
Wasn't Hammond great?

May be...

  • yes
  • Those Commentators on Fox are Great they are Racers and they know what they are talking about.
  • Yes, it takes quite the genious to figure out that 1000 degrees is hot enough to cook on.
  • Hammond is always cool, he's fun to watch and he knows what he is talking about..

    Go Dale Jr & Hms
  • Ummm, that wasn't a brake drum, he heated a standard cooking pot up to half the temperature of the brake drums. I think the heat meter was at 456 degrees.
    Remember how he put water in first and none ran out but just boiled. How he put the burger right in the center and it didn't fall through?
  • yeah, that was a pan, not a brake drum. Hammond is funny though.
  • those guys are great, I'ld eat it!
  • Didn't you just love his hamburger cooked in the brake drum?
    What can u cook in ur brake drum?
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