
What should NASCAR do to fans who spit on driver?

May be...

  • I don't suppose there is really much that can be done.However, if the cameras can clearly identify the culprits, records should show who bought the tickets.If this person tries to purchase tickets in the future, they should have an extra fee added to their price.If it happens again,ban them.They are the fans who bring shame to the sport!
  • that just shows a total lack of class, regardless on if you like or dislike the driver he's just doing his job. I think fans that do that to ANY driver showed be escorted out the gate & banned from any future racing event, we all have our favorite driver and the one we don't particularly care for but they're out their providing us with entertainment as well as risking their lives. Think if it that was your family member how would you like it if they got spat on. Those aren't real race fans & should be made to pay by being banned.
  • I like Kyle also and he does deserve respect for his skills. As far as fans go you can rest assured that if any person has that kind of mentality to spit on someone at the track they are also suffering in their lives at home. The way you do anything is the way you do everything. Know that if these folks have that kind of hate in them they carry it around with them everywhere they go. You can only laugh at their small minds because their is nothing else you can really do about it. I don't even know if their is a law against it. I bet someone was there to put them in their place. Kyle seamed to have taken it like a man. I did see him point into the crowd though. Way to go Kyle!

    Three more wins
    Four more DNFs
    My bet is that Kyle will make the chase with 4 wins and 4 DNFs
    That was a week ago and now I have one win going. With so many races left in the season I could be right.

    I had to give ICE a thumbs up for the law quote.
  • NASCAR is for hicks.
  • Spitting on people falls under the crime of "battery" and they should be locked up. (battery)

  • I went through a period last year (not spitting, but throwing pennnies) showing my displeasure watching on TV.

    Not like they can get an acurate hit from their postion.
  • After Kyles win, I noticed when he approached the flag stand for the checkered flag, (73 inch HD TV) ..several fans spit at him through the fence? What do you think NASCAR should do to such classless ignorant fans? Weather you personally hate the man fo rhis personality, he still a dang good driver, winning, ... and no person deserves to be spit on.
  • ahhhhh...
    *the group of NASCAR fans that make us all look like ignorant hillbillies and having a total lack of etiquette.
    *the ones of jr. nation who make the whole group look like a fan base who lives thru their driver and are delusional (I know, not all of them are like that),
    *the ones who can make no rational deductions while wearing their rose colored glasses (scams by nascar?! throwing races?! of course nascar is making all of the teams let one driver win...)
    GEEZ, thanks people for making us all look like complete idiots.
    but like someone else said, what can they really do to the "fans" the race is over so they get kicked out what are they going to miss out on? I think it should be treated just like if someone had thrown something onto the track like a beer can or sandwich or "debris"... thrown out, fines, banning, etc.
  • What do you offer to do with fans that throw beer cans at Nascar drivers?
  • NASCAR should do nothing... Other fans should beat them!
  • I saw that too and that is just ignorant. I agree with Ice ,book em !

    H E N D R I C K~M O T O R S P O R T S~R U L E S ! ! ! ! !
  • ban them from any race for life
  • They should carry pee in a bottle and throw it at them.lol
  • death sentence.
  • Depending on the State, you could charge them with an assault. There are different Laws in each State. Then if you catch them arrest them and charge them immediately. I mean they do that to people who throw trash/bottles on the track.

    The thing I'd like to see is the second fence moved back about 20 feet to so. That would make it impossible for most to spit and be able to get it to the driver.
  • I say ignore it unless they climb on the fence and all
  • No class, probably failures in their own lives and live vicariously through their driver. It is classified as battery and they should be banned from the track, but nothing will be done. I guess living the lives they lead is punishment enough.
  • NASCAR has very tight security.. If the offenders were seen on TV, you can bet they were stopped, and detained.. They will never be sold a ticket to a race again in there name, and any criminal charges would be referred to the local authorities..
    Over the years NASCAR has had to deal with some serious fan violence.. They have put in place procedures to keep this to a minimum..
  • I don't know if this is possible, but ban them from at least one future race.

    That's gross. And with all the diseases floating around these days, who the heck knows what you could get from somebody's spit? If they can get close enough to hit their target, that is.
  • It is unfortunate there are fans like that some folks just plain lack class. In every sporting event it's the same there are folks you wish got lost on the way. Some folks have no courtesy for others, they lack morals and haven't a clue about manners.

    I think if these folks get caught they should be banned from the track but catching them is a pretty big job. Your right nobody deserves to be spit on or have things thrown at them and it's a crying shame it happens.

    Good thing is that the good folks outweigh the problem punks by about a million to one. NASCAR fans really are the greatest folks on earth at least in my honest opinion they are. In all my years of going to races and being in massive crowds of fans I have never once had a bad experience with them or seen any problems.
  • Not much they can do except escort them out but the race is over anyways so I don't think they really give a sh**. I was there last year and we had to surround one of our group ( a Kyle fan ) because people wanted to swing at him. Also there was a rowdy group outside Kyle's souvenir trailer. I honestly thought they were going to burn it down. It's cool to be passionate about your driver but when you start getting unruly like that it's just disgusting.
  • It's too bad that a security guard didn't immediately escort them from the stands and ban them for life from the race, or any NASCAR races if that could possibly be done. Conduct like that is uncalled for, and a disgrace to real NASCAR fans.1005 1st st ne
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