
Who thinks Dale Jr.....?

May be...

  • You know Dale Jr fans stick together and stand behind their driver no matter what, and that means if he is doing good or not so good! It's called loyalty period! I've been a Jr fan forever and I love him whether he is winning or losing and that means sticking up for him and supporting him no matter what! If you don't feel the same way maybe you should find a different driver to support. Yes I would love to see Jr win some more but compared to the train wreck that he was in while at DEI he's done terrific this year and I support and am very happy with what he has accomplished this year! and like I said before if you don't feel the same maybe finding a different driver to support would be best for you!
  • When you are Fan you stick with your driver thru thick and thin, sounds to me like you just want to be on a winning team. Why don't you jump ship and go sail with Jimmie Johnson? I have been on Jr's ship from his first Busch race and don't plan in leaving now.
  • he's worth it all and i'm sick of of hearing it
    im a proud member of JR. NATION

    so you need to go play with 88 lova the backstabber
  • yes he is overrated and all that but who cares it just shows that not everyone jumps bandwagons. he has done nothing to lose all of his fans so what he is a a low point so is kyle sure im kicking him wile he is down but most of his fans are staying and proving me wrong that they are not all bandwagoneers. jr could have won 3 or 4 races last year but his cars just kept blowing up on him it's not his fault just that he wasent getting quality equipment
  • At least you're honest. I don't and will never root or support losers. So switch drivers. There's no law against it. I used to root for Jimmy Spencer. He sucked so I switched to Stewart when he was a rookie. I can care less what anyone thinks.
  • He's your favorite driver????

    You might wanna reconsider that, that's not the way a fan talks about his/her favorite driver.
  • Dale Jr. is worth every penny he gets. He is a common man's race car driver. Lots of people feel they can relate to him easily. I have been an Earnhardt fan all of my life. I am just as high on Jr. as I was Sr. Yes, he has only won a few races in a few years, but look at all of the turmoil he has gone through. This year was a very good year for him. He ran extremely consistent, and will probably finish in the top 10 in points, barring an accident, or big wreck in Miami. He deserves it. He and his crew have worked very hard this year. He has even undergone somewhat of an image change this year, and he still managed to run well.
    Hats of to you, Dale Earnhardt Jr.!
  • Who thinks Dale Jr......

    ... is too damn overrated..?

    I do. That fact proves that.

    BUT... Jr. fans don't care. They love him, they will always support him.. It's okay with me, I like that. Let them do it!
  • I don't think he isn't worth it, I know he isn't. He is way overhyped. If he was really worth all the hype that he gets, he would have a few championships under his belt already and a lot more wins, but he doesn't. There are way more talented drivers out there than Jr, but don't let any Jr fans know that...as you have seen in some of these answers already, the truth hurts.
  • ...isn't worth all the hype he receives? I was a huge Dale Sr fan when he was around and became a huge Dale Jr fan when he entered the scene, but I have been so disappointed with his performance. He has won only 3 races in the past 4 years. With all of his publicity and sponsors, I feel he is overrated now days. He is still my favorite driver, but I am starting to realize that there are others out there with way more talent than him but just don't get the same recognition.
  • Oh ya im the same i was a Sr fan when he was around and became a Jr fan when he entered. But like you said he gets way more publicity and recognition then what he deserves. But that last name is what attracts all the attention.
  • If you are so disappointed with his performance, why do you consider him to be your fave? Perhaps you aren't realistic, or are putting too high expectations on his performance. Just accept him for what and who he is and support him no matter what if you want to be considered a fan.

  • He is extremely over rated. Had Dale Sr. lived there won't have been this much hype. Even in Hendrick cars he only won a race bc of the luck of fuel mileage.backing up treo 650
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