
Who is the main troll on the Formula one section?

May be...

  • I'm not sure if he is actually a troll, but boy is he stupid. He thinks I'm a bloke.
    To the answerer above, Daniel Craig in disguise? I see by the 'mom' insult you're not a Brit. would you like a nice cup of tea? it helps with the stress of life don't you know.
    Oops, now I feel silly. I've just seen 'your mom'. apologies to the answerer above. That is a troll, he/she/it is trolling in NASCAR too. Once again, apologies to above
  • I would say Daniel Craig. He asked questions just to get a rise out of people, which is trolling. I think he is a sad little boy who is jealous of the British people and our resolve. he just doesn't realise how stupid he looks.
  • Now I hope you don't think this is me trolling, but I think whoever holds the account "ur mom" would seem to be the biggest troll. Just my personal opinion, you understand, I've no allegiance or preference.
  • Well he can't be that good a troll to be a level 3. most trolls get deleted before level 2. mind you his questions and answers are private so perhaps he is learning! I just think he's lonely with no friends in the real world, as are the others. I've always said there is more than one troll here though...........
  • Daniel Craig might not be pro-McLaren, pro-Hamilton or pro England, but he does ask interesting questions which give people a chance to write a decent answer. There are others who are a lot more offensive imho.

    Also, a couple of points gamers that I haven't managed to have removed yet are:

    Mearn http://uk.answers.yahoo.com/my/profile;_...
    The Sam http://uk.answers.yahoo.com/my/profile;_...
    d_leoncavallo http://uk.answers.yahoo.com/my/profile;_...

    Mearn and The Sam only answer Qs that they have posted themselves, but d_leoncavallo has around 15 different accounts to vote for himself as best answer...if he ever answers one of your Qs, make sure you pick a best answer because otherwise he'll get it in voting.
  • I think you follow your teams too blind!
  • Lewis Rocks, I have nothing to do with Daniel Craig.

    I dont deny that I am not all that fond of Hamilton, but I dont go around giving TDs.
  • Yep, he's the one thumbs downing all the McLaren fans too. I think he is Marinello in disguise
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