is being run full-time (as Jimmie struggles a little early on).

    Yeah. I'm ready for Martinsville. Check those straps, pull back on that steering wheel one last time...
  • They haven't started yet? Try speed channel or ESPN2 for qualifing. GO JR!!!!!
  • Dale Jr is going to get his first win of the season so I can't wait!!
  • Speed usually has the first coverage of anykind about the weekends races.
  • ME! I would be ready for ANY race this weekend but Martinsville is my favorite track and the racing is always good there. They are having the first practice at 12 EST on Friday, before they qualify. Here's a link to the schedule for this weekend.

    You're welcome. I don't know why they aren't broadcasting it, they usually do.
  • Can't wait, I love Martinsville, I'm even looking forward to the truck race as well...In the Sprint Cup race, I'm sure Hendrick Motorsports will turn it around for Jeff and Jimmie, and I wouldn't mind Dale Jr winning also.. Got my sirius radio ready to listen to qualifying tomorrow as well..

    Go Dale Jr & Hms
  • I can't wait for every race
  • Im ready, lets get it on. Short track racing at its best.
  • I love Martinsville. I wish I was going. This will be the 2nd year in a row that I can't go... But - it's worth it - I was pregnant last year and I don't want to leave my son with someone all day yet... :)

    That's ok, my son and I will tune in and watch it together! :)
  • My family all live in Martinsville. I'm leaving tonight for the race! If you havent been to this race, GO! Its an awesome place to watch a race. TV does it no justice.
  • ME TOO! It has been a long 2 weeks and I agree, Drop the green flag already!
    GO # 9 Kasey Kahne
  • Who can't wait for Martinsville?

    May be...

  • ooo...Me!

    check www.jayski.com

    best site out there...and www.nascar.com too!
  • I love Martinsville. I wish I was going. This will be the 2nd year in a row that I can't go... But - it's worth it - I was pregnant last year and I don't want to leave my son with someone all day yet... :)

    That's ok, my son and I will tune in and watch it together! :)
  • Speed usually has the first coverage of anykind about the weekends races.
  • I can't wait for every race
  • They haven't started yet? Try speed channel or ESPN2 for qualifing. GO JR!!!!!
  • My family all live in Martinsville. I'm leaving tonight for the race! If you havent been to this race, GO! Its an awesome place to watch a race. TV does it no justice.
  • Yes I can't wait to get back to racing . Jeff and Jimmie should start turning their season around this weekend.
  • I as a 48 and HMS fan, absolutely cannot wait.

    These questions about who will make the chase and what top level drivers won't make the chase. People are actually saying Jimmie's name? (Hey, I know there's a first time for everything, but 2008 aint it) These veiled shots about the "cream rising to the top" now that the COT is being run full-time (as Jimmie struggles a little early on).

    Yeah. I'm ready for Martinsville. Check those straps, pull back on that steering wheel one last time...
  • Im ready, lets get it on. Short track racing at its best.
  • Can't wait, I love Martinsville, I'm even looking forward to the truck race as well...In the Sprint Cup race, I'm sure Hendrick Motorsports will turn it around for Jeff and Jimmie, and I wouldn't mind Dale Jr winning also.. Got my sirius radio ready to listen to qualifying tomorrow as well..

    Go Dale Jr & Hms
  • I cant wait for Sunday. Martinsville is a great track. But I personally am going through withdrawls. Its been a long break. LETS GET BACK TO RACING BOYS!!!!!!
  • Dale Jr is going to get his first win of the season so I can't wait!!
  • Martinsville is my favorite track on the NASCAR circuit! I love the beating, the banging, the pushing, the shoving, the tempers.... How can you beat it?

    My prediction - a 1-2-3 Hendrick finish this weekend:
    Gordon - Earnhardt - Johnson. Just my thoughts..........
  • It's been a long two weeks, let's get some racing going on! I love this sport! By the way, is there an opening practice or do they just unload and qualify this week?
  • ME! I would be ready for ANY race this weekend but Martinsville is my favorite track and the racing is always good there. They are having the first practice at 12 EST on Friday, before they qualify. Here's a link to the schedule for this weekend.

    You're welcome. I don't know why they aren't broadcasting it, they usually do.
  • ME TOO! It has been a long 2 weeks and I agree, Drop the green flag already!
    GO # 9 Kasey Kahne
  • Who can't wait for Martinsville?

    May be...

  • Im ready, lets get it on. Short track racing at its best.
  • It's been a long two weeks, let's get some racing going on! I love this sport! By the way, is there an opening practice or do they just unload and qualify this week?
  • ME! I would be ready for ANY race this weekend but Martinsville is my favorite track and the racing is always good there. They are having the first practice at 12 EST on Friday, before they qualify. Here's a link to the schedule for this weekend.

    You're welcome. I don't know why they aren't broadcasting it, they usually do.
  • Yes I can't wait to get back to racing . Jeff and Jimmie should start turning their season around this weekend.
  • I love Martinsville. I wish I was going. This will be the 2nd year in a row that I can't go... But - it's worth it - I was pregnant last year and I don't want to leave my son with someone all day yet... :)

    That's ok, my son and I will tune in and watch it together! :)
  • Martinsville is my favorite track on the NASCAR circuit! I love the beating, the banging, the pushing, the shoving, the tempers.... How can you beat it?

