
So many NASCAR questions have been deleted lately. Is there anyway to stop this.?

May be...

  • My answer today wishing Tom a Happy birthday was reported and removed. That bothered me only because it was just a mean thing to do.
    I think someone lurks and doesn't answer questions just so we don't think that one is around. Also I think that one has multiple accounts to do it from as well. yet Y/A doesn't want to bother looking at that.
    I think rowdy is right. No more answers here and we all go "there". Trolls are not tolerated 'there".
    let the hater have this one all to itself..
  • I agree with everything that foxfire said.
    Also, I know that you meant well with this question, but you're giving the guilty parties just what they want. You're letting them know that it bothers you and that's how they get their jollies.
    Trolls come and go. As hard as it may be, please try to ignore them. There are a lot of good, intelligent and fun people here on Y/A NASCAR. They will still be here after the trolls have moved on. : )
  • There's too many people who just like to be buttheads lately, so they go around reporting questions from people they don't like, just for the heck of it. I mean, I understand this isn't supposed to be a chat room, but some of the things told to me lately have made me realize that some people take this way too seriously, and I need to take a step back.
  • I'm glad I'm not the only one who's been getting all the troll love. I've had 4 answers reported today. Up until today I'd only had 3 violations in the past 2 years on the same account! It's nice to see there are still people out there with nothing better to do with their lives then be an a**.
  • to solve the problem, don't ask any more questions. take your "business" elsewhere.
    if YA wants to allow this kind of behavior (and implicitly encourage it), then i say screw 'em. i'm no example of maturity myself, but if that's the way things are going to be, i'll stay where i've been the past few weeks, where writing is appreciated, good comments and debate flow freely, and where trolls are dealt with swiftly.
  • In the last 2 weeks questions have been disappearing faster then Houdini, and I don't understand why. I just went to check the question honoring Superdave and its gone. Just wanted to know if there was something to do to stop it. I was told once that if you star them it stays but I guess thats wrong.
  • Yeah...I saw that...and my answer got reported...some punk is running around reporting people...for no reason...and all i did was say jimmie johnson was gonna win...
  • Isn't NASCAR racing the best sport around! SuperDave is great too, one of those I most respect! I know all about suspended accounts, believe me, better than most. The tr0!!s are mean, but worse, they are self feeding! Just look around and see who is around when things disappear, and not around when they don't. This whole thing will probably disappear, at least my answer if nothing else. Hang in there. Make sure all questions and answers are within the guidelines...boring for a while, but those that don't belong get bored easily with true NASCAR stuff.

  • I have noticed that too!!!

    Mine too, about SuperDave. It got reported, and all I said is Jamie McMurray is going to win tonight, and Have a great day Superdave you are a great asset to this forum!

    This is the second question I have had reported today and then I went back to see if the questions were there and they werent!! I dont know whats up but its making me extremely mad!

    Its weird, and especially because there are a couple of us!
  • same here
    stupidest thing i ever seen
    what= they dont look at what gets reported
  • One of mine got some troll love today. As they say in nascar. What comes around goes around and that one among us who deletes reputable questions and answers..they are coming around for you!
  • yes thats true my question was deleted as well hmm , we need to stop this its slowing this section causing people to leave and newcomers to go as well
  • Yeah I know every time I answer a question it feels like it gets deleted, I am very sick and tired of this, I answered one earlier about the pink paint scheme's and it got deleted tell me how when all I said was that I like Elliott's best and that maybe it would bring him luck and he'd win one for Tom tonight but it got deleted, nice huh? If you figure something out on how to stop the reporting all the time for no reason let me know cause I'm really tired of it!central locking problems
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