
Anybody know why the Busch brothers are not close. I get the impression that they have issues with each other.

May be...

  • All families have issues. I think that they got into it last year in the All Star race. A million bucks will make you say alot of things that you don't mean.
  • Well, one's definitely on the better team.

    And, Kurt doesn't want to ruin his reputation when he's around his little Shrubby brother.
  • They are both extremely competitive and have a big ego. Kurt has really grown up a lot but he used to act just like Kyle does and maybe he still does away from the track. They have probably always had a very good or very bad relationship depending on the mood and never much in the middle.
  • Well, any two brothers close in age have issues. I imagine Kurt was a little peeved when Rowdy decided to become a racer, too, instead of finding his own niche in the world. Kyle is undoubtedly the better driver, and that would cause some friction- look at all his wins lately. Maybe they had issues as kids that they never grew out of, or "mom liked you best". I imagine they live totally separate lives off the track, Kurt being settled down and Kyle being- rowdy. Who knows what gets said in the motor home? I think Kyle will flame out and Kurt will just keep on going.
  • Its a combination of just about everything has stated in the previous answers. I really have nothing to add other than I hope someone lights a fire under that team and gets them going in the right direction.
  • Lady Mala: it's interesting you mentioned Kyle Busch flaming out because in the back of my mind that thought has persisted. He's burning SO brightly right now it's almost frightening.
  • Because they are both idiots, especially Kyle. I wish everyone would stop calling him rowdy, nothing like a self given nickname. He is such a shrub. If anything Kurt is the better driver, Kyle has the luck of toyota (given they have more HP than the rest of Nascar) If the playing field was even Shrub would be down there with Robbie Gordon and Waltrip
  • seven year age difference can be part of it, then add in being in the same sport as competitors, I am sure they areloving brothers as can be in that situation, but they do have different lives
  • Two assholes usually son't get along!!!
  • Their brothers its what they do.
  • Both have stated off the track they are once again close, they're just at different places in their lives, Kurt's about to turn 30 and is married, Kyle's 23 and is single, but when they get together, all is good between them thanks to grandma and her pictionary, lol..
    On the track, it's every man for himself..
  • Kyle is probably jealous that Kurt has a Sprint Cup Series championship. Maybe it's because Kurt has more than twice as many wins AND a higher winning percentage than Kyle, 6.32 to 6.30? But it's probably because Kyle wrecked Kurt at the All Star race last year when they would have both had a shot at the win.
    3 STR8 N 08!!!
  • after kyle wrecked kurt during last years all star race i can understand why they don't get along that well. kurt was real mad after that and ever since then they don't seem to get along good
  • Kyle took out Kurt in a wreck and they didn't speak for a year. It was holiday time and their grandma wanted the boys to stop the bickering. Kyle said he and Kurt "made up" and that was grandma's Christmas gift that year.
  • Kurt maybe jealous of the Lil Busch following in his footsteps.
  • kurt is seven years older and there was supposedly always a strong competition between the two, but kurt knew what the pecking order would be when he said "if you think i'm a good driver, wait till my little brother gets here" - and that was his championship year.

    from what i've read, they were closer when kyle finally hit the cup series, and he would ask kurt for advice. now kyle has eclipsed all but the championship accomplishment of kurt's and supposedly just doesn't call much anymore...they lead two different lives. kyle is busy with his 23-year old lifestyle (girlfriends, racing all over the place, sucking in the publicity, extreme sports), while kurt has settled into his 30 year old married lifestyle.

    and there was the all-star incident, which supposedly had to be brokered by their grandmother around christmas, seven months after it happened. but they made up, and moved on. there's an article about this somewhere on nascar.com.

    there may be more minor underlying issues, as evidenced by things kyle said early on, like he came into the sport with a bad reputation thanks to his brother, but i don't think that was ever taken that seriously. at most, it seems like in most interviews, kurt is ready and willing to help with any issue kyle may bring to him, on track or off, but kyle never needs to...

    that's my take as a busch brothers follower all these years.
  • Well, they wrecked each other in last years All Star Challenge!
  • I was reading an article at NASCAR.com the other day. From what the story said it was due to the wreck where Kyle took out Kurt. After that they didn't speak for over a year.
    Their Grandma wanted them to make their peace before the Holidays and they both agreed. Hope this helps.
    A great day to all.....Peace n Smiles =o~}
  • Its all over that million dollars last year, in the all-star race!!
    When Kurt sais he was going to BOYCOTT Frosted Flakes
    lmao !!!!
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