    My prediction - a 1-2-3 Hendrick finish this weekend:
    Gordon - Earnhardt - Johnson. Just my thoughts..........
  • They haven't started yet? Try speed channel or ESPN2 for qualifing. GO JR!!!!!
  • Speed usually has the first coverage of anykind about the weekends races.
  • ooo...Me!

    check www.jayski.com

    best site out there...and www.nascar.com too!
  • ME TOO! It has been a long 2 weeks and I agree, Drop the green flag already!
    GO # 9 Kasey Kahne
  • I as a 48 and HMS fan, absolutely cannot wait.

    These questions about who will make the chase and what top level drivers won't make the chase. People are actually saying Jimmie's name? (Hey, I know there's a first time for everything, but 2008 aint it) These veiled shots about the "cream rising to the top" now that the COT is being run full-time (as Jimmie struggles a little early on).

    Yeah. I'm ready for Martinsville. Check those straps, pull back on that steering wheel one last time...
  • I can't wait for every race
  • My family all live in Martinsville. I'm leaving tonight for the race! If you havent been to this race, GO! Its an awesome place to watch a race. TV does it no justice.
  • I cant wait for Sunday. Martinsville is a great track. But I personally am going through withdrawls. Its been a long break. LETS GET BACK TO RACING BOYS!!!!!!
  • Can't wait, I love Martinsville, I'm even looking forward to the truck race as well...In the Sprint Cup race, I'm sure Hendrick Motorsports will turn it around for Jeff and Jimmie, and I wouldn't mind Dale Jr winning also.. Got my sirius radio ready to listen to qualifying tomorrow as well..

    Go Dale Jr & Hms
  • Dale Jr is going to get his first win of the season so I can't wait!!
  • Who can't wait for Martinsville?

    May be...

  • Martinsville is my favorite track on the NASCAR circuit! I love the beating, the banging, the pushing, the shoving, the tempers.... How can you beat it?

    My prediction - a 1-2-3 Hendrick finish this weekend:
    Gordon - Earnhardt - Johnson. Just my thoughts..........
  • Speed usually has the first coverage of anykind about the weekends races.
  • Can't wait, I love Martinsville, I'm even looking forward to the truck race as well...In the Sprint Cup race, I'm sure Hendrick Motorsports will turn it around for Jeff and Jimmie, and I wouldn't mind Dale Jr winning also.. Got my sirius radio ready to listen to qualifying tomorrow as well..

    Go Dale Jr & Hms
  • ooo...Me!

    check www.jayski.com

    best site out there...and www.nascar.com too!
  • ME! I would be ready for ANY race this weekend but Martinsville is my favorite track and the racing is always good there. They are having the first practice at 12 EST on Friday, before they qualify. Here's a link to the schedule for this weekend.

    You're welcome. I don't know why they aren't broadcasting it, they usually do.
  • Im ready, lets get it on. Short track racing at its best.
  • I as a 48 and HMS fan, absolutely cannot wait.

    These questions about who will make the chase and what top level drivers won't make the chase. People are actually saying Jimmie's name? (Hey, I know there's a first time for everything, but 2008 aint it) These veiled shots about the "cream rising to the top" now that the COT is being run full-time (as Jimmie struggles a little early on).

    Yeah. I'm ready for Martinsville. Check those straps, pull back on that steering wheel one last time...
  • They haven't started yet? Try speed channel or ESPN2 for qualifing. GO JR!!!!!
  • Yes I can't wait to get back to racing . Jeff and Jimmie should start turning their season around this weekend.
  • It's been a long two weeks, let's get some racing going on! I love this sport! By the way, is there an opening practice or do they just unload and qualify this week?
  • I love Martinsville. I wish I was going. This will be the 2nd year in a row that I can't go... But - it's worth it - I was pregnant last year and I don't want to leave my son with someone all day yet... :)

    That's ok, my son and I will tune in and watch it together! :)
  • I cant wait for Sunday. Martinsville is a great track. But I personally am going through withdrawls. Its been a long break. LETS GET BACK TO RACING BOYS!!!!!!
  • I can't wait for every race
  • My family all live in Martinsville. I'm leaving tonight for the race! If you havent been to this race, GO! Its an awesome place to watch a race. TV does it no justice.
  • ME TOO! It has been a long 2 weeks and I agree, Drop the green flag already!
    GO # 9 Kasey Kahne
  • Dale Jr is going to get his first win of the season so I can't wait!!
  • Who will win at Martinsville this weekend?

    May be...

  • My bet would be an HMS car, specifically Jeff Gordon (though I would LOVE it to be Casey Mears).

    Given Hendrick Motorsports' runs in the past at Martinsville, I don't doubt it will be a fight, with at least one of their cars (though probably more) going for the win.
  • Wild Thing. Junebug will suffer his first blown engine of the season.
    68 for 88 at Martinsville!
  • I look for pretty much the same drivers that ran well at both races last year at Martinsville, to run well this weekend. Those drivers include the likes of Johnson, J. Gordon, Kyle Busch, Dale Jr, Denny Hamlin etc. With that said since he was denied the victory by his teammate last year in this race, he will get redemption this year. The winner of the Goody's Cool Orange 500 will be Jeff Gordon
  • Honestly I think it could be Dale Earnhardt Jr.
  • the great 88
  • Kyle Busch..
  • Mark Martin. Get it, "Martinsville"? <G>
  • Jeff Gordon (much to my dismay)
  • It has to be Jeff Gordon.
  • Jeff Gordon!!!!!
  • Matt Kenseth!
  • robby gordon
  • The other Jr., Martin Truex.
  • Good Evening to you fluffy, my pick for Martinsville is Kurt Busch to win it,!!!
  • Mother Nature. If the weather forecasters prove correct there will be wet weather in the area Friday and Saturday. I hope this doesn't affect the race schedule.
  • Jr., of course!

    go Jr.>>>>
  • Jeff Gordon-7 Martinsville wins. Jimmie Johnson-4 Martinsville wins. Those are my choices.
  • Junior!
  • SMOKE will win it. then Shrub.
  • 26.3.08

    In the Nascar forum, Do you think that we need????

