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Are there any close up camera views of the fan's reactions to Carl's wreck at Talladega?
May be...
Or how much you know what was "spilled" into their underpants. Knowing I couldn't be hurt, I would have loved to be sitting there and witnessed that. I was curious how many beers were spilled/dropped by the fans when Carl's car slide down the chain link fence. Grow up and get out of mommies cellar.
I guess a few were spilled, but it was the end of the race so the beer stands may have been shut down for a while.
Hey, heres' ice's email to me earlier..
From: ICE
Subject: Tom P
Message: Tom P.. suck my aass you stupid ******. You are the biggest troll on Yahoo Answers.
And he is supposedly a top contributor?
Hey, here's his latest... What a man!!!!!
From: ICE
Subject: Re: Tom P
Message: Tom P you look even dumber than your avatar. I've seen your picture before. You're an old washed up looking a **** that posts a picture of a doll that look better than you.... an that's a stupid looking avatar so you must understand that your actual appearance really sucks. What are you some kind of old wahed up drug addict? Is that what messed you up.
You report happy ****.
Seriously. Before you go calling out someone else you need to look at yourself.
That's mt 2 cents
and I Digest
What a retard.
You points gaming ****. Im sure the National Enquirer has nice and sick camera views of that wreck Carl was in and caught fan's reactions reactions with blood and all for you and the beer count too. Well, maybe all the fans dropped their beers, because it didn't look like any ended up on the race track during the victory donuts. Of course Jr's driver won, so....well, I'll leave it at that. check on youtube... i bet you could find some there.. other then that.. i dont think there were.. no one was killed. but a few were injured Geeeeeeeez All I know was I spilled mine and I was only watching on tv.
If I had been there with a cup full I would have run down and gave it to him. :)
tom p you know how it is "kids and computers" They'll try anything when mom's not watching. :) There you go: ICE, I saw video today that made what little hair I have left, stand up.. The sloe-mo showed the front of the car hit the TOP of the fence, with the body parallel to the ground, so most of the energy was being adsorbed by a very small pert of the fence near the top.. He was so close to going into the stands.. Beers spilled?? I would expect a few spilled some beer byproduct, if you know what I mean..
The folks up front were looking up at the car as it was coming.. That is some fence.. I am sure there was a lot of beer being wasted after that crash yesterday. It was so fast I don't think they hardly had time to flinch. I wouldn't be surprised if some pics get posted since it was the very end of the race and near the start/finish line. I have to believe some folk had their camera's up and ready. What a finish!
>>>Thanks for the clip Biner. Incredible wreck. There was one close up view they showed on one of the replays after the race where you could see a piece of debris hit somebody and another guy put his hand up in the air like he was waving for help. That's what it looked like to me.lg 510 cell phone for sale
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