
Poll: What is in your NASCAR lunchpail today?

May be...

  • I am having Minestrone soup with some crackers today.
  • I need to eat healthier and don't have anything planned so any suggestions?
  • It was a take-out pail today....

    Cheeseburger, fries and a coke.
  • Left over pizza, hot chocolate, soup, coffee and a huge chocolate chip cookie. I drink coffee from my Nascar mug.
  • I have a can of beef stew, some Doritos, two apples and two cans of Mountain Dew. I think your lunch just kicked mine's a**....
  • Spam sandwich with lettuce and mayo, pretzels, pudding, and a slim jim. I'm eating it at home because work got called off because of the global warming! Ha Ha!
  • Turkey and cheddar with tomato, alfalfa sprouts, herbed baby romaine with a carmelized onion and garlic spread on whole wheat bread.
    Fruit and vanilla chai.

  • Sounds like you win. I had chicken broccoli casserole.
  • The boss ( wife ) still has me on that #&^%$%# diet so its a Salad today!
  • Is it healthier than mine? Ham and Cheese sandwich with mustard, French Onion flavored multigrain Sunchips, Chocolate Chip cookies and Snapple Peach Iced Tea.
  • Im having chicken soup because its good for the soul and Sprite Zero as a beverage and Dorito's. Not near as health as yours.
  • I haven't even thought of what to take today. I have my Dale Jr. lunchbox all set to go with nothing in it. I had healthy yesterday. I really don't know you know Taco Bell sounds good.
  • LOL, I just have PB&J with Pringles today. It's been a crappy day so far (it was -34 actual temp this morning and I had some truck issues) and I'm not real fired up for lunch.
    4's FINE N 09!!!!
  • Snickers and a Mountain Dew

    It's the breakfast for Champions!!
  • I was gonna cash my paycheck and pick something up, but I'm too cold for that. So, I'm not going to eat anything. =(
  • I'll probably have a Albacore Tuna Salad with diet Green tea. I'm eating alot healthier this yr.

    Go Dale Jr & Hms in 2009flights to sitges
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