
Can Bernie safe the future of F1?

May be...

  • Can't believe I just asked that!!!
    But does Bernie have enough influence over the FIA and FOTA to mastermind a resolution between the two?
    A resolution which keeps the money rolling in his direction of course!
  • oops - I think you have irritable vowel syndrome...you mean saVe, but bypassing my anal retention ( on this one occasion at least)
    I do think bernie has an ace or two up his sleeve. he is , after all, a business man, & will act in the best interests of his business interests ( oops too many interests)
    If he did NOT have influence over FIA & FOTA, he would not have allowed them into being...methinks.
    Bernie is like a Crocodillian, able to survive even atomic war & devastation & will therefore already be planning his next move, knowing full well the outcome of the Ferarri case & blaming any negativity on poor "Nazi orgy" Maxbenq 8
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