
Have you heard about the offer Memphis Motorsports Park offered for Jr.?

May be...

  • I would have kinda been upset too especially if I didn't know anything about it. I really don't think Dale Jr will be showing his face around Memphis unless he goes there to eat the ribs. But what I read yesterday is that Dale Jr has ribs from that place Fed Ex'ed to him once a week. Memphis style ribs are great but my favoorite is Texas styled.(Nice and sloppy) I think Im going to have to have ribs this week now.
  • yeah they tried to pull a fast one. But didnt get away with it.
    Junior stepped up and put a stop to it fast. Good for him. ANd in the meantime he also mentioned the BBQ place that he does enjoy in Memphis.
  • Yea I saw that the other day. And like Trego said it was for the wrong BBQ. That's like saying to someone who likes the whopper that we'll give you life time supply of the big macs.
    And Jr was upset the way they tried promoting a different place not his favorite, Rendezvous. He was sticking up for the place he likes, not because he wanted something from it. Kudos to Jr.
  • Memphis Motorsports Park has offered Jr. BBQ ribs for life, as he apparently loves Memphis BBQ ribs, to get him to race in the fall Nationwide race at Memphis.

    I have read where Jr. states that this is just a gimmick to get him back to MMP.

    Do you think MMP made a mistake, trying to get sales up for the fall Nationwide Race without the correct information and going through the appropriate channels to get Jr.



    I know the tracks are trying to increase sales, but wasn't this a little underhanded?

    As usual inquiring minds want to know.
  • Yes ... this was a little underhanded. They accomplished what they set out to do. I'll admit when I read the offer BEFORE Dale Jr responded ... I was under the impression that the ribs Dale Jr liked were the ones that were sold at the track. It wasn't until Dale Jr made it perfectly clear that the ribs sold at the track were not the ribs that Dale Jr endorsed that I realized that this was a scam on behalf of the track owners. It's a cheap trick to use Dale Jr's popularity to gain popularity for themselves. This is something that a lot of people are doing. Drivers (no need to mention names) try to create rivalries between Dale Jr and themselves to gain popularity and also sponsors (Miller for example) try to create rivalries between their drivers and Dale Jr to gain exposure for their products. It's a cheap trick.
  • Junior hasn't raced there since 1999, he hardly races in NW anymore at all only for special occasions. They tried to use his name and falsely so just like Trego said Junior never even mentioned eating there or that they were his favorite ribs. It was Rendezvous ribs Junior likes he even held up the container to show everyone on his MTV cribs episode. Unfortunately I am sure this place will get more customers now even though Junior isn't endorsing them. Publicity is publicity good or bad. Also pretty sure Junior can afford all the ribs his little heart desires....LOL!!
  • They did not ask Jr. about this and he is not impressed with their weak offer. There is a BBQ place that he really likes in Memphis and the offer was for some other place. The BBQ that Jr likes is from Rendezvous. They are just trying to get some PR out of this without having to compensate Jr. for the use of his name. Shame on them.
    4's FINE N 09!!!!
  • Wow, I can't believe they used his name without going through the proper channels. Yes, that is underhanded.ac adapter 5v 3a
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