
Who thinks Mexican n Black Americans should be more welcome at Nascar Event?

May be...

  • How's this grab everyone - here's a new team owner (He's one of the greatest football receivers of all time...oh yeah...he's black too!)

    Hot off the press from Boston.com

    "Moss buys 50 percent of truck team

    DAYTONA BEACH, Fla. --All-Pro receiver Randy Moss is now a NASCAR team owner, announcing Thursday he's purchased 50 percent of a Truck Series team.

    Randy Moss Motorsports will make its debut on July 19 at Kentucky Speedway with Willie Allen driving the No. 81 Chevrolet. The number was changed from 46 to reflect Moss' NFL jersey number.

    Moss has been eyeing entering NASCAR for some time, but said he decided to buy half of Morgan-Dollar Motorsports rather than build a team from the ground up. Moss wants the team to eventually move up to the premier Sprint Cup Series."

    Good for you Randy!
    Go Randy Moss Motorsports!
    Go Patriots!
  • You are welcome, come to the next race near you.
  • in what way?

    Its almost like goin to a football game. Anybody that likes racing can go whether your brown or black or white etc.
  • Last time I heard, anyone who can afford the ticket price was welcome at NASCAR events.
    Can you provide a link that shows otherwise? Thanks.
  • yes
  • black people- hell yeah but they gotta get into it

    Mexicans- maybe if montoya didnt wreck everyone except kyle busch
  • Everyone is welcome, all are welcome. Just come to one and see the huge variety of folks there.

    Great times, give it a shot.
  • What do you mean exactly? All people are welcome at a nascar event, if they have the $$$ for tickets.
  • Nobody ever said blacks and Mexicans weren't welcome? that would be slightly ignorant to say that they aren't
  • How much more welcome do you want to be? Need a red carpet? Need tickets handed to you for free? Just because of the lack of diversity of drivers (which is changing fast) doesn't mean any color or race can't go watch. Buy a ticket like anyone else, and go watch a race. And if you can't afford to go to the race (it does add up over a whole weekend and adds up fast), grab a group of buddies and huddle around the tv and cheer on your favorite driver.
  • why would shouldn't they, they are people like everyone else...

    and an extra comment:


    In 5 years u can have chinese plp racing here so come'on
  • YES

    a lot better than white people
  • My best friend is black and he loves all racing dirt,rail,oval you name it.
  • he just asked a question he didn't say anybody is racist. anyway I think it would be good to welcome mexicans and african americans to the sport because it would give nascar a different image so non fans won't just say its a stupid sport for rednecks
  • Probably the same number of people that feels like white Americans should be more welcomed at basketball events.
  • they are just I dont think there very intrested
  • I've been to a few NA$CAR events and they are just as welcomed as any other person.
  • I don't think they are not welcome, just maybe not interested.
  • No. They are already as welcome as anyone else.

    What exactly do you think should be done to make them more welcome?

    Ever been to a race?
  • Why aren't white people allowed in basketball. Oh wait, we are but the white fan base isn't that big, vise versa for Nascar.
  • why should they be "more"welcome? they pay for a ticket they should be as welcome as the next person or like in other things should we make them more welcome by giving them a "minority" discount.would that make you feel "more" welcome?
  • I'm a white dude and I'm scared of those things....
    Thats a whole different breed of people at those things--- SCARY!!

    I feel more comfortable walking around Harlem.
  • they are welcome in America but maybe not interested in the cars idk its against the law for them not to be welcome
  • What would have to happen in order for them to be MORE welcome? I thought everyone WAS welcome at NASCAR races. Are you tr0!!$ going to take the 4th off or do you get double time for working on a holiday?
    3 STR8 N 08!!!
  • If you had ever been to a Nascar race you would be shocked to see how many people there are NOT white. Every race I have been to there were many colored in the crowd and they were not treated any differently than any of the white people.
  • They are welcome... It is Idiots like you that spread lies about NASCAR fans being racist!
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