
When did it become illegal to speed in Nascar?

May be...

  • Its not racing anymore, its like a bunch of babies racing. You are suppose to see in racing whos the fastest, not who @##$$ Nascar enough so they can get rules there way. They have ruined racing with rules. Racing is about speed. Not spoilers and restrictor plates, and you can do this or you cant do that. Let the fastest man with the most balls win. Not ones that nascar wants. Nascar racing now is about as creditable as WWF. Its not a sport its more about entertainment with the results figured out long before the race. Like shortened waits for rain delays for one or extra long rain delay waits here, supposed speeding in the pits, or letting 88, 48 or others bump or ram someone and thats just racing, but let robbie gordon or the likes slide into someone and thats wreckless driving. Only idiots believe racing isnt fixed!
  • I am serious. Some guy got penalized for speeding into the pit .
  • NASCAR instituted speed limits on pit road after a couple of pit crew members were killed during races. That rule was put in place quite a few years ago and is for the safety of the pit crews. It is currently monitored electronically to take out any subjective judgment and drivers are given a 5 mph cushion. NASCAR is not the only series with a pit road speed limit. All other major forms of racing including F1, IRL, and ALMS have a pit road speed limit. What is unique in NASCAR is the driver has to control the speed himself while the other series use a button on the steering wheel that activates a rev limiter.
  • It's for the safety of pit crews because if someone was going 200mph on pit road they could kill someone. And Rob if you were on pit road and you got hit by a car you wouldn't think it was a bunch of babies cause you would be dead. So if you like seeing people die then tell NASCAR to remove the pit road speed limit.
  • I believe the pit road speed limit went into effect the first race of the 1990 season, at Daytona..
    Before that they would hit pit road at about 150..
    There is a speed limit on the track.. A minimum speed limit..
  • Mindcrime is Right! They used to do 75 to 90 miles an hour down Pit row!
  • There have always been speed limits on pit road to ensure the safety of the crews, officials, and other drivers.
  • Pit road speeds were made in the early 90s for safety reasons, and pit road is part of the race. Mistakes on pit road happen all the time, and it often will cost the race. Everyone is playing by the same rules.

    And yes...they do restrict speed at some race tracks, again, for safety reasons. These safety rules do take something away from racing, but we don't need any more drivers or crew members killed for the sake of our entertainment.
  • The link below is why it is illegal to speed in Pit Road.

    Not unless you want that to happen again.
  • Imagine if there were no speed limit in pit row? Good lord.
  • I don't know the exact year, but they have had a speed limit on pit road for years now. It's to protect the crew members. They shouldn't have to die from getting run over to please a handful of people who don't understand that certain safety measures are necessary. Who wants to stand out there if drivers are going close to 100 mph even?
  • There have always been speed limits on pit row. It's for the safety of the pit crews.
  • Another fan that just watched their first race...Montoya got caught speeding which is illegal on pit row..nothing political like lots of people think..so live with it...better, more intelligent driver won today..gps voice navigation
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