
Did anyone hear our nations president say NASCAR was good for the American automotive industry?

May be...

  • He put in a whole bunch of good words for NASCAR, and the American automotive industries relation with NASCAR.
  • Obama is all about the Auto companys. Look at CARS, Just another way to get us to buy more expensive cars. Nothing in it for the unemployed worker. Just more cash for those who make way to expensive cars. Nascar has nothing to do with what happens to any american car company or foriegn car company. how many millions are out of work like me and have unenployment finished and still cant find work? That what he should be talking about. Not how Nascar makes them looks.
    Just mt P....d off opinion.
  • His government owns 2 of the 4 makes of cars. Of course he would say it was good for the auto industry. He is probably right about this one. I wonder who actually wrote that statement and put it on Obama's teleprompter because you can rest assured he didn't think this up himself.
  • He really needed to do more research. He was mistaken when he said that NASCAR was started by moonshiners racing at Daytona beach during prohibition. I hate it when politicians make statements about things they know nothing about.
  • I didn't but its about time someone puts out a good word for the American auto industry and NASCAR.

    I get tired of hearing about people who have probably never even been in an American car claim its crap because its American. Guess what people the parts that make a GM, Ford, Chrysler, Toyota, Honda, BMW and everything else are all made by the same suppliers.

    Sometimes it seems like the midwest and NASCAR country are the only ones that support the American auto industry.
  • It's nice to know that President Obama has good things to say about NASCAR. Good for him! Great for NASCAR!

    Stewart Haas Racing!
  • I sure did. I watched the whole thing on ESPN2. It should be a good boost for the US automakers & Nascar. I was glad to see it.
  • Well that was mighty good of him. I wonder why he said that? Hmmm.
    NASCAR will sink or swim regardless of what he says.
    I am so glad that Kyle had "other commitments".
  • Good
  • he was just looking for brownie points with the American public.
  • I hope Barack becomes an avid Dave Blaney fan and sponsors his car for a few races to see what they can do.

    I'M SERIOUS, because I know trolls will give me 25 TD's.nethack games
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