
HOW long before the #18 has a bad wreck and takes it a little easier?

May be...

  • He had a bad wreck last year at Talladega. I still don't see any improvement
  • I dont know--But if he learns to drive smarter, he will gain alot of peoples repect!!!!!!!
  • A bad wreck will only make his work harder...take it easy?? ain't gonna happen if you're talking about Kyle...
  • I think it will be more of him causing a bad wreck and hurting someone else. He appears to have little regard as to whether he wrecks himself or not. Something that will probably come with age. Whether or not he ever decides to own a team, is something else that may make him take it easy. More than one aggressive driver (Earnhardt Sr, Harvick) has calmed down in the past when he knows what it's like to pay for the busted up race cars!
  • Years! ha ha
  • Not any time soon! He's an immature baby who will never get over imperfection, which is good and bad.
  • this is the way he races very wreckless with no regards to anyone but himself. I don't see him calming down anytime soon.
  • Wrecking is a part of racing. You race, at one point or another you'll get into a wreck. It's expected. Drivers can't afford to just take it easy cause they wrecked. Once they do that, they'll be out of racing. Its too competitive to get scared after a wreck and just slow down. Not to mention the I think McDowell's wreck proved how safe the COT truly is.
  • Didn't he have a bad wreck at 'dega last yr or the yr before he was on his lid in a crash.. They don't call him Rowdy for nothing, I'm sure he'll have his share of big ones..

    Go Dale Jr & Hms
  • Prolly never this kid can drive. He is a wheelman and is at an outstanding level in motorsports.
  • I really don't know when, but I think it will happen eventually. Some people just never slow down, though. Just look at Dale Sr. That man had SEVERAL nasty wrecks but it never stopped him. He still had that same fire until the very end.......
  • He had a bad wreck, and that didn't slow him down, he is an idiot and has no regards for other peoples lives.

    he will never slow down...till its over.......
  • Not soon enough
  • 5 days, 4 hours and 45 minutes. Thats when they go green at Talladega.
  • This isn't figure skating.
  • Did you see the two wrecks he had last year? I thought he he would've been afraid to drive after those horrific crashes. Like I said about Kyle Busch. He reminds me of me. It doesn't matter. The love of racing never stops a contender. Being in a race car is "home" for these guys. Getting in a bad wreck will not make Kyle go slower or take it easy. Just looking at a race car makes you wanna get in it and push it to it limits, and dust off the competition. So my answer to your question , is "never".
  • He is going to do just fine at Dega, the bumpers on the COT match up perfect which will allow better bump drafting, for instance Ryan Newman and Kurt Busch at Daytona. Oh yeah and dont forget the rear wing which allows the car to remain stable when the car is upset a bit.
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