
What network is best at broadcasting Nascar?

May be...

  • I'm not picky, I like em' all.
  • All Networks Broadcast Nascar Equally.
  • I think Fox
    Espn is bad
  • I pick would be FOX.
    As for Digger I think he is a cool little creature. Plus it attracts the younger children, this will get them into NASCAR and as they get older they will be fans of the sport.
  • Fox always. I enjoy their broadcasts more than the others.
  • Here's the real deal...
    i'm thanful for anyone who is able to broadcast the race for my viewing pleasure. Because of these people we can watch anywhere we want, and because of the broadcasting companys we can even record the race or TiVo or whatever. They all do the best they can, and it's nice to switch around and create change, but I prefer FOX and feel more comfortable as far as trying to stay with the roots of the sport. And the racing humor is the best. The announcers seem more sincere. Change is good and there's even "competiton" between broadcasting companys
  • I've preferred FOX until this year. That critter Digger really gets on my nerves. I think FOX really dropped the ball with that one. I love DW, though.
  • NONE OF THEM!!!!
    EVERYTHING since the 2001 500 has SUCKED!!!

    It pisses me off ESPN is doing the new **** way of broadcast instead of the GREATNESS!!! they did for 25 freaking years.
    Screw the new **** ESPN go back to what you did for 25 years.
    No gimmick ****, just straight up racing calling the action on the track and not looking at your monitor like they do now.
  • It used to be ESPN, but when they lost their bid to keep going, they disbanded the best NASCAR broadcasting team there ever will be.. Now the ones that do this are mostly hacks..
    NASCAR started selling our loyalty to them, to people who don't give a damn about the sport.. NASCAR sold control of scheduling races to people without a conscience, or soul..pso hacks for xbox
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