
Do any drivers have tattoos?

May be...

  • I'm pretty sure this was asked before, but I'm still curious :).

    And if your favorite driver did have a tattoo, what would it be? Or what would you suggest?
  • i often wondered that myself. if anyone has tattoos.
    i do not think Elliot has one but being married now and in a different mind set who knows if he will change his mind. I could see him placing his kids names somewhere.
  • i aint seen none but i heard that cale gale has a confederate flag on his left arm but ive never seen it so i aint sure.
  • I think Stewart has a tramp stamp

  • " "

    (listening to the elevator music)

    I don't know of any, but I think Tony would have a little devil on his butt.
  • Jimmy Johnson has a Heart with the initials JJ & CK and "4vr" on his left cheek
  • I've never seen them in anything less than firesuits and I don't mind keeping it that way.chapter clue fable lost treasure
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