
How could a banned substance benefit someone who drives a car?

May be...

  • I don't think any driver is taking steroids. Sure you need strength to drive that car but not like steroids type strength. Racing is more about how and when you turn the wheel and not how hard you turn it. That kind of stuff plays a role in strength-based sports like baseball and football. Strength isn't a defining factor in NASCAR.

    I don't think Mayfield was using steroids. I read somewhere that it was a recreational drug that was detected. I can't remember where I read it; I've been reading a lot of NASCAR news this weekend. If I find out where, I'll post it.
  • Driving and racing are two different things.

    The average baseball or football player couldn't do 10 laps without their arms burning.
  • nothing
  • Um driving takes a lot out of a driver, there are pounds of preasure on a driver at each turn and hitting that wall at 200mph hurts you need a lot of strenght to avoid it
  • No athleticism or strength needed, am i right?

    Please explain
  • I don't understand why everybody is on the steroid bandwagon, nobody said it was steroids, could have been almost anything.
    The reason people do drugs is not always to enhance performance and more often than not they don't.

    But thanks for asking this question for the 85th time, it's hardly getting old at all.
  • I'm not saying anyone is on steroids but just using this as an example ... they could use it to boost their feelings of invincibility on the track.

    Side Effects of Steroids:
    Users may suffer from paranoid jealousy (Kyle jealous of Dale)
    Extreme irritability (Kyle wrecking Dale)
    Delusions (Kyle thinking someday he'll be as popular as Dale)
    Impaired judgment stemming from feelings of invincibility (Reflects how he tries to wreck Dale any chance he gets).

    Running from the track so NASCAR can't test him. (Truck Series)
  • Okay, Athleticism is needed and strength is also needed, but a banned substance will not benefit a driver in any way.
    And If you are talking about Jeremy Mayfield, he did not, nor did Nascar admit to Steroid use.
    So Who is the Driver that you think is using Steroids.
    All they said in His case was that he tested positive for a banned Substance. Nascar is not saying what it was and Mayfield is Not Gonna Man up and Admit what it was Either.
  • Not necessarily a benefit, but more of a danger to the other drivers, crews, and fans on or around the track. But you are wrong about the athleticism or strength needed part. The drivers have to be in shape, able to endure extreme temperatures, and have the ability to drive a race car at high speeds.

    GO 24!!!!
  • Who needs drugs when you don't need talent.
  • Steroids are prominant in the recovery of injury and just athletic advantage. No NASCAR isn't that athletic but steroids can benefit as far as stamina and again injury recovery.
  • Wow. Go delete this question and get out of the Nascar section. I'm tired of people acting like idiots and being like, "It's just driving a car around." Nascar is most certainly not just driving a car around. We all do that every day to go to Wal mart. Speed up by 150 mph + and put 42 other cars running a foot away from you. Wear 2-3 layers of clothes, and put on a limited vision helmet. Strap your neck in so you can only see forward, and heat up the car to 120 degrees or more. Now drive around for 4 hours feeling 4+ gforces every 20 seconds. No athleticism or strength needed? I don't think so. Probably endurance enhancing drugs would benefit drivers most.
  • i think your talking about Mayfield and it wasn't roids.. it more than likely was a hallucinogenickrishners
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