
I don't know how to word this question with out offending racing fans but I will try?

May be...

  • No!! It wont drop a Penny!!!!!!
  • Would make no difference. When you look at the millions of cars on the road what would taking a few hundred (or thousand) at the most cars do?

    Price of crude will never drop drastically. The Arabs are going to make us pay through the nose.
  • NASCAR racing will not change the price of oil. The people can.
  • The US consumes about 834,000 barrels of oil an hour. (20,000,000 barrels/day) About 51.4 percent of a barrel results in refined gasoline.

    One 500 mile race consumes about 165 to 175 barrels.
    (Computed using average of 5 mpg /car for 43 cars and 26 gallons from a barrel)

    Transporting the cars and practice probably consumes another 2000 barrels.

    That's a little more than 80,000 barrels per year, but of course some of the diesel fuel comes from some of the same barrels as the racing fuel. I digress, just trying to make a point!

    Over the course of the 10 month season, the US consumes 6,000,000,000 barrels, so NASCAR uses 0.001333% of the total. So, for every 1000 gallons of gas you might consume you could save 1.33 cents, theoretically.

    Don't spend it all in one place!
  • You really think that is a serious question? If you think like that, no wonder you don't know the answers. No. Motorsports have no influx on the price of crude oil. Only the consumption by the public. If everyone quit driving their cars, gas prices would go down real quick.
  • Most run on different fuel anyway.
  • the biggest user of fuel in the USA is the Air Force. I live near a AFB, and they are constantly circling the runway,with fuel guzzling airplanes, to keep in practice. I have heard they have a fuel allocation, and if they don't use it all, they receive less next year. So....they keep the storage tanks empty.
    On the other hand....Go Air Force and all Military.. keep us safe, we appreciate what you do.
  • IF for some reason car racing be it Nascar or be it the Daytona 500 or anything else were to forever stop (OK I know this would never happen----but for sake of supposing) would the price of crude oil drop drastically? Would anyone or has anyone put certian rules on these cars and racers to make things more friendly for the environment?

    Hey Nascar fans I have nothing against you and all but this is a serious question as I don't know the answer!
  • No but if YOU would car pool or take the bus or not run to the mall 3 times a week, that might help!!!
  • the price of crude is based on futures and not how much nascar is using...you want to lower the price, talk to the people that bargain with it
  • No.
    I answered a similar question recently.
    I live in St. Louis, the 13th largest city in the U.S.
    All of the drivers combined here alone, drive a total of 504,000,000 miles in ONE WEEK!
    43 race cars in a 500 mile race, race a combined mileage of 21,500 miles on a Sunday afternoon.
    Using 25 miles per gallon for st. louis drivers, that's 20,160,000 gallons burned per week. Using 5 mpg for Nascar, that's 4300 gallons burned per week. That's quite a HUGE margin.

    As far as pollution goes, all professional racing series are exempt from the Clean Air Act of 1979.
    But don't be mad at them, trains, planes, construction cranes, earth moving equipment etc. etc. are also exempt.
    Pretty much anything that's illegal to drive on a public highway is exempt including gas lawn mowers.

    Another interesting note is tires. I work for the largest retail tire dealer in the state of MO. We have 38 stores. Last year, we sold right at 1,000,000 tires to the public and wholesale accounts.
    If Nascar's top series uses 18 tires per car, per race weekend at 43 cars per race in 36 races, that would be 27,864 tires per year.
    So it would literally take 35.8 years/seasons for Nascar to use the same amount of tires that just one successful family owned business sells in one year.
    Plus, I can guarantee there's no racing tires laying on any river banks somewhere.
  • If they stopped Nascar racing the price of crude oil wouldn't make it drop. Think about it, really sit back and think. Do you think it would make a difference? Nascar is changing the fuel little bit by little bit. They are running unleaded fuel now. IRL uses ethanol. What Nascar is doing doesn't make that big of a impact on the environment.
  • Most race cars don't rely on typical Gasoline products derived from Crude Oil - so the answer to your question is NO.

    The reason OIL prices are high is for many factors, and cutting back on Racing - be it nascar, f1, ALMS or other types of racing is not going to make even the smallest dent the price of oil.

    Oil prices are high because the US and China suck so much of it up in regular automobiles, production of manufactured products and in everything we do.
  • NASCAR and Daytona 500 are the same thing.

    I really don't think if NASCAR stopped the price of crude oil would drop dramatically.

    I think if the President stopped being the personal bee-otch of Saudi Arabia, we might have some progress.
  • I don`t know what makes you think the prices would change just because SUNOCO is the sponsor that doesn`t mean the fuel is free & as regular consumers we are not picking up the tab for Racing unless we buy a ticket to the race.
  • NASCAR does not burn enough fuel to make a difference in the OPEC pricing.

    NASCAR does try to be environmentally friendly, but there is only so much you can do with a race car.

    Legit question though.
  • Nope!
    If your referring to the emissions that the cars put off? your talking of only 45 to 50 cars in practice or qualifying as opposed to the whole world.
    I doubt it!
  • None whatsoever! The price of crude oil doesnt have anything to do with Nascar. Sorry to bust your bubble.
  • No.The price would remain at it's higher price.The percentage of oil used in racing is small compaired to the airlines and daily traffic.
  • No it would not change things. The fuel they use is not even a drop in the bucket compared to US consumption.
  • No it wouldn't.

    There are around 300 million cars in the US many of which are driven every day. Compare that to the few thousand cars racing in the entire country once a week. The amount of gas saved would amount to almost nothing.
  • No. Studies have shown that if you took out all the oil/gas NASCAR uses, it would only be a small dent.
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