
IRL race tonight 3 gals driving who will finish better?

May be...

  • If Danica stays out of trouble yes she will
    i hope Fisher does well she deserves a decent sponsorship deal
    as for Duno to me she is highly overrated
  • I think that Sarah will do better than Milka, if she can stay out of trouble
  • Danica should have a decent finish, Sarah's a good driver but lacks the budget to field a competitive car. As for Milka she'll stay out of trouble but won't be a factor.
  • Sarah Fisher or Milka Duno? Yes Danica is driving but she is in far superior equipment, she'll have a decent finish anyway... I hope Sarah can pull off a top 10 finish.. What do you think?
  • Danica is almost always in the top 7. Sarah is a decent driver but behind in the car setup and money side of things. Milka is just this side of being dangerous on the race track.
  • Danica like always
  • D.Patrick 1
    S Fisher. 2
    M.Duno. 3ms golf tournament canada
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