
Have you been called a redneck before?

May be...

  • Yes I have.
    I don't deny my inner redneck.
  • I have and it doesn't offend me unless the person calling me that meant it in a derrogatory way.I am from a small town in South Carolina and can definitely be redneck at times,particularly when I used to drink.I have the southern accent and all and I love it.And just because I have a redneck side,that doesn't mean I am stupid.I hold an A.A./A.S.,am five classes from a B.S. and plan to pursue a M.S. and Ed.S. in Marriage and Family Therapy afterwards.
    And no,Tony did not deserve the win.
  • No I am from Southeast Louisiana and have never been called that ! NOT ! No it doesn't offend me because I am a college educated redneck ! LSU Rules ! Oh yea looked like Regan won to me .
  • Yes I have and no I was not offended. I'm born n raised country, still live there and admit I am a redneck. The term applies to working class people who have morals, family values and traditions. I drive a pick up but I don't drink beer or any alcohol, I'm a die hard Nascar fan and proud of my upbringing. Not all so called "red necks " are bad people.

    Did Smoke deserve the win.....the jury's still out on this one.
  • Yuppers. I have really bad teeth, (heredity) So when I got in to NASCAR I was called the 'R- word'

    ... i swear my inner-child is an inbred HA HAAH
  • Not only have I been called a redneck I am a redneck! And sorry to say but I am proud of my country upbringing, values, work ethic and traditions. The only thing I can think of when people are defining redneck that isn't true for me is I'm not a big beer drinker. One thing is for sure - our country could actually use more rednecks than these lazy bums sitting around drawing a government check and claiming to be redneck...lol!

    And, no, I don't think Stewart deserved the win, I think he force Regan down and he had no choice other than to wreck him. If I were Regan I'd not heastiate to wreck him if the opportuinity ever arises again.
  • YUP! My friends call me that all the time. And i don't give a crap!! They don't understand the sport! I LOVE NASCAR!!!
  • well.... considering I live in Tennessee, I love Nascar and I have the classic southern accent - yes I have been called a redneck... I don't really take it personally but I don't classify myself as a redneck really..

    I guess Tony Stewart deserved the win... even though my husband said that he thought all bets were off on the last lap and that Regan Smith should've won... which surprises me b/c he usually pulls for Tony Stewart.... I myself am a Dale Jr. fan with no unrealistic ideas that he may actually win this thing.... so I'm pulling for Edwards... nothing against Johnson - I just want somebody different to win this year!
  • ummmm im not a nascar fan but no one will ever dare call me a red neck because im black.... and id whip there ***
  • hahah, yes. i was on the phone with this guy, and i told him that nascar was on(in an exiting voice). and he said this exact thing to me. "i know you lived in indiana and all, but you back in ohio..cut the redneck ****" xD
  • Heck yes, all the time. They say you don't look like a redneck (when I am in my work clothes) after I tell people I like Nascar. I just tell them, think what you want but this dress/suit comes off on my way back to my country home after work. Nope, I am never offended no matter what I am called. I get a kick out of it.

    On your Nascar question: I plead the 5th Amendment.
  • Yes, but not by anyone intelligent! No I don't get offended... I just say yes I am... If Loving a great sport and having fun with friends and complete strangers is considered "Redneck" I am glad to be one!
  • My father in law actually calls me a redneck a lot because I'm from Mississippi. Then, because I don't act like one, he'll tell me I'm not a real redneck.
  • Never
  • I'm not a NASCAR fan, but have been called a redneck before. Mainly because of my husband. LOL He is a deer hunter and we eat venison. OMG, imagine that! I guess only rednecks eat venison. No, I was not offended because my in-laws are rednecks. LOL Seriously, my father-in-law fits the stereotype almost perfectly. He's a farmer and wouldn't want it any other way. His wardrobe consists of several overalls and pretty much nothing else. But, he's actually quite smart and is one of the nicest people on earth.
  • Nope, never before. Although I have been asked if I was a Dale Jr fan before when I said I liked Nascar. That was more insulting to me than anything LOL.

    And really Stewart did nothing wrong yesterday. It was Nascar that ****** up. So technically I guess he didn't "deserve it" since it was really Regan that should have won. But I'm still glad to see Tony finally get a win though.
  • I love nascar too! and yes i have been called a redneck before. i dont understand why people have to stereotype one another just cause of their love or passion towards nascar racing. i didnt really get offended by it at all... i just shrugged it off.
  • Just on Y/A! after stating the fact that I'm from Texas. [Rolling eyes]
    Some people are ignorant.
  • I proudly call myself a redneck... so... go fig! As for Tony, I've said all I'm going to say about that.
  • No I havent been called a redneck before...=)
  • Nope, never been called that.

    Been called a clam digger. (I'm from NJ)

    And yes, Tony deserved the win.
  • That's because I am a redneck...lol...

    Come on...I live in the biggest redneck state there is....lol...Georgia
  • yeah well im a redneck and GODAMN PROUD OF IT
  • No, I can't say that I have been called a redneck before. Yes, Tony deserved the win.
  • I've been called a redneck before, but not because of watching NASCAR. for other reasons, LOL. But there are assumptions that NASCAR fans are typically redneck. I wasn't offended because it's true, I'm a girl, drive a big ford truck, ride horses, go fishing, etc. I think Tony deserved the win, Ragan didn't follow the rule. He could have just bumped Tony out of the way to advance his position since Tony was crowding him, but that's racing/defensive driving.
  • All the flippin time.

    I love the Australian V8 series, you should hear what I get called. And EVERY Sunday at 1am, you'll find me watching telly, as it shows highlights from all the other motor sports, including the Nascar.

    I have NO idea who Tony Stewart is, but I love Marcus Ambrose!!!
    He made me fall in love with the fast cars, back here in Aussie. Send him back PLEASE!!!
  • I told someone over the weekend that I LOVE NASCAR. They said "That's surprising, you don't look like a redneck to me!"

    I was stunned, LOL

    I mean, I know the whole stereotype and everything... But geez! No one has ever said that to my face before! I wasn't offended, I actually found it amusing!

    So, my NASCAR Nation friends... Have you ever been called a redneck? Were you offended?

    Oh, and a racing question to make sure this doesn't get deleted... Did Tony Stewart deserve the win?
  • Nope, but I have been called a hick--by my wonderful Northern Virginia/Maryland students when I taught at VA Tech. They thought I should lose my SW VA "country" accent because it "made me sound like a hick."

    I haven't lost it yet :).

    Well, put it this way: if Smith had passed, say, someone like David Reutimann for the win, would NASCAR have taken the win away?
  • Im not a nascar fan either, but because I grew up in Wi for some reason some feel it nessacary to voice that opinion some times too. I think its kinda funny that just because you like Nascar your a redneck.
  • No I haven't, but I at times I have thought that of myself, lol. Sometimes I do redneck things, sometimes I do preppy things, sometimes I do professional things. I am a person that doesn't fit into any one stereotype.
  • I have been called a redneck for where I live, even though i've lived most of my life near a big city, ie new york, dc, baltimore. but i live in the country now so it happens, but i think it's funny. and here people say it all the time that "NASCAR stands for non-athletic sport center around rednecks" it's kind funny. but the term redneck came from mine workers that would use the "standard hankerchief" red coulor and put it around their mouth when the worked in the mine to keep soot out of their lungs and when the came out pull it down and hang it from their necks. hence the term redneck. BE PROUD lol
  • Tony did not deserve the win.

    I get called a redneck all the time but I don't care, I usually laugh at it. My nickname at work is RNT, Redneck Tom, lol.455 rocket oldsmobile
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