
Do you "hate" Sterling Marlin and think he killed Dale Earnhardt, Sr.?

May be...

  • Lynn. One thing Ive learned in my 30 years watching racing is most people that think they know racing don't know "jack." A good example is Juan Pablo. Do you really think he has been out of control anymore excessive then 90% of the current drivers.? Do you think he has a bad attitude? Absolutely not. One of the nicest, funniest, accomplished guys Ive ever met. It's because his name isn't "spit" Jones from Okie fanokie Tennessee. Its because there are still bigots in this world. And again there are some really dumb people that act like they know racing.

    I would have laughed off that comment you read as such.
  • I don't think Marlin did anything wrong. after all it's racing. I don't "hate" anyone!!!!
  • It seems as if some people are still looking to place the blame for Senior's death. We all need to move on--its not like knowing what happened would bring him back. Sterling Marlin isn't to blame any more than WE are--he just happened to be physically present when it happened. We loved him, we miss him--but let him have some peace..
  • No, he didn't kill Earnhardt.
  • Sterling Marlin is in no way no how responsible for Dale Sr's death. It was a racing accident. pure and simple. Crashes happen all the time.
  • No I don't hate Sterling Marlin & he wasn't responsible for Sr's death. Marlin had a lot of respect for Sr & vice versa.
  • Definitely not ! Sterling is a great guy and he didn't have anything to do with The Intimidators death !
  • I was not a big fan of Dale Sr but I also did not really dislike him all that much. From what I saw during that tragic accident was Dale trying to block Kenny Schrader and Sterling Marlin. He had 2 of his drivers in the lead and he wanted to make sure that DEI won the Daytona 500 that year. The really sad thing is that nobody could have caught them regardless of Dale's actions. It was about the only time I ever saw him drive defensively, he always raced to win. Some people were SO emotionally tied to Earnhardt that they can not accept what really happened. They need to blame somebody for it and Sterling usually ends up as the scapegoat. It is too bad but when it comes down to it it was "just one of them racing deals". RIP Dale, you left NASCAR better and safer than you found it.
  • no, i dont hate sterling. he was in the wrong place at the worst time.

    he did not kill earnhardt, the "perfect crash" killed him. such a tragedy.
  • Positively not.
  • it was a RACING accident,,Sterling Marlin just happen to be the guy envolved in the accident with Earnhardt,,,,,too many red necks went crazy when their hero died doing what he loved to do,,RACE cars,,he is gone,but not forgotten
  • I think that Marlin knew taking the air off of a car going into the turn could yield a wreck..I think he ment to get Dale loose to apss him....I think he knew that was going to be the only way to pass him....
    I also believe NASCAR and the media kind of skipped over this when the accident happened....the have a lot of replays of the wreck, but little to none of the few seconds before the wreck......kinda shady in my book

    I feel Marlin kinda felt it could cause a wreck.....and he proceeded...so in a way YES, I do feel Marlin is to blame for Sr's wreck and since Sr. died from injuries sustained in the wreck...Marlin is to blame,
  • He got loads of death threats after Earnhardt's death. NO, I don't hate him. He was just driving and racing like every other guy on the track. He didn't kill Earnhardt in my opinion, consequences of the crash killed Dale. It is a shame it happened though.
  • You'll always get a thumbs up from me Lynn. Later. Report It
  • Sterling Marlin had very little to do with it. If you really need to blame someone, take a real good look at the replays. Earnhardt is in the middle of a 3 wide run. When Rusty Wallace closes on his rear spoiler, his car wiggles, and he bounces into Sterling. If Rusty hadn't closed in on Earnhardt's bumper, odds are he would have never gotten loose. Things happen in racing and there is noone really at fault. Some people need to get a life.
  • No I don`t hate Sterling , Dale Sr was trying to block him when he met his untimely demise , but it was not sterlings fault it was an accident . I watched that race & didn`t even think anything was wrong with Dale till about 1 1/2 hours later , but I don`t blame Sterling it was a freak accident period. RIP DALE SR
  • No I dont hate him and others shouldnt as well--It was just a accident which was part of racing!!!!!!!
  • No...it was a tragic accident.

    I'm not hating Marlin.
  • That was a racing accident. Marlin and Sr were friends.
  • I'm a Marlin fan!!! Every driver knows to risks of getting hurt or even killed. He died doing what he loved.
  • i don't hate him
    it was an unfortunate incident
    i still say he had a heart attack and along with the head and neck injury it just was way to much
    Dale survived worse accidents than that one
    i remember his car tumbling at over and over at arace and he walked away
  • Sterling Marlin was driving and keeping his line. It seems to me E. Sr. slid a bit down the track, whether he 'lost' it a bit or he was just moving down toward the white line I don't think we'll ever know but to say Marlin killed him is ridiculous and I don't even know why I'm answering this preposterous question. Who ever posted it is ridiculous
  • My question is inspired by a Q&A that I just read. Someone said that Sterling Marlin is the most hated NASCAR driver and was responsible for Earnhardt's death.

    I can't believe that anyone could really think that. Even Junior didn't blame Marlin. What do you think?
  • NO WAY!!!@!
  • NO ABSOLUTELY NOT! Sterling marlin had mad respect for Dale Sr. and so did his late father coo coo
  • No. What happened to Dale could have happened to anyone. I'm sure that Sterling Marlin felt horrible about what happened. It was an accident, plain and simple.
  • That question doesnt even deserve an answer. So I guess that would kinda give you an answer. NO
  • That is what everyone said in the beginning after Dale died. They all thought that he killed him. But it was just a weird racing deal. What about poor Sterling, he has to live with that for the rest of his life.
  • Nope do not hate him at all, the poor guy got death threats for months after the accident...It was a racing accident, things like this happen, I was there I saw it. Sr was blocking Schrader and Marlin, resulting in a bad crash that took his life. Dale Jr did not blame Marlin either, and neither do I.. R.I.P Dale Sr..
  • Absolutely Not!!! It was a racing accident.

    Go Jr.>>>>
  • no I don't, and, no I don't.
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