
Racing license?

May be...

  • Can anyone here brief me how to get a car racing license(from malaysia)..
    and few more questions
    1) how much doest it cost's?
    2)how much must i pay to renew it yearly?
    3)how do i pursue racing to international level as my career?
    4)where can i find sponsors?

    And pliz add any relevant points i need to know.,
  • oops - just saw Malaysia ... not much help.

    Have you gone online or contacted local racing organizations? That would be a start.

    As for sponsors ... if you haven't even figured out how to join the racing club I don't think the sponsors will be too excited to give you money.

    Sponsorship is usually earned through performance and presentation. You have to demonstrate you are a marketable investment. You'll need to start by doing your homework and getting behind the wheel.
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