
Nascar Nation....Check this out?

May be...

  • Not a Nascar Guy but checked it out anyway. Pretty messed up on his part to do that.
  • Link does not work
  • Thanks for pointing the question out. I thought Maggie had a great and fun question!
  • http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index;...

    This is the question.
  • Spell check could be his #1 friend.................They can move it around any way they want...............the DVR is my best friend!!!

    He is "Sports challenged"
  • I'm sad now =( I can't click the link

    EDIT: All I have to say is One Thing NASCAR RULES!
  • Well, the way it sounded, the OTHER person wanted NASCAR to be put in, and football taken out, which is absolutely ridiculous.

    NASCAR shouldn't even be considered a real sport. In football, you actually have to DO something besides turn a freakin wheel left over and over again.
  • yep
    i went ahead and let him know what i thought of him
  • The link don't work!!! Please fix it, we want to see it!!
  • I can't believe that that's funny boy he wants his cake and eat it too huh? Wants to play the part of a Nascar fan then wants to tear us down, good one LOL Doesn't he understand we could have both and be fans of both Nascar and football?
  • I found this question and thought you might be interested.


    I found it amusing. :)
  • Since there are many networks out there, why can't we have both NASCAR and football? Then you just have to choose...I know, some of you can't. For me, there would be no choice...NASCAR Rules in my house. Problem is, I would be in the kitchen cooking big family dinner for 20-25 people all day. Kinda hard to "watch" a race, but I'd figures out something. Maggie has the right idea.

  • The link you posted didn't show the full address. You'll need to go back to the question and copy the link from the top of the page (in the address bar) and then paste it in your question.

    Also be sure to make it in the form of a question :)
  • that's not a helpful link.
  • what's the question? you can't click on the link
  • I'm dyyyying to know...what is it??? I want to be amused too!!!

    OMG that was MY question and it was all in fun!! No wonder some people got so many thumbs down.

    We were having a good time with it and nobody is trying to do anything.
  • That traitor!!! That was very classy of him,wasn't it.booklands
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