
Why did that moron Theresa Ehrnhardt have to ruin DEI???

May be...

  • shes a woman thats why
  • First of all you need to learn to spell, or use spell check, its quite simple...Teresa Earnhardt is not a moron.. Its just the economy right now, everyone has had to tighten their belts find a way to get it done, they are looking for a investor, just like several other teams have.... You wanna blame somebody, start with the moron in the white house George Bush, he's the real idiot everybody has financial issues now even me.. Teresa is a very savy business woman, yes she is not my favorite person.. I;m sure Truex Jr is probably gonna jump ship, but I'm sure they will fill that seat, theres MacMurray and Mears to name a few, she'll get it handled, she is probably very determined to make it work. Lets all not PANIC yet already..

    Go Dale Jr & Hms
  • dei is going to fall off the nascar playing field after a couple years they are going to lose truex jr and they are in danger of losing the army sponsership
  • because of people like you
  • Since losing Junior she has had some problems, heck she has had some problems before he left. (Engines) Hopefully they can get in together and get back on track. I give them 2 years at the most.
  • Teresa just wants everyone to know that she can be a team manager and everyone should bow down and praise her
  • Because she's an idiot and wants to be in full control and now she's suffering with the team sucking and they prolly won't even be a team a few years from now.
  • Did you know if you wrote a couple hundred pages of that fiction, you could sell it as a novel?
  • First, good answer there few too many. Theresa didnt ruin DEI, economics have.

    I just cant believe all of you are still bashing a woman that even Sr. said ran the family business and if it wasnt for her, DEI would never have gotten off the ground. Jr didnt offer to buy it, he just wanted her to GIVE IT TO HIM!!

    Jr has done a bit of growing up, but it is my honest opinion that he is too immature to run a multi-million $ company. And before anyone brings up JR Motorsports, Kelly and Brenda are the brains behind that. HMMMM GO FIGURE......... Theresa was the brains behind DEI and Kelly is the brains behing JR Motorsports, anyone see a pattern here?
  • Hey brother you misspelled moe-run .
  • greed,the bad thing is she learnd nothing from dale or jr would still be there.
    gold digger
  • If not for Teresa there would be no DEI and the Intimidator wouldn't be half a s big a legend as he is remembered as. She was the business brains behind the company, Dale was the driving brains. Then he croaked and went to Hell, now the business brain is still there but the company needs more driving brain. Guess it's a good thing spoiled brat Junior left LOL!
  • Let's start things off here by saying that Teresa Earnhardt is not a moron. She is a great person. Second thing she is not selling Dale Earnhardt Inc. Third thing Dale Earnhardt Inc and all the other teams are defintely suffering from the economic struggles and the over the head gas prices. Next time think before you type.
  • why couldn't she just let JR buy it instead of running him off and THEN selling it. she sucks
  • First of all, Teresa Earnhardt didn't ruin DEI, she ruined Ginn Racing when DEI absorbed it last year. She managed to lose the only surviving Ginn team by the loss of Mark Martin and the Army sponsorship. (Regan Smith was a development Ginn driver and a part-time racer in Cup last year, so I won't count him.) Nobody's confirmed whether she'll be selling the team, and nothing's definite about Menard or Truex yet, but I see it very likely that if DEI does return next year, their stable will be back down to three cars. And Ginn Racing will just be a memory of the past, a fart in the wind. Sorry, Bobby.
  • Yeah she is a moron, I wouldn't be surprised if DEI is gone from the cup series in a couple years.
  • she's a step-mother
    step-mothers always does this
  • Give her a break. She is only human like the rest of us. She has to do whats best and I am sure she will. I can see this building into a media frenzy as she is looking to either sell or find substanial investors. There will be tons of "I told you soers" and people saying she deserves whatever she gets. As a Jr fan I have ran all forms of emotions throughout last years chaos and won't partake in any bashing of her or DEI. I am sure this isn't what Sr had in mind but he is gone now and times they are changing... The Petty dynasty sold out recently and is now not solely owned by the Petty's, this is an expensive operation to run and I can't even fathom the money it takes to keep one car running let alone 3 or 4... Especially if finding drivers is tough...
  • first of all it is Teresa Earnhardt.... and second of all she is no moron........ blame high gas prices and the economy going down the poo-per ! it's not the car owners fault, they are loosing money and sponsorships.... and second of all DEI is not for sale.... she is not loosing it check your facts Hun!
  • Who knows. In the next two or three years DEI wont be around.
  • stepmoms suck !
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