
If you had three different primary sponsors such as Elliott Sadler...?

May be...

  • I wouldn't let it bother me a bit. I would take it any way I could get it (support). With the economy the way it is I couldn't blame companies for pinching pennies.
  • Like everyone else said, I would just be grateful to have a sponsor. There are too many teams out there right now that are struggling to even get/keep a sponsor to be picky enough to be upset over not having the same one all season.
  • At this point the way sponsors are I would take it as a great thing, 3 primary sponsors you know your racing the whole year and that's all that would matter to me.
  • wouldnt 3 be better than one
  • Its just a sign of the economy and probable will get worse not better. should be happy the have sponsors.
  • It would depend. If I was a good driver that was consistent then I'd be excited. If I wasn't that good then I'd be nervous about losing sponsorship.


    I think there's a troll in our midst. Everyone except the newest answers have gotten a thumbs down. Tom G wouldn't do that.
  • I would take it as a good thing. More money because they are going to be fighting for the races where they can be the primary sponsor and have their paint scheme on it!
  • Sponsors are overrated. Look at Travis Kvapil, he probably did better without a sponsor then he did with Hitachi on the car.

    I'm not saying sponsors are unimportant but people overemphasize it at times.
  • I would be thankful I have enough sponsors to make a full race season. Then, hopefully somebody will like my performance and pick me up for a whole year next season!

  • I'd take it as no one certain sponsor can afford to sponsor me as much as they would want to sponsor me. Then I would be happy that my hood wasn't blank like some others were/are.

    I like all of Elliots sponsors. He's a good enough driver to get sponsored and you watch...next year when he does even better he will have others fighting to sponsor him. Maybe GEM is giving all of his sponsor a chance to shine and show their stuff to be fair because they were all fighting over him. :0)
  • I really wouldn't even think about that. That would a pointless distraction. I'd be thankful that I have these sponsors that are giving my team millions of dollars.
  • I guess it would be a good thing.
    Because if one of them left you, You wouldn't really have to worry.
  • If you had 3 sponsors, if one bailed you wouldn't be left scrambling to find an immediate replacement before you could continue your season. If 3 companies want to sponsor you, esp. ones so different as Sadler's, that's a good sign: it shows that you have broad appeal, so you can be marketed to just about anybody.
  • A lot of cars have multiple sponsors.. Roush actually shares their sponsors from car to car and series to series. It's a great way to market several companies and drivers.

  • Well, look at Matt... he has what, 5 primary sponsors? (Carhartt, DeWalt, USG, R&L, and Dish) No one can argue that he's a bad driver. I think it's amazing if you get through the year with any sponsor on your car these days... look at poor Robby Gordon, who has to put out desperate pleas on his website for sponsors for certain races, or Travis Kvapil, who's had what, 18 different sponsors this year?
  • In these tough economic times?? I'd take it as a GOOD THANG.
  • With the economy the way it is now. I would take what I could get.
    I really dont think they mind too much.
  • Would you take it as a good thing that a lot of companies want to sponsor you or would you take it as a bad thing that not one sponsor wants to support you for a whole year?
  • Look at it as a good thing. I do, Kyle has 5 of them.
  • I'd take it as a good thing. Seems to me 3 is better than 1 any day especially now. It definitely keeps ya racin'. These days ya just never know.
  • The way the economy is I think that might be the way a lot of the drivers will have sponsors in the future. Jeff has 3 also ,so I wouldn't worry about it.hp 1945 pda
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