
Top 5 worst paint schemes of 2009?

May be...

  • Does anybody else notice how similar Newman's Hass scheme looks to Dale Sr.'s car?
  • it aint even no paint involved in it ~its a wrap!!
    and you didnt mention david ragans
  • Looks don't matter too much to me, but Menard's car is pretty ugly.
    I'm more interested in why you're an ogre now. Did you get a promotion up from troll? LOL

    EDIT: You need new friends. : )
  • I actually can not stand Dale Jr's Schemes at all! Way to much white.
  • Well Prez, unfortunately I am going to have to disagree with you on most of 'em. I love the #96 car....I think it'll look great on the track.
    I like the #39 scheme...just don't like the #39 numerals...think they look too cartoonish or something...just don't match the 14 that well.
    I like Paul's car....it's not great but not too bad. I hate the BURGER KING car so I'll agree with you on that one. And I like the old spice/office depot cars. Just my opinion as always.....no offense.
  • I agree with you for the most part:

    1. #02 Farm Bureau Insurance
    2. #39 Haas
    3. #14 Burger King
    4. #5 Cheez-It
    5. #14 Old Spice
  • Menards is not that great, But Bowyers is just plain and boring. Don't worry Mr Prez Nascar Nation doesn't thing you are a Orge.

    Go Dale Jr & Hms
  • lol, i agree.
  • i hate the 98 car just awful was the guy drnk while dawing it?
    i like 14 burger king as a johnson fan his car is bad.
  • lol i like em all
  • How is Menards Ugly? I love that scheme
  • they all suck bad
  • in no order:

    #98 Menards

    #6 UPS

    #33 Cheerios

    #43 McDonalds

    #47 Clorox
  • Paul Menard's is kinda plain. Not ugly, just plain.

    Are you hanging around with supermodels or something? You're not ugly. You look Italian, and you have an Italian sounding name, it's a well known fact that Italian men are sexy. Just sayin'..
  • They all are pretty awful, but the worst may be Labonte's then Menard's!
  • I agree with Carol about the 33. That car is UGLY. I feel for Clint Bowyer after being in a great looking car last year and now going into that.

    Not many of the other cars are just horrible looking but some of the numbers look horrible. Tony Stewarts cars for example. I like the base schemes but the numbers suck.
  • Sorry Stewart fans, nothing against him but SHR has some really bad artists. Lol

    1. Ryan Newman's Haas Automation car
    2. Bobby Labonte's Ask.com car
    3. Paul Menard's John Manville car
    4. Tony Stewart's Burger King car
    5. Tony Stewarts Oldspice/Office Depot cars
  • David Ragan's
    Clint Bowyer's
    Newman's Haas
  • You know absolutely nothing about bad paint schemes!!

    4 of the 5 you named are awesome

    The Ask.com car of Labonte looks cool, why don't you like it because it is blue?

    The Burger King Car looks cool and the colors are somewhat unusual.

    Both of Tony's are awesome!!

    Ryan's looks pretty cool!!

    The five worst

    1. The Paul Menard ride you mentioned,

    2. Elliott Sadler's Stanley ride is ugly wow black and yellow we haven't seen that before


    3. The 33 Cheerios is too plain.


    4. #20 Farm Bureau Insurance Camry


    5. I don't like the number style on the #6 UPS

  • LOL ya you might need some new friends.

    But dude Newman Haas car and Stewarts Oldspice/Office Depot car are great looking cars. But you right thats the beauty of an opinion.

    1. David Reutimann- Aaron's
    2. Tony Stewart- Burger King
    3. Clint Bowyer- Cheerios
    4. Michael Waltrip- NAPA
    5. Paul Menards- Menards
    http://www.jayski.com/schemes/2009/98cup...500 baht
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