
Tony stewart fined and buys his forgiveness?

May be...

  • Tony has so much money they could have fined him one millioin dollars it wouldn't have mattered. It was decent of him to apologize and buy headsets and uniforms, but again, he has so much money...... I think he needs a refresher course in that anger management class he had to take a few years ago.
  • He was fined and put on probation.
    I think he apology was sincere and his offer to buy them new uniforms and radios was just a kindness.
    Tony has a good heart sometimes it gets the better of him.
    He went a little over board on this one especially touching and shoving a official,but the fine was appropiate. Maybe a little to much.
  • It was a pretty ugly situation he got himself into. No bribe.
    But Tony's genuinely a good-hearted guy who just let his emotions get the better of him (or worse of him)

    I think it was a fair enough fine, maybe a bit heavy, but I do believe the apology was sincere, and his "gesture" was a genuine attempt to show that.
    It in no way changes my opinion of Tony, I still like him.
    Tony's no stranger to the hauler. If he exhibits that kind of behavior next season as a car owner, he'll be frequenting it.
  • bribary will get ya everywere lol
  • Smoke has calmed down a lot since his early days..but he is a man with his own mind and does not back off!
    Yes his behavior was in the heat of the moment and and he apologized and wanted to make amends and not a "bribe"..as soon as he realized his mistake and temper had the best of him, he went to the proper channels and was MAN UP about the entire situation..applaud him for that, look on the good side and not the bad..all drivers at one time or another have spouted off and regressed against someone and took their consequences gracefully as Smoke did...and in my opinion has nothing to do with whether or not he will be a good owner or not, do your job and and stay focused..nothing to worry about!
  • it just shows you how much they respect him and his presense, if he was a guy like davud reutiman and did that they wouldnt even be treating him like royalty, that story is funny, tony can basically do what he wants when he wants to and get away all because he bought them new outfits
  • so the fines came down for tony's outburst last thursday during a midget race at orp, where he knocked the headset off one official and pushed another. robin miller called it on despain's show yesterday when he even said it was no big deal and was nowhere near as interesting as the danica-duno shouting match. why? because for anyone who's ever had to deal with a usac official this was not surprising, nor behavior that hasn't happened many times before. he also said he'd probably be fined $5,000 or so and it would be done with.

    miller was close - stewart was fined $10,000 and his usac team was put on probation for the rest of the year. tony apologized and offered to buy usac officials new radios and uniforms to make up for his behavior.

    what do you think of tony's behavior, especially given that he will be half-owner of a cup series team next year? what do you think of the penalty handed down? and finally, what do you think of his "gesture" to buy them new uniforms and radios?
  • its usual tony behavoir. He cant help it. Well he can by goin to anger managment. But i dont htin he's goin anytime soon. He better not try annd bribe NASCAR offic(ails or oils. idk how to spell.) The penalty is wat he asked for.
  • He'd already been fined 10 grand and put on probation. I don't get the "buying forgiveness" reference. Seems to me that he realized that he screwed up and was trying to make amends.
    I also don't see what this has to do with him being a part owner in the NASCAR series next year. It's apples and oranges, isn't it?
    You wouldn't happen to be dumping on Smoke because he's leaving St. Joe's, would ya? ; )

    EDIT: I'm just messing with ya, Rowdy!
  • you like to type

    no one serious likes to read that much to answer a question
  • Tony Stewart is a crybaby with a checkbook! Prediction.....worst team owner EVER!!!
  • Job Well Done!
  • Not a bribe at all. He is being fined...he pays the fine...he is put on probation and that is it.
    It ends there. The buying them radios and uniforms only seals the apology. I think it is very big of him to do that. he could have just walked away with the fine and probation. He didn't HAVE to do anything else and the fine and probation don't go away just because he is buying radios and uniforms. And still he does it.

    Way to go Tony!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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