
What are Jimmy Johnson's "official" colors?

May be...

  • it's blue, black, yellow and white
    google up Johnson's 2008 car paint style and you'll get the idea, lol
    btw, tell your son that I'm a huge fan of Johnson too
  • http://www.jayski.com/schemes/2009/48cup...
  • Im pretty sure they are Black, Blue, and Yellow. I little bit of grey but thats not official! good luck!
  • Bright Blue with white letters and bright yellow numbers. Some silver trim. I'd go with Blue and have yellow accents (like #48 pillows or decals on blue walls with white ceiling).

  • Blue and silver.
  • red,white,and blue are the main colors.Silver,yellow,and black are the secondary colors.
  • If you have a local Lowes Home Improvement store go to their paint department.....they have exact colors. My buddy who likes 48 had his "man cave" painted up in Johnson colors....turned out pretty cool.
    You can also take your son's toy car or a picture and they can color match. Either way they can help you get exact colors.

    Just an opinion as always.

    Edit**** Hate your local Lowes was no help. Ours is always very helpful they have helped me with Petty blue more than once. You may want to wait and call M-F during the hours of 9-5. That's when "our paint guy" works there. On the weekends our Lowes just has teenagers staffing the paint department...they don't know a paint brush from a tooth brush!
    Just an opinion as always!
  • Blue, black, silver, and yellow.
  • Blue and yellow.
  • Not a Nascar fan, but my son wants his room painted with the Lowe's car colors. If any #48 fans out there could please tell me what colors to get to paint his room, especially the bright yellow (or is that green?). Thank you in advance!i600 smartphone
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