

May be...

  • not in an extended race, the Veyron's lack of fuel efficiency would do it in, but in a straight drag race, could it beat one of the top cars in NASCAR, assuming it has a top notch driver?
  • The Bugatti would beat a NASCAR but not an NHRA
  • Veyron - 1001bhp - 4160lb
    NASCAR - 770bhp - 3400lb

    Veyron would win, on a strip, oval or road course no contest.
  • With the bristol gears the cup car would get a close 2nd.But you dont take a cup car to a dragrace.
  • A NASCAR race car is not designed to take off from a dead-stop like on a drag strip. That's why they don't try to do the sitting start at Indy, they'd probably destroy the drive train. I'm not too familiar with the Veyron, so I couldn't tell you what would happen if they tried to drag race.

    Upon further investigation on Wikipedia, the Veyron is the superior car.
  • The idea is not to put the answer in the question.
    Could a NASCAR beat a veyron on a lap round the Nurburgring?
  • The only place a Nascar Cup car shines is turning left. The Veyron will kill a Cup car in a straight line and on a road course. As far as fuel efficiency goes, a Cup car gets about 5 to 6 mpg on a good day, so that won't hamper the Veyron at all. Top speed on a Veyron is limited to around 250 or so. Fastest speed I've heard about is around 240 for a Cup car at Talladega, but I'm sure it can go faster with different gearing. As far as race cars go, a Cup car has some of the narrowest slick racing tires you can find in the top levels of motorsports. It might level the playing field a bit if the Cup car can be fitted with a better tire/rim combination and maybe a 6 speed gearbox.
    As it stands right now, the Veyron wins.wireless sync pda
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