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Poll: What is in your NASCAR lunchpail today?
May be...
I am having Minestrone soup with some crackers today. I need to eat healthier and don't have anything planned so any suggestions? It was a take-out pail today....
Cheeseburger, fries and a coke. Left over pizza, hot chocolate, soup, coffee and a huge chocolate chip cookie. I drink coffee from my Nascar mug. I have a can of beef stew, some Doritos, two apples and two cans of Mountain Dew. I think your lunch just kicked mine's a**.... Spam sandwich with lettuce and mayo, pretzels, pudding, and a slim jim. I'm eating it at home because work got called off because of the global warming! Ha Ha! Turkey and cheddar with tomato, alfalfa sprouts, herbed baby romaine with a carmelized onion and garlic spread on whole wheat bread.
Fruit and vanilla chai.
Yum. Sounds like you win. I had chicken broccoli casserole. The boss ( wife ) still has me on that #&^%$%# diet so its a Salad today! Is it healthier than mine? Ham and Cheese sandwich with mustard, French Onion flavored multigrain Sunchips, Chocolate Chip cookies and Snapple Peach Iced Tea. Im having chicken soup because its good for the soul and Sprite Zero as a beverage and Dorito's. Not near as health as yours. I haven't even thought of what to take today. I have my Dale Jr. lunchbox all set to go with nothing in it. I had healthy yesterday. I really don't know you know Taco Bell sounds good. LOL, I just have PB&J with Pringles today. It's been a crappy day so far (it was -34 actual temp this morning and I had some truck issues) and I'm not real fired up for lunch.
4's FINE N 09!!!! Snickers and a Mountain Dew
It's the breakfast for Champions!! I was gonna cash my paycheck and pick something up, but I'm too cold for that. So, I'm not going to eat anything. =( I'll probably have a Albacore Tuna Salad with diet Green tea. I'm eating alot healthier this yr.
Go Dale Jr & Hms in 2009flights to sitges
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