
When you give people...?

May be...

  • a piece of you (your heart, mind, your time), do you usually expect something in return?
  • Never have expectations as it will bring you down.

    When we give people a piece of whatever that is given, give it with an open heart, sincerity and the willingness. Cause at the end of the day, we felt good in doing something worth our while. Its about giving the best but not expecting something in return.

    When you start to have expectations and wanting something back in return, where is the sincerity and the innocence of the whole purpose.

    Dont defeat its purpose.
  • PSH hell yeah!!!

    At least a number 3 with a coke
  • no.
  • No i don't
  • heart yes, mind no
  • my heart, yes, but not really my mind or my time
  • no not anymore, I have learned to give unconditionally, it's better that way, I don't even expect loaned money to return, it's not worth the worry ♥
  • oh yea....your heart, mind, your time then a kick only that we can expect always ......
  • i expect to be treated with respect.
  • In the past, yes.

    Now, all I find out there are TAKERS!!!!!!!!
  • no I don't but IF I get it back I think it's wonderful and I feel better when I don't I just say oh well I atleast hope that I made them feel nice at one point.
  • friendship
  • most of us do I expect, but that is not in the true spirit of giving. It is something for us all to work on I believe...
  • No, I am one of those people who gives without thinking of receiving. I wish there were more people like that.
  • YES
  • ofcourse i do, how could people not.. i mean sure its nice to be unselfish but when you're giving so much you have to get something back espeically when its your heart.... cause everything is a two way relationship you give some you get some.. =)
  • yes ... a bit of their heart mind and their time.

    If i gave them that then they must be worth it and like minded other wise i wouldn't have bothered at all
  • Yes.

    It is only natural. Even feelings need nourishment..

    I don't say that I expect the equal since it depends on how other people have learned to love, to share, to express themselves. But, some return, yes, I expect and need it. Otherwise, I stop giving. It usually hurts stop giving, but in the long run, it hurts more never to be receiving....
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