    May be...

  • I think a "cost of answering" increase is due.

    My electric bill went up, food, Internet access, insurance, taxes.

    Why not a "raise" for answering....

    Strike, Strike, Strike.....
  • 2 points is easy to get here. Just say "Jr is AWESOME!!!" and you're almost guaranteed 2 points
  • Why don't we negotiate more points for answering "good" questions. They could count 3 points while answering stupid questions could still be 2 points.
  • I think we should start a Y/A Members Union (YAMU) and negotiate better answering conditions. We should have one touch troll blasting capabilities, be able to label questions as uninteresting and get point bumps when you get to higher levels LOL ARE YOU WITH ME?
  • Yes, I agree! Maybe we should form a union and threaten to strike unless we get more points. I nominate Superdave for union spokesman. :)
  • no we should get less per answer because every third ? is a repeat of the ones just asked
  • I'm with Lynn, Superdave you'd be a great union leader..But I can't afford to go on strike...
  • There's one thing I like about the repetitive question: "Who do you think will win the race this weekend?" The more people who ask this question, the more chances I can have of getting it right. I just answer with a different drivers name each time, and it increases my odds of picking the winning driver. Answering all these questions makes me hungry. I think we deserve a free lunch.
  • Do you think that we need(deserve) a "Cost of Living" raise?
    Afterall, we do work hard for our answers! How about 3points for answering instead of 2, or should we negotiate for more? Thanks! Im just trying to have some fun! ;)
  • I'd rather they take away 100 points for each smartass that asks why we love cars drive around in circles for 5 hours.
  • Sorry I'm union I can't negotiate my own wages
  • They should give away free pit-passes or something !!
  • I agree. I also think we should get a bonus for NOT answering the tr0!!'s inane questions. I am all for a "cost of answering" raise!

    Go Jr.>>>>
  • Well Yahoo, There u have it! Give us r Raise! and I mean in a good way not the way you usually do by taking from us! ha ha Come on now, fair is fair
    GO # 9 Kasey Kahne
  • We should get more points. Specially the dumb questions like 'Why do you like NASCAR?", if you answer in a nice way,and kinda bite your tongue then yeah, more points.
  • Yes I defiantly think that too!!!!! Also I think when we choose the best answers to our questions we should get 6 points!!!!!
  • I think that a raise should be ok if you deserve it. if you are a hard working crew member out there changing tires or what not ohhhh yeah a col increase would be great.
  • Yep, good thinking, lol. I also think that we should get 10 extra bonus points whenever we answer these questions, because we have done it so often that we have really honed our answers, lol.....

    How does a NASCAR driver go to the bathroom during a race...

    Is Jeff Gordon gay....

    Is Dale Earnhardt Jr. gay....

    Is Tony Stewart gay....

    Is Jimmie Johnson gay....

    Does Kasey Kahn have a girlfriend...

    Why do you like NASCAR...

    Why is NASCAR a sport.....

    and I am sure I am forgetting more of the famous repeats.
  • Well here is the down side.If points are increased(cost of living) then the government will have to get involved and tax you.Thus when this happens and all the deductions are made the 3 points would become 1 point so you would lose and the government would win and become the point leader.
    So we need to stick at 2 for now.
  • JACK ROUSH VS TOYOTA interesting?

    May be...

  • If the american car companies weren't in the crapper today, they'd be able to dump the same kind of money Toyota is into NASCAR. Blaming Toyota for having a successful company is idiotic. The American car companies have no one to blame but themselves. This country is founded on competition and a free market system, yet when a new competitor comes in and whips the home team, its all of a sudden a bad thing for the sport. Competition is never bad. Now the american companies can't just sit back and manufacture the same crap. Jack Roush is pissed because he knew Toyota was going to come in and give the other manufacturers a tough time, and they are going to. Jack just can't sit back and do good with the same old car. The Pearl Harbor comments are ridiculous. Up until last year Dodge was a subsidiary of Chrysler, which was owned by DaimlerChrysler, which was a German company. You want to throw Pearl Harbor around, lets not forget our happy friends the Nazis. They were a bunch of good guys.....right? Don't let your hate for Toyota cloud actual facts.
  • whats with him against toyota , he is always commenting some thing bad against toyota , today at nascar now they showed that jack roush said toyota took a part away from there team he didnt say what part or what team did that WHY DOES HE COMMENT AGAINST TOYOTA ?

    I think its because joe gibbs is just doing alot better and he knows that cuz hendrick is struggling and if toyota not in nascar then he would be the best i think that

  • Jack is a very angry man!! I cant blame him, the foreign market of everything is killing us Americans. You can say all you want about how the Toyotas are made here in the US but the bottom line some guy overseas is raking in all the American money!
  • He is hacked because Toyota is a foreign company plain and simple. He has said that numerous times.
  • Roush is p.o.ed because Toyota is putting more money into their Nascar teams than Ford.
  • Maybe he just has a personal dislike for rice propelled zipperheads and their junk rice burners. Maybe he thinks that with their deep pockets for spending gives Toyota an unfair advantage. Maybe he feels threatened by Toyota and what the future holds. Maybe he thinks Toyotas entrance into NASCAR taints an all American sport. Maybe he is just envious of a competitor.
  • Its a pure d hatred thing by Jack Roush and I dont blame him.
  • 2 reasons:
    - they're foreign
    - he's concerned about toyota's deep pockets
  • I thinks he dislikes Toyota and is trying to Cause them Trouble by Making a Mountain out of a Molehill!!!!!!
  • Because Detroits wallets are empty !!......
    and the Jap's are full !!
  • He didn't want foreign cars in Cup.

