
Should Nascar teams have a cap on the money they are able to spend?

May be...

  • I definitely don't think a cap is a good idea. Supply and demand is the best way to let businesses run. Less intervention.
  • I don't think a cap would work for our sport unless the bylaws were rock solid and even then teams would still find some kind of loophole.
  • YES
  • Just a thought, it would help improve competition. What do you think?
  • If you really want to increase competition, get rid of some of the tight regulations on how the car is designed. Let the teams experiment with their own modifications, and you will see more advancements and more failures.Money can only "buy" so much, but "application" is more of ingenuity, which to me is what racing is all about.
  • Great idea. Would be a way for the smaller teams to be able to compete with the super teams.
  • No actually, because I see its getting less and less popular.
  • Great question VP, this is not going to be a popular answer but oh well, I dont think having a "cap" salary or otherwise would work. Look at other sports that have caps and stuff and the owners no matter what the cap is always finds a way around it like restructuring things around to beat it. The caps also in other sports haven't evened up the playing field. The powerhouses of Nascar will always there no matter what they try to do. They have limited number of teams(2010), cut testing, went to the COT and its still the same teams week in and week out that are up front. I just dont think it could work to where we as Nascar fans would like to see all the teams powerhouses and on a even playing field.
  • YES! And then the struggling teams and the one owner teams would be able to really compete with the ones that have the better equipment. Can you imagine someone like Robby being in Victory Lane???

    What a great question!
  • I think that's a great idea! then the smaller teams would be able to keep up with the big boy teams!! Good question!! (maybe you ought to send your idea to Nascar, think it would do any good LOL)
  • A cap no. But they should go back to racing real production cars that the public can relate to.
  • Yes they should be allowed to spend no more than the Poorest driver can afford to spend.
  • Good question I will have to ponder on that one. If I had to answer right now I would say no. But I might change my mind. I will check back to see what others have to say.

    Go Dale Jr. 88
  • hmmm....I hadn't thought of that before. Every other sport does, nascar shouldn't be any different, and it would even out the playing field a little.
    So, should they? Yes.
    Will they? Probably not.
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