
Is penske going to use saturns instead of dodges?

May be...

  • dosen't matter...............whatever kurt drives he will find his way to the front.

    wouldn't that be funny.........a saturn with a 358ci engine.800hp to the rear tires,dont think it could stay hooked up.
    do u think the frame can hold it?
  • Who knows? We'll see, maybe! It would be ok with me to see Saturns on the track.
  • Saturn was a General Motors product, why not as long as they can be competitive. Dodges have not run that great this yr, yes they have a win with Kurt. One thing for sure Roger Penske is a smart man and if anybody can do it, he can. Not sure how quick he can put together a Saturn COT. I'm sure we will hear more about this topic.

    Go Dale Jr & Hms
  • maybe or maybe not.It depends on whether or not Obama buys out NASCAR.

    Thankyou Ford Motor Co for not selling out .
  • Yes, and neither Busch, nor Stremme want to drive them, so he hired Danica, and Milka as his new drivers..
  • That would be very cool Saturn's are a very good car
  • Thank you, Tim, for a real question!

    I think he'll be using Dodges in the near future...but if he makes the Saturn brand successful...who knows?
  • I would think that it would be possible. I mean why not, Toyota's in and if I have Learned anything from Nascar it is to Expect the unexpected.

    It really didn't take that long for Toyota to get in so it could happen down the road.
  • probably not. staurn doe'nt have a rACECAR
  • Penske could easily run with Saturns.

    He could buy the rights to the new Dodge engine or use Chevrolet engines. All he has to do for the car is come up with a Saturn nose and change the nose and decals to make his Dodges change into Saturns.
  • I think the Captain is just taking advantage of the market. He probably bought Saturn cheap. (Cheap to him, not me. lol)
    Saturns racing in NASCAR? Why not? I never thought I'd see Toyotas in NASCAR, but there they are.2005 air amsterdam best fare jfk march
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