
Where will NASCAR be in the next 10-20 years?

May be...

  • Most likely NASCAR will be renamed JAP Car with 43 Toyota or Nissan COT starting and the drivers will all be Harvard degreeded accountants. There is not enough sponsor ship money left in US and with weak domestic auto sales along with existing NASCAR greed and making rules that make races boring I see no way it can continue as it is
  • We have been riding along with NA$CAR and not been looking ahead, but they have. The are selling out little by little each and every year. It is all about the benjamins. They are gonna go the way of MLB (makes lotsa bucks) and the NFL (new funds looming), as I see it, and it is happening now and has been for a while, they are headed for the TV markets. The top, say, 20 television markets will get a super arena complex. The site will be capable of hosting the olympics. It will have a race track, football and baseball field, soccer field, basketball arena.. all housed within a abandoned industrial complex within the city. Urban sprawl is hidering us now... cannot build race tracks in the rural area's because of noise and traffic complaints. Many people are moving to the urban areas, that were once rural... due to NAFTA our industrial base is moving out of country, leaving industrial complexes sitting idle, and unihabitable for housing use... so there is the use for the land.. super arenas. The city is where most empty space is... so pick the top 20 tv markets and add a few out of country events as promotional sites for the expansion of NA$CAR to the world competition level.

    Forget about the IROC series, it is gonna be the new NA$CAR. IROC was the testing grounds for their premises. The car of tomorrow is just the prototype of things to come. First we standardize the cars to the point where there is absolutly no brand recognition... make a generic car... then force teams to buy the cars from a common manufacturer in Indonesia, cannot be modified... the engines will be a sealed crate item like the IRL, all engines will be bought from a company in China, built to some insane code and regulation of NA$CAR.. oh and the engines will not be like they are now... oh no.. will be some other fuel.. like propane.. so they will be maybe 100HP at best and four cylinder... Pit stops.. they take too long and the races are too long for TV moguls... races will be shorter so they can count on a 2 hour scheduled program. And they will be pay per view only!!! Gotta keep the benjamins rolling in...

    Since the cars cannot be modified, the tracks will have to be. No more road courses, super speedways, short tracks... no more differences in banking or materials used to build the tracks. Due to our superior abilities and technological improvements, we are able to build our race tracks much more similiar now... laser level and sites.... gps mapping etc... We will be able to make every track identical... with the same ingredients so there is no difference in grip..... Due to the fact industrial complexes may not be as big as we like, the tracks will be shorter... maybe a mile.... and since the tracks are scaled down, so will the cars... maybe half the size they are now... so they can still fit more on the track...

    Sponsors... hmmmm this really scares me... we will be able to have one car from each industry... one beer car, one soda car, one tool car, one oil car, one phone car, one soap car... you got that? because they are the official ________ of NA$CAR...... And the super arenas.... will be able to exclude a driver because of his sponsor... like tony stewart and paul menard being prohibited from running at Lowe's arena... no pepsi car in the coke 600....stuff like that!!! Is that where we are headed? I hope not! I hope this is a science fiction story... maybe I watch too many conspiracy theory movies... read too many steven king horror/ sci fi books!!! Dunno guys... it gets kinda scary when ya look at it this way, doesn't it?

    Wanna get even scarier? think of the possibilities of modern computer and television technology... maybe you are watching a race, maybe you are watching a CGI movie or PS3 game.....Yeah then ya could fake a NA$CAR event... have who they think will bring in the most $$$$$$ as a pretty boy or bad boy an make a script like the WWE....control the winners, outcomes, wrecks, rivalries... and EVERYTHING!....then they could easily plan the commercial breaks around the sponsors who contribute the most $$$$$$$$... Could it be done? why not? I still get excited watching the movie...CARS.. it is computer animated... and very real for a cartoon... think about that... no traffic to deal with... no support teams... nothing... expenses would only be virtual.. even more free money for PROFIT....NA$CAR profit... no sharing with local eateries and hotel motels... cutting them out completely!... they would get more of your money!

    So how do the get there?... Hmmm E A Sports it's in the game!... think about it.... they are already there... getting their data for NA$CAR 2009... reliving the 2008 season... and have you noticed the new feature they are using on tv?.. no camera no problem... the new data available via GPS is allowing the TV crews to show you what happened when the camera was on Juan or Juyna..lol.. They have used it a few times already... showing how a wreck happened when the camera was on another part of the track... so it will be introduced slowly on a gamer site or at bars or NA$CAR theme parks... you drive in the race with the pros... they will insert a virtual car, driven by a kid or drunk at a bar.. this car will not affect the race... just appear to be a part of it... to the local viewer... kind of a overlay technology of some sort... then when it catches on NA$CAR will capitolize on it for a year or so... then move to complete CGI or gamers instead of our real drivers... think about that one!.... I am scaring myself.....
  • best sport ever and all types of cars will be in it unfortunately
  • That's too hard to say right now. They could be gas, they could be electric, they could be HHO (and no the HHO is not a typo).

    HHO is a hydrogen/oxygen gas mix. It is being said that HHO gives more power to engines than just gas. Some say it's proven and others are hesitant to believe in the technology. I have no clue but it could be something to look for in the future.

    Anyway competition will exist no matter what the future's source for energy is.
  • who said they were struggling

    where you gonna be strokin it i mean struggling
  • Will NASCAR be gone, still going strong, or still struggling?! State where you think the sport will go and why.
  • it will be going strong. kyle busch, joey logano, and brad keselowski will be battling out in their toyota, honda, and chevy hovercraft...
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