    Go Jr.>>>>
  • Doesnt like them because Toyota is foreign. Kinda like what he said about racing in Mexico City.
  • I didn't get to see NASCAR Now today but when Carl Edwards was caught for his oil lid being off one of the guys from Toyota said that Jack Roush intentionally messed with Carl's Car and it wasn't a mistake and that Peed him off! So I think that is why Jack Don't like Toyota's!
  • I'm with Superdave on this one... also Toyota is putting a ton of money in to their program, Ford is just being to greedy not putting enough in to Ford Nascar programs.
  • Because he was sticking 460's in Mustangs back in the '70's when Toyota made nothing but boring econobox car's and they still are! Plus, he's old enough to remember Pearl Harbor!
    Toyota is owned by Japan. JAPAN DOES NOT ALLOW UNITED STATES car makers to build factory's in Japan. Japan pay's 'wholesale' for the same steel the U.S. pay's retail for.
    Jack Roush knew long before the first Toyota's hit the track that they would dump an 'anything it takes' amount of money to be competitive which is going to turn the great american sport upside down. He's been against them for 5 year's. That's the only thing I really like about the man. That, and the fact he preps all the american made Holley carbs. for his car's before the race.
  • Actually Frankie, Jack Roush is not old enough to remember Pearl Harbor.
  • jack roush is racist against toyotas

    and jealous
  • Simple! Competition! It's what motivates us to be competitive in motorsports. Besides. I think the dude is holding on dearly to the American tradition of it's automotive industry was the battle of the "big three" (G.M., Ford, and Chrysler). Jack Roush is a hard core type of guy, and I hope Ford backs him up very well. Roush Racing has already put on an awesome display of performance in NASCAR this season, and they have some very good drivers. They seem like they have a pretty "tight" organization, and Jack Roush can say anything he wants about Toyota, and it's only going to put a smile on a lot of guys faces.
  • Jacks reason is the same as every Nascar fan's reason should be and it has nothing to do with Toyota being foreign.

    Toyota is willing to spend 50 times as much money as Ford, Chevrolet and Dodge can afford to spend. This is not good for Nascar or Nascar fans. I am amazed how seemingly intelligent people cannot see this. What part of 50 times as much money to spend is hard to understand? The way Nascar is set up, the amount of money spent for research and development means everything.

    I predicted last year that Toyota would soon dominate and got at least 10 thumbs down.

    If Toyota is left to continue on this path Nascar as we know it will die. That wont be good for anyone. Maybe the same 10 can give this thumbs down.
  • Will jesse smith be the next big thing in racing?

    May be...

  • He's definitely headed in the right direction. Once he makes it into the Bush series he definitely will be one to keep an eye on. He has a lot of potential.
  • When he gets out of Arca, and into Busch. I think he could be...
  • I will definetely be watchin him. Hope he makes it! Report It
  • 25.3.08

    How do people get noticed so that they get into jobs like formula 1, world touring races and rally car racing?

    May be...

  • by standing in bus stops???
  • First of all you need a degree in engineering. The next step is often to be a racer yourself. Start with carts and you will get to know people. Because it is all about networking via that route.

    Another route again starts with an engineering degree and an expertise in some useful discipline for the team. Then go to work for a manufacturer, engine builder, chassis builder. The way into these jobs is by getting to know who the companies are, then applying. Many times crew members work for these manufacturers and are assigned to a team.

    Racing and crew experience helps again. Even if it is just for crewing for a local SCCA racer. It is best to work for a winner. While SCCA events will not get you noticed the experience will look good on a resume'.

    You will find the racing community in North America remarkably accessable. If you go to races, buy pit/paddock passes and go during practice on Thursday and Friday. You may be able to talk to crew when things are not too intense. If everyone is working like mad to fix something it is not a good time to ask a question or intorduce yourself. If everyone is relaxed go ahead.

    Don't grab for a top spot right away. Try for a spot in one of the support series first. Gain experience and work your way up.

    Finally, appearence matters a lot. You will be a walking billboard. If you are not fit and presentable, you wont get a job. Eyeglasses are a no no, wear contacts so you can wear the shades.
  • If you want a mechanics job in F1, you will have to be an aircraft fitter as the technology in these cars derives from aviation.
    A car fitter is not good enough for this.
    The jobs are advertised in Motorsport magazine.
  • Who's the best looking formula 1 driver ?

    May be...

  • Lewis Hamilton and i'm a bloke
  • guys don't be afraid to answer this one too.
  • Screw Driver.
  • I would say Massa and Heidfeld
  • My wife says:

    Nico Rosberg
    Nick Heidfield

    She says Lewie the Brat looks gay.
  • Kimi Raikkonen
    Fernando Alonso
    Tonio Liuzzi
    Ralf Schumacher
    Juan Pablo Montoya (he looks like my hubby)
    Lewis is a good looking lad too
  • From a male point of view, I'd have thought Alonso, Button, Piquet and Fisichella. The real dogs on the grid this year are Kubica and Vettel.

