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In Grand Prix's wouldn't it better if they had to run to their cars like they did in the 20's...?
May be...
yes i agree completely thanks v much for the question im glad to see that someone else agrees with me!! Wasn't that at Le Mon but yep good idea! I would watch it then! At LeMans in the 20s, the sports cars ( if you can call a truck like Bentley a SC) had to carry all their tools and spare parts IN the car, along with extra weight to simulate passengers, and only the driver could make repairs........ Yeah, if they have to run through an assault course with like monkey bars, and tightropes. It could turn into survival of the fittest!
Then they get into the cars, and have to do a car assault course. Then they do the actual race.
Hahaha, then we will see who the real champion is
yep It would be absolute chaos
The slower runners would get flattened by cars leaving the pits.
The cars themselves would crash into each other.
The Germans would be throwing towels over other cars.
Alonso Ponso would be blocking the whole pit lane while he put his make up on.
It would be mayhem.
In fact just what F1 needs to make it interesting.
Lets hope that Bertie Fincklestein reads this and implements it for next season. Much better, they should do that though I wouldn't trust a cad like Alonso not to employ dirty tricks like tying a rivals shoe laces together or sticking his leg out or something like that. Its time we found out who the fastest really is! why do u think they have beautiful models carrying flags in front of the cars?
I'd go with Bossco's idea! It coudl be called the 'Grand Triathalon Prix'!! Everything would be better if we did it like they did in the '20's. I long for a flapper girl. good idea. Mayhem! ...that'd sort the wheaty men from the girly chaff NO IT WOULD BE BORING BECAUSE THE CARS ARE REALLY SLOW!!!!! this site might help you better than anything. It would be funny watching them trying to do up seat belts, connecting drinking and comms, not forgetting putting the top around the top of the driver cell. Girly chaff?
Cheeky They could go one better and make it a triathlon. Fist they have to swim accross a lake then ride a bike to get to their car.lax to hnl
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