
What do you like about DALE JR as a driver----not personality wise?

May be...

  • "What do you like about Dale Jr. as a driver---not personality wise"?

    That's the sort of legitimate question I was referring to in your honoring. I don't see anything wrong with it. And I wouldn't see anything wrong with a Jr. fan posting the exact same question about Rowdy. I see no reason why so many are so defensive.
    The more defensive you get to such a question makes you look as though you have no answer to what you like about his driving skills.
    I'm just sayin'.....

    *My answer? Jr. is one of the best restrictor plate drivers in the series. He always has been.*
  • He is agressive when he needs to be, and not agressive when he doesn't, and is smart enough to know the difference!
  • He is cute. I like him because it's so easy to like him and everyone else does. Also I liked his dad so automatically I started liking Jr. Also I like his down to earth boring personality. His driving well I don't really pay attention to it.
  • Not that I need to justify why I like him to the likes of you but I just want you to know that I'm not a mindless freak just following the crowd I'm a big girl and can make up my own mind without the help of anyone else no matter what you seem to think! so here are just a few and that's all I'm giving you period but here are a couple reasons I like him. He is a good, clean, smart, respectable driver with a never give up attitude so win or lose I'm his fan and I like him!! Wether it meets your approval or not!!

    edit: guess what I'm a true Jr fan and I gave an answer and you didn't have them listed and you know what else? You can take that list and stick it straight up your a**!!!
  • 88 All the way I am with you. Huck is not worth a ----!

    Add to the list, not that huck can read. He is a down to earth guy that races hard and plays hard. He has earned his seat in a race car and his place in the garage area. I accepts resposibility when he is wrong and does not point fingers when others are wrong. Even though his comment about Kyle hitting him was funny he showed class. And races people clean. (Like the great Awesome Bill did)
  • i like him because his is dales son and he came in winning some races, his car was nice too when he drove for BUD, its hard not too like him, but alot of people make him seem like he is this and that when he is not, he's just another driver but i like him, you have to like someone if you like the sport
  • Nothing !!
  • because he's cool
  • I enjoy watching him crash and then all of his fans getting mad at the races.

    That's what I like about him as a driver.
  • Thats no fair I think you took all their reasons for liking him :( :(

    He has 0 aggression or passion to win, lets people pass him without putting up a challenge, whinesm ore than any other driver on the radio, once spun someone out at bristol on purpose to get a caution. THose are some of the things that i DO NOT like about his driving
  • I got so bored reading your so called question, I'm too tired to answer now. You really just don't get it do you?
  • The best out there!
  • I like him, and mind you I have many favorite drivers, because he works well with his pit crew.

    I bet Cody has nightmares.
  • Why do you like him as a DRIVER?

    DONT say you like him just because of his personality, because NASCAR should not a popularity contest if you ask me. BTW he has a pretty boring one right?

    DONT say you like him because he is cute

    GIVE reasons why you like him as a DRIVER

    Dont say you like him because oh everyone loves him so I do to, or I like him because of his dad, he is hot, he has a zillion fans. Just tell me what you like about him as a DRIVER that makes him so desirable to cheer for. You know thats what true fans like isnt it--a good driver?

    If you say he is a GREAT DRIVER...explain WHAT makes him great and better than the rest if you think he is the best.
  • Hey a few to many didnt you just describe his personalitY? Read the quesition again, it said what do you like about Jr's DRIVING. Obviously not much.
  • if you really think he is a horrible driver why then is he secound in points standings and finishing in the top ten in most races that dont sound like a bad driver to me
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