    Piquet has looks in the family...the one in the middle HERE http://hospitalbrasilia.files.wordpress.... is his sister Julia. And here she is again: http://veja.abril.com.br/vejasp/120203/i...
    And this is his other sister, Kelly: http://bp2.blogger.com/_8u3mPCzHZoc/Rz3f...
  • I think...Lewis Hamilton...and the best is yet to come :)
  • .......Nico Rosberg

    My girlfriend loves her fellow German
  • Definitely Niko Rosburg
  • I'm not a gay but i'd say Massa :)
  • they all seem to be good looking
    Kimi Räikkönen is pretty hot

    but seriously why are f1 drivers all hot
  • Lewis Hamilton is a hottie !!
  • Without doubt, The Kimster.....although Lewis a close 2nd, oh, and Hekki
  • My Daddy
  • I love Kimmi Raikkonen... can't spell it though
  • lewis hamilton, he os forumla 1 right? Mmmm he is amazin!!
  • Has to be Lewis Hamilton, Yum! Yum!
  • Who's the best looking formula 1 driver ?

    May be...

  • Lewis Hamilton and i'm a bloke
  • From a male point of view, I'd have thought Alonso, Button, Piquet and Fisichella. The real dogs on the grid this year are Kubica and Vettel.

    Piquet has looks in the family...the one in the middle HERE http://hospitalbrasilia.files.wordpress.... is his sister Julia. And here she is again: http://veja.abril.com.br/vejasp/120203/i...
    And this is his other sister, Kelly: http://bp2.blogger.com/_8u3mPCzHZoc/Rz3f...
  • My wife says:

    Nico Rosberg
    Nick Heidfield

    She says Lewie the Brat looks gay.
  • lewis hamilton, he os forumla 1 right? Mmmm he is amazin!!
  • I love Kimmi Raikkonen... can't spell it though
  • Lewis Hamilton is a hottie !!
  • they all seem to be good looking
    Kimi Räikkönen is pretty hot

    but seriously why are f1 drivers all hot
  • Without doubt, The Kimster.....although Lewis a close 2nd, oh, and Hekki
  • My Daddy
  • Kimi Raikkonen
    Fernando Alonso
    Tonio Liuzzi
    Ralf Schumacher
    Juan Pablo Montoya (he looks like my hubby)
    Lewis is a good looking lad too
  • I think...Lewis Hamilton...and the best is yet to come :)
  • Definitely Niko Rosburg
  • I would say Massa and Heidfeld
  • Has to be Lewis Hamilton, Yum! Yum!
  • Screw Driver.
  • guys don't be afraid to answer this one too.
  • I'm not a gay but i'd say Massa :)
  • .......Nico Rosberg

    My girlfriend loves her fellow German
  • Were is the best place to rent or buy a scanner for the memorial day race at Lowe's??

    May be...

  • I have my own that I bought at Radio Shack here in Texas and they have been real good if your going to buy one. I have heard them talk about the thing you can rent at the track by Sprint or Nextel(whoever) are really good. Im going to Texas in April for the Nationwide race and Maybe the cup race(still waiting to hear on that) and Im going to check them out. I will still bring my scanners from home too. The ones I have from Radio Shack are (Radioshack Pro-79 series) and it has weather and all that stuff too, plus I use it if I want to listen to the police or sheriff office band on there too. Good Luck!
  • Radio Shack and EBAY!!!!!
  • If the Radio Shack in your area has it I bought this scanner for the Vegas race with a splitter and extra headphones. Worked great.

    Instead of paying $5 for the scanner codes at the track you can pay $10 and let them program it for you.

    Have fun at the race!!
  • eBay. You can buy them for as much as you can rent them!


    They're $50 for a one day rental or $70 for a weekend.
  • Rent them at the track or buy them from Radio Shack.
  • There's a BUNCH of places there @ the track that rent them. Just make sure they're INSIDE the track or you may not see your $$ again.
  • Get the Nextel thingy when you get to the track. I've not used one but I sat next to a guy who did, and he didn't even look up when there was a crash right in front of us.
  • will be a one time trip ,mite nead a extra set of head phones also.
  • The ones I have are from radio shack and they are great. Buy the splitter like someone else said, it works great and saves from buying or renting two seperate scanners. To get the scanner frequences free just go to jayski.com or look in your local sports page right before the race they usually publish them. But Jaski.com has them and they are accurate.
  • Were is the best place to rent or buy a scanner for the memorial day race at Lowe's??

    May be...

  • If the Radio Shack in your area has it I bought this scanner for the Vegas race with a splitter and extra headphones. Worked great.

    Instead of paying $5 for the scanner codes at the track you can pay $10 and let them program it for you.

    Have fun at the race!!
  • Rent them at the track or buy them from Radio Shack.
  • eBay. You can buy them for as much as you can rent them!


