
Why is Dale doing this?

May be...

  • Its called Photoshop Einstein. That photo has been around for 2 years. It doesn't take a genius to see it isn't real.
  • I don't see the big deal. It's a picture of two friends hanging out and relaxing.

    And I don't think that's a doctored picture.
  • That is disturbing, especially if you are a straight white male. I do not hang with my friends like that. Food for thought...
  • Hell... I don't buy it... look at his FLAB!!!!!!!

    I'm sorry, but NASCAR drivers are usually in VERY GOOD physical condition. In the past, in these "Superstar" athletic competitions, the racing drivers turned out to be the top performers. So I don't buy that flab being Jr's!

    But, again, I said before, what does sexual orientation have to do with being able to race a car?

  • Again I ask, jealous?
  • I think Tbone, #18'sRowdy's World, Winter, and dianne m. said it all I don't have to say anymore!!
  • Not sure if it's doctored - but I looked at the shadows (that is what you are supposed to look at in a suspect picture). I am no expert on that stuff, but they don't really seem to match.

    Even if it's real...really, it shows absolutely NOTHING! And for people to continue with this whole thing is so funny!

    He has been seen with plenty of girls, there is absolutely nothing about his character or actions that show him to be anything but a man who loves women. Can you imagine the pressure for both Jr. and the girl - hard to make a relationship with that kind of thing!

    What I find funny is those people who use the excuse "OH, we had to hear it about Jeff, now it's on Jr. and you don't like it?" Like they didn't stand up for Jeff when it was said! LOL!

    But the most insane part of the whole thing...Jeff being gay came from the fact that he drove the "Rainbow Car". Seriously, are people that ignorant? LOL! I know I, know...YES, they are!

    My whole feeling is people criticize what they don't understand or are jealous of. Those who say "can't be jealous of someone who doesn't lose" you are jealous of other things...his familiarity, his ability to market, whatever - cause don't tell me you don't want that for your driver! Yet we are talking about a guy who lost his father in a tragic way that he is also doing. Would you rather YOUR driver be in that position? Cause if you want one part, you have to take all of the parts!
  • OMG! Does everyone believe all the pictures they see these days? How ridiculous!
  • Gays in Racin? Tony Steward loves Sausage!
  • why is dale doing this? who cares?
    even if it was real, why do you care so much?
    do i sense some unresolved conflicts being masked here...?

    ***the truth came out about what? you? junior? still i ask, who cares?***
  • http://ernhrtfanalwys3.blogspot.com/2007...

    Click on the link with the picture of Earnhardt Junior. I just want to know what everyone else thinks of the photo

    (for the person who reported the question the first time, I have appealed and you will probably lose your reporting rights, since it was valid)
  • I don't buy it. Look at his neck.
  • if you look you can obviously see its a doctored picture
  • Good grief! Leave the guy alone. No wonder he doesn't go anywhere outside his home town. Give the guy a break.
  • oKAY.... FIRST OF ALL JUST BECAUSE A MAN HAS HIS FEET ON DALE'S LAP DOES NOT INDICATE HE IS GAY!!!!!!!!!!!! none of the less hey maybe they had too much to drink...... dale is not gay and i do not appreciate thse comments about him being gay!!!!!! thank you
  • That's hilarious!
  • Soooooooooo funny.....old pic, old news..guys hanging out with each other......(could possibly be a photoshop chop shop, UMMMMMMM, i do believe so!)
    ..I guess you do not have a life if you believe that ridiculous mess, got nothing better to do??

    Sesame Street is on Channel 2 at 6:00 PM..lol
  • this person needs to grow up and shut the **** up. Junior isn't gay, just because he's not married doesn't mean he's gay.
  • You know whats really funny, is your hurt feelings expelled as a psychosis. I bet you hate your life. That's O.K., your family does too.
  • Somebody put Jr.'s head on that body. See the white line across the neck?!I Somebody pasted the head on there, and then airbrushed it, but they didn't match the color of the rest of it quite right. I can do all that crap, and in fact I make banners, logos, and templates. I also restore old photos, airbrush prom and wedding photos (remove bags, wrinkles, frown lines ect.) That's my job. It isn't hard to do if you have the right program and the know how.

    But, even so......what would be the big deal. Two guys relaxing, and one guy stretching his legs out. OMG, that is soooo gay.....gimme a break.
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