
Is F1 motor racing controlled by closet nazis?

May be...

  • First, we had Gauleiter Mad Max Moseley in a "nazi" themed masochistic ritual, and now Herr Bernie Eccleston praising Hitler and defending his record. Many of the F1 teams have complained about their high-handed style of treating others, a style reminiscent of Joseph Goebbels' Kristallnacht campaign and propaganda.

  • A better question would be, Is society including academia, government and NGOs controlled by closet Communist Marxists?? Mandelson, Blunket, Charles Clarke all ex communist party members, Livingstone, hatton the list is endless of the far left who were soviet communist lackeys,that doesn't include the civil service double agents.

    Whether one likes it or not, before war, Hitler brought pride and a sense of purpose to the German Nation, he never took a salary during his term in office, he was a politician that was sincere and kept his word, Europe's first minimum wage and paid holidays for workers, a social housing programme the cutting edge of its time, full work and employment, the crushing of communist agitators and unions, social equality between businessman and worker an ethnic centric society for Germans. Churchill said of Hitler in 1936, that there was not a man in europe with the integrity of herr hitler.(words to that effect)
    I other words Hitler got things done.As Eccelstone stated
  • Just to add to your Nazi suspicions..
    Max's parents, Sir Oswald Mosley and Diana Mitford, were married at a ceremony in Germany attended by Joseph Goebbels and Adolf Hitler!
    The pair were thrown in jail for a few years during WW2 because of their fascist views. Oswald was the leader of British Union of Fascists at the time,
    Nazi blood runs deep! :-(
  • No...F1 Motor Racing is controlled by Nazi Zombies.
  • No, Bernie did not, he simply stated Hitler knew how to get things done. And he also said he new it wasn't a good thing to say, and as usual people are taking it totally out of context. He did not defend Hitler's record at all. He was trying to show that F1 needs to be controlled by one person, (himself) as in this way things get done rather than having a committee that can't decide on anything.
    Hitler was that kind of person, he knew how to make decisions and get things done (unfortunately he used his abilities for the wrong reasons) and that's why soon as his name is mentioned people start to jump up and down in protest. Thats also why when Bernie asked whether Hitler was the architect of the Final Solution he said maybe, maybe not and hence the careful wording used by the journalist of...' Ecclestone appears to be suggesting...' to make sure he doesn't get sued.
  • You're looking too deep into this. Way too deep.
  • Wow, I can't believe the Ecclestone said that. I thought he had some brains about him, unlike the other nitwit, who is at least a self confessed Nazi. Clearly, I was wrong.

    These idiots should have gone a long time ago.fibremotive body kits
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