    They're $50 for a one day rental or $70 for a weekend.
  • I have my own that I bought at Radio Shack here in Texas and they have been real good if your going to buy one. I have heard them talk about the thing you can rent at the track by Sprint or Nextel(whoever) are really good. Im going to Texas in April for the Nationwide race and Maybe the cup race(still waiting to hear on that) and Im going to check them out. I will still bring my scanners from home too. The ones I have from Radio Shack are (Radioshack Pro-79 series) and it has weather and all that stuff too, plus I use it if I want to listen to the police or sheriff office band on there too. Good Luck!
  • will be a one time trip ,mite nead a extra set of head phones also.
  • Get the Nextel thingy when you get to the track. I've not used one but I sat next to a guy who did, and he didn't even look up when there was a crash right in front of us.
  • There's a BUNCH of places there @ the track that rent them. Just make sure they're INSIDE the track or you may not see your $$ again.
  • The ones I have are from radio shack and they are great. Buy the splitter like someone else said, it works great and saves from buying or renting two seperate scanners. To get the scanner frequences free just go to jayski.com or look in your local sports page right before the race they usually publish them. But Jaski.com has them and they are accurate.
  • Radio Shack and EBAY!!!!!
  • Were is the best place to rent or buy a scanner for the memorial day race at Lowe's??

    May be...

  • Radio Shack and EBAY!!!!!
  • There's a BUNCH of places there @ the track that rent them. Just make sure they're INSIDE the track or you may not see your $$ again.
  • eBay. You can buy them for as much as you can rent them!


    They're $50 for a one day rental or $70 for a weekend.
  • If the Radio Shack in your area has it I bought this scanner for the Vegas race with a splitter and extra headphones. Worked great.

    Instead of paying $5 for the scanner codes at the track you can pay $10 and let them program it for you.

    Have fun at the race!!
  • I have my own that I bought at Radio Shack here in Texas and they have been real good if your going to buy one. I have heard them talk about the thing you can rent at the track by Sprint or Nextel(whoever) are really good. Im going to Texas in April for the Nationwide race and Maybe the cup race(still waiting to hear on that) and Im going to check them out. I will still bring my scanners from home too. The ones I have from Radio Shack are (Radioshack Pro-79 series) and it has weather and all that stuff too, plus I use it if I want to listen to the police or sheriff office band on there too. Good Luck!
  • Rent them at the track or buy them from Radio Shack.
  • will be a one time trip ,mite nead a extra set of head phones also.
  • The ones I have are from radio shack and they are great. Buy the splitter like someone else said, it works great and saves from buying or renting two seperate scanners. To get the scanner frequences free just go to jayski.com or look in your local sports page right before the race they usually publish them. But Jaski.com has them and they are accurate.
  • Get the Nextel thingy when you get to the track. I've not used one but I sat next to a guy who did, and he didn't even look up when there was a crash right in front of us.
  • What Italian racing car magnate died on August 14, 1988?

    May be...

  • Its Enzo Ferrari
  • the one that got into the wreck, go here,

  • enzo
  • 24.3.08

    When did an f1 car last have a proper manual gearbox?

    May be...

  • I didn't know that they didn't introduce the semi-automatic til they made the new car... I was sure they'd made the update for the beginning of the season... and I don't think I was going off your research really... I just noticed that you hadn't found the Forti, which I would've suggested anyway! Report It
  • Shame you didn't give me time to work off dan's answer like he worked off mine...I'd have found the Forti FG01-95B of 1996 for you, which I now believe is the correct answer. Report It
  • slipped my mind, i know ferrari were first to try a semi auto in 1989.......
  • Somewhat unsurprisingly the answer is Minardi in 1994. It was their interim car for the first five races of the season, based on the previous year's car.

    The last manual
    Ferrari was the F187/88C of 1988
    McLaren was the MP4/5B of 1990
    Williams was the FW13B of 1990
    Lotus was the 102D of 1992
    Jordan was the 191 of 1991
    Ligier was the JS33B of 1990
    Tyrrell was the 021 of 1993
    Benetton was the B191B of 1992
    Footwork was the FA12C of 1991
    March was the CG911B of 1992
    Dallara was the 191 of 1991
    Minardi was the M193B of 1994

    Sauber have always used a (semi) auto since their debut in 1993, I assume other teams which started later also have done so.
  • Somewhat surprisingly Rosbif you're wrong there, because you've failed to mention that in 1995!!! the new Forti team ran their car with a manual gearbox!! The FG-01 (which really was an updated version of the 1992 Fondmetal car!!) had a manual gearbox, and was unsuccessfully trialed with a semi-automatic, which was scrapped until 1996. To think that in 1995 there was still a car with a manual gearbox, after the massive technological advances in the previous years, is mind-boggling!!!

    Sorry Rosbif, but the rest of your answer is brilliantly researched as always!!
  • By the look of it the force india and aguri teams are probably running on manuals. Theres no other way to explain how slow they are.
  • I've nothing to add to what Rosbif has stated.

    Personally, I would get rid of electronic gearboxes along with traction-control, to show who can drive a proper race-car with a gearlever and a clutch.

    I forget which racing driver said, "If I wanted an automatic, I'd buy a washing machine".
  • Why does NASCAR choose Goodyear Racing Tire than Firestone and Hoosier Racing Tires?

    May be...


    They are switching to yokohama tires with 20 inch spinners. lol just playing.

    They chose them because of the money they paid nascar to have them exclusive to the sport. Ashame because a variety of different tires in Nascar could change who would last longer on the track.
  • Corporate kickbacks and bribes
  • because goodyear lined the frances pockets with big bucks to give them an exclusive tire provider deal
  • Because Goodyear won the Tire Wars with their money. A bunch of different tire manufacturers would not make the racing better, because you would have people blowing tires all the time on goodyears and people who would have to change tires once a race with firestones, it would be dumb to have many different tire manufacturers in NASCAR.
  • Because they have a signed agreement with Goodyear!!!!!!
  • My favorite tire is Goodyear!
  • maybe because they have a contract with them!!!!!!!!!!
  • $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$...
  • Goodyear threw the most $$$ @ NASCAR
  • History would be my best guess
  • Switching to Khumo next year
  • 23.3.08

    Did earnhardt jr?

