
How do you join Jr Nation?

May be...

  • You send a payment of $1000 to Junior Nation, P.O. Box 2398, Charlotte, NC 28262. I'll send you your membership card. It's awesome when you're in it.
  • Let's see...ya must be a high school droppout, beer drinker, dillusional, and must be able to put a god complex on a mediocre driver.
  • you know what you can join right now and be a typical jr fan


  • Are you really interested? Or are you just tr0!!ing around looking for trouble? Pick a driver and follow your fave.

    go Jr.>>>>
  • I'm a member without the 1972 double wide winnebago, come on T-bone and Lynn...Just be a Dale Jr fan and cheer him on, and being rowdy and tossing beer cans are not a requirement.. Been a member since his Busch yrs and I've never tossed a beer can.. Wear your Dale Jr gear and you are ready...You can also join his fan club as well..

    Go Dale Jr & Hms
  • Dont join Jr Nation
  • just be a fan of #88 dale jr
  • probably real humbling
  • To join the Junior Nation all one has to do is to take a running start into a closed door.Whwen you wake up and see the double 8's spinning around your head then you are in the nation.
  • Just root for the underdog
  • Shrub Nation is funner, we have chia pets and everything!
  • Become a Jr. fan Duh
  • Sorry, can't help you - I was rejected. I couldn't afford a 1972 Double wide Winnebago .
  • lol... just be his fan suport him weather it's good or bad
  • Just have no knowledge of, or respect for, the sport of NASCAR and it's history. Continually act like a three year old ( to the point that your driver has to constantly ask you to stop) and be a bit out of touch with reality!! You will, no doubt, be accepted with open arms!!
  • hey, it's a fair question for someone who doesn't know nascar. no need to be so nasty and scare potential race fans away (although i must admit my first reaction an hour or so ago was a few mean wisecracks ;-)

    assuming you are sincere in this question, if you are a fan of dale junior's, you are part of junior nation. and a true fan can like, dislike, even "hate" other drivers, but does so without showing his or her @$$ by doing things like making death threats, throwing crap on the track, constantly posing dumb@$$ questions bashing other drivers (one or two is ok, but once a hundred have already been posted, resist the urge ;-), constantly belittling their fans, etc. in short, be respectful, just as junior is, even if it hurts sometimes...
  • lose about 50 I.Q points drink beer act stupid you will fit right in
  • Just practice throwing debris onto the track...learn which shoe goes on the correct foot...get a frontal lobotomy...just about covers things..
  • Well golly gee wiz. I wuz septed soone az I bawt me my first wiinebagel singl wahd. U ns got gyped. Go JR.!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • if you are in it ------ what is it like ?
  • they now refer to Jr's legion of fans as jr nation---there are old school fans and new, you can join Jr's fan club also if you want, but if you are his fan, you are apparently by default a member of so-called jr nation.
  • it's awesome to be a fan of the best and coolest driver in NASCAR. just buy a cap or t-shirt, start drinking AMP energy drink, and cheer our boy on come race day. your secret decoder ring is in the mail
  • Anybody who is a fan of Jr.'s can be in the Jr. Nation it is fun and it is a little better than the Raider Nation.
  • If ur a Jr fan then I think ur automatically in Jr nation! Just cheer him on and don't jump ship when things aren't going the way you want or expect them too!
  • it's awesome to be a fan of the best and coolest driver in NASCAR. just buy a cap or t-shirt, start drinking AMP energy drink, and cheer our boy on come race day. your secret decoder ring is in the mail.
  • It's about the same as Kyle Nation or Gordon Nation or Tony Nation or Kasey Nation except the girls are nicer.

    And yes, I DO own a 1972 doublewide.
    Tbone rents it from me and his rent is late again!
  • A purchase of a 1972 Double wide Winnebago helps...lol J/k
  • To join Junior nation... Look for the big bandwagon and hop right in.
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