
Spanish F1 racists - why are we surprised?

May be...

  • Let's face facts. The Spanish are a strange and nasty people. Racist abuse is rife at their football grounds. They pay to watch bulls being stabbed to death in an arena and call it family entertainment. They chuck donkeys off church towers and call it a religious ritual. They were a fascist nation for many years until relatively recently and the veneer of democracy they now hide under is clearly very thin.

    What is really galling is that the UK taxpayer has virtually paid for the complete rebuilding of the Spanish infrastructure (roads, bridges, civic buildings etc) as Spain has been completely rebuilt with EU funds over the last 20 years or so. And as the UK pays the largest amount of monies into the EU coffers of any of the member states we therefore have contributed the most to Spain's emergence from the fascist gutter. And this is how they repay us - with vile racist abuse.
  • Let's not lose track here and say Lewis Hamilton was singled out because he wasn't.

    This behaviour pattern that he faced is nothing different to any sports people that go to spain.

    Football teams get it a lot worse.

    You are all right in what you say about it being an absolute disgrace.

    When it all kicked off a few years ago our sports ministers should have said there and then, that any repetition no matter how far in the future, will be met head on and sanctions will be imposed.

    But unfortunately some, in fact 99% of our politicians don't have the guts they were born with.

    When our yob element step out of line they are battered senseless by the foriegn police and banned from going back to the country.

    As far as I am concerned Max Moseley needs to get off the fence get to grips with the FIA and take F1 out of Spain for good.

    If he does that, then maybe other sporting authorities will do the same thing if they get similar treatment.

    Racism is ugly and unnacceptable where ever you are.
  • i've travelled the world and the northern spanish people were the most unfriendly people i've ever met (after the welsh). I think there are racists in every country though and I wouldnt be surprised if that happened in any country.
  • They only let themselves down. I`m sure some Spanish people will be disgusted by the behaviour of the few.

    The EU, now that`s another matter and one which is the fault of our government, not the Spanish.
  • I know what you mean, but all nations have racists, the Spaniards are just as bad as everyone else. I resent what they've done to the Abbey National - Santander indeed.
  • Let me say in their defence that the racists in Spain occupy pretty well the same sort of profile as the racists here.

    Fringe political lunatics and football crowds.

    It is true that some of their treatment of animals is not civilised, unlike our fox hunting and hare coursing and badger baiting.

    I will say however that when I lived in Spain, many locals would ask me about life in England and they would often ask about the same thing...how we bring up children.

    In Spain they have a saying...Children are gold. They really believe this. They used to ask me if it was true that our public parks in England were for dogs to sh*t in, and that children had to either stay in a little fenced off area or play in the dog crap?...I was forced to agree.

    They also used to ask if our homes were given over to smelly dogs and that children were expected to eat in the same room as them?...again, i was forced to agree.

    They said they had heard that sometimes children had actually been attacked by dogs and killed?...I had to say yes.

    I will never forget the looks on their faces. They were to polite to say so, but they thought I was a barbarian...and they were right.
  • You should get your facts straight. Spain is a net contributor to the EU. Some regions are entitled to FEDER cohesion funds, as it is also the case in the UK (i.e. Yorkshire and the Humber, North East, etc).

    On the other hand, i think that your racist generalisations are out of place in this forum.
  • ok what those fans did was horrible and if i were him i would never have taken it aswell as he did, but lets not all stoop to their level and abuse all of them please.

    I do think however they should have F1 events taken away from them, you are absolutely right-vile.
  • the SPANISH PEOPLE....who the fu ck do you think you are???....im spanish by the way, and im a communits meaning that im very anti fascist and very anti racist..so no not all panish people are racist...oh and yes we do kill bulls which by the way is something im against...but hang on a second who invented dog fighting????

    wasnt it the english...so shut up about being weird, and racism, at least we do it in our own country not like you english people that go to germany to be racist, that go to bazil to be racist that go to france to be racist that go to any country where the world cup is going on to be racist...

    and for the tax payer thing...the 20 million that the uk gives to the european union is not for the spanish people is for your fu cking armys in iraq...so shut up fuc k up, and tell you fuc king people to come back to their country and stop putting golf courts in spain...what you are saying are not fact they are lies....anyway the money that spain makes comes from the illegal imigrant who work in spain, just like the us gets half of its money from illegal imigrants who work there...so shut it and next time put your facts right...
  • Homosexuals can MARRIED in Spain, this is a Tolerance example that British deny

    Why loosers becomes sport controversial?

    Is LEWIS a new love/hate fair play Maradona's styled?
  • Of course english soccer fans are the nicest, most civilised, anti-raciest people you can meet and were never banned form a major European competition for violence. Its just other countries besides england that are raciest. Wake up every country suffers from racism and the Spanish fans were going to abuse Hamilton no matter what race he was. You sound American in your question, everything is about you. Are there other countries out there who have contributed to the EU, I feel the need to enlighten you to the fact that Britain joined the Eu in 1973 almost 30 years after it was founded so don't act like you've paid for every project ever completed in the EU.You self absorbed and ignorant person
  • i think they shoul relocate the spanish grand prix
  • please stop insult Spanish people.

    don´t use this isolated case to put all Spanish into a racist-fascist side.

    What can you tell me about your HOOLIGANS football supporters? What can you tell me when they get drunk everywhere, destroy everything they find in streets, fight with Spanish police, insult Spanish people, etc, etc...?

    many Spanish think BRITISH are strange and nasty as you say, but we don't generalise. i was in Britain and i saw it is only a minority this kind of hooligans.

    before talking bad about Spain, CLEAN your mouth and see what you have in your "perfect" own country.

    OK, we got money from EU, but not only Spain, also Greece, Portugal and so on. and now, we are an important member that GIVES more than RECEIVES to new east-countries, we are a friendly country that helps other if we can. we have a lot of immigrants from everywhere.

    not everybody in Spain agree with bullfighting but i could see many british THAT love this event and pay to see it. IT is an ancient TRADITION as in your country the FOX HUNTING... for example.

    there are fascists in your own country, no doubt about this, maybe much worse than in Spain, please check this. your country was lucky and kept democracy last century, you won against fascism. But we couldn´t do it, and we had to do a big effort to get democracy as you say, and we are PROUD of this.

    don´t be hypocrite, British people don't think we are racists when they come to LIVE to South Spain.

    thank you.
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