    May be...

  • He's been pretty close to winning these past couple of weeks, but i heard on FOX last week that he was one 2 watch 4 to win at Martinsville
  • I think that. you could not be more wrong. no JR. has not won a points race yet but he has had the best running Hendricks car in just about every race this year. Tell me when you have time off do you like to do things that do not go along the lines of your work? Well I am guessing that drivers are the same.
  • Dude, he has 17 wins. You know how many NASCAR drivers wish they had 17 wins? Kerry Earnhardt's one of them.
  • A race? Yes. A points race? Not yet. It won't be long now. Just watch and see. What he does in his off time is his business. If you work, and get time off, do you want to work? Leave him alone, he's doing quite well this year.

    SMACK; I hope you get a good vacation soon!

    Go Jr.>>>>
  • I think in Nascar you have got to Work hard and play hard and Jr. does just that.
    He will win this year no doubt about it.
    He's got Jeff and Jimmie Smoked so far so he ain't doing that bad. GO # 9
  • He won the Bud Shoot Out and the first Gatorade duel, but that's it!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • He may never win another race, so he might as well be fishing or doing tv shows. I think he is at his best when it is an off week at the track.
  • no points race wins yet

  • He's in the top 10 in points and has been HMS' best performing driver in 2008. There have only been 5 races this year and except for the California debacle (which wasn't his fault), he's been $$$ all year.
    Ya gotta relax once in a while. I think it portends good things for him that he feels he can go unwind and not get all stressed out about winning next week.
  • I think he shows a good balance of work to play and his results confirm that.
  • Okay, he hasn't won a race yet, but he sure is doing better than he did last yr for sure...Everyone deserves time off even Nascar drivers it refreshes you..Everyone needs a Vacation and time off, after all..All work and no play, that's one boring life.. Hope he has a great time fishing in Canada, and goes to Martinsville ready to race and win.. My dad use to fish and he said its was the best stress reliefs and great way to relax, a lot of Nascar drivers fish..

    Go Dale Jr & Hms
  • Well as far as that goes...if you have ever met the kid or listened to him talk...racing isnt his whole life...he loves it dont get me wrong but the season is so long and taxing...they all should take time off....instead of being like Kyle Busch and go pick on the little guys in the truck/nationwide series....as far as him not winning yet?...has Gordon, Johnson, Stewart, Harvick....exactly...no!
  • It's called relaxation!! It calms a driver down, and helps them relax and rest. Drivers are under so much pressure with sponsor appearances, and autograph signings, races, testing, and commercials to promote their Sponsor. A fishing trip in Canada is probably what Jr. needs. It gets him out of the spot light, away from people, and lets him do his own thing. He can forget about racing, kick back and have fun something drivers can't do very often. Would you be able to concentrate with thousands of people around you every weekend, doing interviews, autographs, practicing or qualifying, racing, more interviews and autographs. I don't know about you, but when I get around of a lot of people, and they start demanding things, (like my clients, I just got done stripping/waxing floors since the first of January in 3 different buildings, and they all wanted it done at the same time) I just want to get away.
  • i think he's amazing and all drivers need time to relax.
    if all he did was race he would stress himself out.
  • this is his weekend off
    what are you doing
    you need to be studying up on your racing
    beings you dont know if he has won yet
  • No he hasnt won a Points paying race since 2006-- I think he will win 1 or2 this year!!!!!!
  • I use to be an Earnhardt Jr. fan until he started finishing badly these last few years. The reason he is doing commercials and that kind of stuff is to get some publicity so that ppl buy some of his stuff. Which in return, will lead to some $ towards him. Driving for Hendricks this year was somewhat of a better choice. When he drove for DEI, he had some teammates, but they always were in the back of the pack. Now driving with Gordon, Johnson and Mears, he has more of a chance of winning a few races....

    Hope that answered your question!!!!
  • Well, it is an off weekend for him, so why can't he enjoy it?
  • NO but he will GO #88.
  • No he hasnt won a points race yet, but its just a matter of time before that will happen. As far as his off track activities he Im sure is wanting to get away from the fans, media and peer pressure and all that stuff that comes with being a racecar driver much less being a Earnhardt.
  • Why is everybody concerned with what Jr does? I mean, really? Give the dude a break. No wonder he does not do personal appearances anymore. Too many freaks out there.
  • win a race yet ?? i think if he spent more time racing and less time doing tv shows and going fishing in canada like he is this weekend he might just win what do you think??????
  • i think Ur right i saw his show. instead of talking he should work on his car and practice more.
  • if you watched nascar you could answer this one yourself. I'm pretty sure drivers need time for them selves as well, at least he isn't getting charged with a dui or other popular things that stars do.
  • If there's a bye-weekend for Easter, then why not?!
  • Whos better Raikkonen or Hamilton?

    May be...

  • Raikkonen's got more experience.
  • personally both the same

    kimi has the exp to be better

    Lewis Hamilton has the talent and needs a championship 2 be better than kimi
  • I'm with Tiger, ask the question when either of them has won 7 titles!
  • Its hard to say... Lewis clearly is one of the greatest talents we have seen in the modern F1 era (which for me starts around 1990). But then Raikkonen could also be considered to be in this class. Their speed is similar, so it is their flaws that separate them. Lewis seems to be in the Mansell mould in that he is always charging, sometimes regardless of whether it is good on the car or considerate of the conditions. This isn't a bad thing, but is risky and can end in tears (China last year).

