
So Roush has had 3 engines stolen....does Jack......?

May be...

  • I like superdave's answer

    but I think I'll go with B (since he thinks their evil, who better to blame, right?) LOL

    edit: LOL tom that was great!!
  • I still think it's funny that they stole a "Penske" rental van to steal the "Roush" engine's! If the rental van was a Chevy, that would leave out the big 3 and it would HAVE to be TRD.

    TRD's headquarters: "Tonight's mission is to deface the Big 3 and come back with atleast 2 of Jack's engines."

    That's funny!

    Maybe it was Kyle Busch! No...wait, no sway bar Heim joints were stolen.
  • A) Instantly blame MWR due to them stealing before????
    B) Point the finger at TRD....SINCE HE CALLS THEM EVIL???
    C) Hold a huge press conference tomorrow stating he has had
    enough and will retire effective immediately
    D) Discover that he HIMSELF misplaced them and finds them
    at "Roush Light" but doesn't say anything so that Toyota
    will take the heat?????

    Not hating Jack or Toyota....just posting this to have some fun.
    Tell me what you think!!!!
  • Here's what I think. It's all one big conspiracy theory. Here's how it started. Robby Gordon is having a hard time with GEM with the lawsuit so he decided to go back to Ford next year. With the Dodges struggling, he offered fellow Dodge drivers Elliott Sadler and Kurt Busch a ride with Ford next year and all they have to do is join him in stealing three Ford motors to get a head start on 2009. Kurt was able to get a Penske Rental truck and the plan was for Elliott to be a "master of disguise" and go in there as a delivery man to pick up three motors. We all know how bad poor Elliott's luck is, he got a flat tire on the truck and plowed it into the wall by accident. They decided to just steal them really quick but in the rush they grabbed Nationwide and Truck Series motors. Now Robby, Elliott, and Kurt are somewhere in Mexico without motors for next year but it's ok, they have an endless supply of Miller Lite and Jim Beam. Their presence in Dover this weekend is still up in the air.
  • i'm not a fan of foreign cars in NASCAR, so i won't comment. GO CHEVYS
  • no
  • C) would make me happiest lol.
  • I'd say A and B. Hehe. I'm sure he'd love to say it was Toyota in some way shape or form.
  • I think B is going to be his first choice
  • He blames Jamie Mcmurray and fires him. Thats bascially what he wants to do anyway I think.
  • I think it was the Camburgler...
    Robble Robble!
  • i'll go with D BEINGS NOBODY ELSE DID
  • e) jack immediately puts out a reward for the arrest of the five speed freaks suspected of stealing his three engines. as you read this, the men are staring at hundreds of engine parts strewn about a seedy extended-stay motel room on the outskirts of town, arguing about how to organize them - alphabetically by part name, by part number, by shape, or by weight. their plan, drawn on the wall using eleven different colored magic markers, is to build one really big V-24 engine, using any leftover parts to build two lamps, a fifteen-speed fan, and a toaster oven with its own remote control.

    next tuesday, the police - acting on a tip from a local liquor store owner the men approached to trade a coffee table with eight cup holders for nine cases of beer, two bottles of jack daniels, a carton of marlboros, seven lighters, two cans of lighter fluid, a swiss army knife, and two boxes of king-size snickers bars - will storm the seedy motel to find all five men and two local strippers passed out in the motel room and be unable to wake them for two days. they will all be found surrounded by parts from two of the three engines mixed in with parts from the refrigerator, two television sets, the stove, springs from the bed, and pipe taken from inside the wall behind the shower.

    the most damaging piece of evidence against the men will be found in a closet down the hall in the motel laundry room: http://www.comparestoreprices.co.uk/imag...
  • My answer was A before I read everyone else's answers, now I think it was Tom that stole his dang engines!!! That's a very elaborate cover up story he's come up with.

    Fess up..
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