    Kimi just seems to me like he can't be bothered half the time. When he is on it, he is fast, but on a bad day, he can't seem to summon the pace of more consistent drivers. When he is fast, he's the best, but when he's not, his racecraft and pace is very ordinary. I suppose it is this that could mean he will never be considered a great, unlike his compatriot Mika Hakkinen. It is his lack of ability to drive the wheels off a slightly less competitive car, unlike his predecessor Michael Schumacher (and perhaps Fernando Alonso, based on his driving in the Renault this year) that stands out.

    Lewis has much more going for him than Kimi, all he needs is for his McLaren to be as fast as the Ferrari all year, then he would show he is the best in the field.

    EDIT: I don't understand why I'm getting all the thumbs-down... I'm pointing out that both drivers are so evenly matched in terms of talent and skill, that I have to look at their flaws to separate them... I don't understand this Lewis backlash either, because he clearly is one of the best drivers in the field, and is the most talented driver we have seen since Kimi himself came onto the scene, along with the likes of Alonso too. BOTH drivers have their flaws, and i'm not being biased towards either.
  • Tell you something about Kimi that Crybaby Lewis could never do in his entire life, when Kimi was 20 year old he had to test with Sauber, he made his Formula One debut for the Swiss based Formula One team in 2001, after only competing in 23 car races, none of which involved F3 or F3000. However the FIA granted him the necessary Super Licence (after 4 races to prove he was good enough) because of the promising performances the young Finn had in earlier testing. The first time Kimi got behind the wheel of Formula One car was September 2000, before further sessions in Jerez and Barcelona three months later.
    Now compare that with Crybaby Lewis, but have in mind that he won the race today 20s in front of Kubica and 40s in front of Heiki...
  • I think if they had to race head to head, Kimi would have the advantage. Lewis getting a job at mclaren with one of the best cars on the grid is a bit of a disadvantage for him. He usually qualifies in the top five and barely has to battle for position. Kimi on the other hand has not had that benefit and has had to fight it out with the best of them in his time in F1. He's gone up against Schumi, Montoya, Villeneuve, even Rubens, Trulli and Coulthard when they were in competitive cars and all the other fighters from the middle grid as well.

    I think all that experience will have given him a slight advantage against Lewis.
  • Raikkonen,hands down
  • its abit obvious don't you think ?

    Kimi Raikkonen !!! :)
  • Michael Schumacher!
  • I was in two minds, but I think it's Hamilton. Both are very patient and are able to adapt their strategy to unexpected events. While Kimi has more experience at the F1 level, Hamilton has generally driven with at least as much skill.
    One test is how they handle things when they go wrong, and on this front I think Kimi seems to handle things better. While things seem to go wrong a bit more often for Kimi (such as the DNF in Australia), there have been a couple of occasions where Hamilton started with a minor error and made it worse.
    However, to me, one very important aspect of driving (especially professional driving) is to complete ones planned task. In this case, finishing your F1 race. As was shown when Kimi was at McLaren, he often had failures (although less so at Ferrari). For the 2007 season he had 2 DNF compared to Hamilton's 1. For that reason I believe Hamilton is, but only marginally, better than Kimi.
  • How much do top tier Formula 1 drivers get paid?

    May be...

  • At his peak Schumi was on $16M a year from Ferrari plus sponsorship deals which were rumoured to be worth another $10M+ at least.
  • I know the lowest paid driver gets $10 million a year. How much does a Kimi or Hamilton get just for driving? What about commercials and the such?
  • 62 dollars a lap.
  • Louis Hamilton just signed a contract for $26 million this year. That doesn't include outside contracts. Commercials etc.
  • Scuderia Ferrari Marlboro's Kimi Raikkonen earns $52 million a year. Thats a million a week! Plus advertising and all that. Thats just his basic salary.
  • m.schumacher claimed ВЈ35million per year but that was linked to ferrari's sponsorship and his comittment with sponsors.
  • too much in my opinion,,,
  • As of right now Kimi is earning $55 million per season + bonuses

    Lewis is earning 26 million per season + Bonuses

    Alonso is rumored to be earning in the area of 40 to 50 million per season with Renault. However this is a 1 year contract and everyone in Formula 1 expects him to make a solid run for a Ferrari seat next season. That could also explain why JT is no longer a Ferrari CEO because he was strongly against Alonso coming to Ferrari.

    Alsono when he was still with Mac last year only made 16 million. That is very very very very cheap for a 2 time world champ. Schumi made 60 Million with Ferrari but he did have 7 championships to his name.
  • i read Hamiltons autobiography and it said in there the season just gone he was on i thin like ВЈ400k but because i think he might have renewed his contract

    kimi around ВЈ10 - ВЈ16mil because he has moved up the ranks like football players some1 from a low league would get ВЈ1000 then if they got scouted then moved to championship he may get ВЈ20k then moved 2 premiership ВЈ40k it will go up due to exp and personal quality/skill so the more exp or titles you have the more money you earn but because hamilton has only just arrived a yr ago then he aint goin to b on the money that massa,kimi or alonso is on however i do think hamiltons contract is ВЈ70mil over a 5yr period that is ВЈ14mil per yr or over a 17race year that is ВЈ823,529 per race or on a 18race calender that is ВЈ777,777 per race which means hes earning like ВЈ1602 a hour or ВЈ26.70 per minute or 44p per second of the year

    Commercials i think they get ВЈ5mil due 2 sponsors and known faces