
SHould I jump on Kyle's or Carl's bandwagon?

May be...

  • you should jump right in FRONT of either one - you wouldn't be able to live with yourself as a junior fan if you jumped on either of those bandwagons.


    [modified as i was too tired to "read between the lines" and catch the sarcasm the first time around. my apologies wedge. but i did leave the top part because you really wouldn't be able to live with yourself if you were even half-serious about it, i'm sure ;-]
  • You Jr haters have finally won, I give up on Dale Jr(that's your whole purpose isn't it?). I'm giving away my diecasts, donating my t-shirts to Goodwill and drinking those Amp cans. Now who's bandwagon should I jump on since you're all so good at bandwagon jumping. Kyle" I finally found a car I can drive without wrecking every other race" Busch, or Carl "I'm in a 51 race losing streak so I'll go beat up on the guys in the Busch series" Edwards.
  • If you MUST give up on JuneBug...go with Kyle.
  • Oh noooooooooo, sorry WedgeAnn..u letting the trolls get you like they tried to get to me..NEVER ABANDON SHIP or DRIVER in this case

    I pull for Jr and Kyle so i get best of both..lol

    Whew, thanks you scared me for a minute..lol
    was breathing into paper bag...am ok now
  • They both have momentum, but I'd stick with Carl just to avoid all the hate and crying from the fans.
  • Wedge. I am your fatha...
  • Jump on the Jimmie team all welcomed!!! : )
  • Wedge ya can't stop the Jr. haters anymore than we can stop the Kyle haters. Sooo...don't be jumping on Kyle or Carl's bandwagon...you might miss and land on JJ Yeley's. .
  • Carls on a 0 race losing streak. Pick either, they'll be around a long time. If Kyle was really wrecking every other race at Hendrick he was way good to finish 5th in points last season. Good luck.
  • wow, you must be one of the worst fans of anyone i've ever seen, if your like that than im sure jr nation will be happy to see you go.

    oh, lol, now im just embarrassed.
  • carl
  • You back any driver you want. It doesn't matter.
  • Good job Wedge! Too bad you had to explain yourself after all that. I thought it was a great bluff. SuperDave...there is a dark side? Tbone, Maggie....too funny! Don't worry, school is starting (today, here) very, very soon. JM, what is an err in your ways? I thought it was error...but you will learn that in English class.
    I was referring to proper use of language, not the definition of "to err".

    Go Jr.>>>>
  • Neither...Come JOIN THE GORDON EMPIRE....

    Unce EMPEROR needs YOU!!

  • Surely you jest!! Don't jump ship on Junebug, hang in there, kay?

    Edit:Wedge, don't let them get to you!! Umm..if you do give away all your die-casts, Christmas is coming, and my husband would love them all!! j/k..seriously, hang in there!!!

    Edit part 2:Reverse psychology, got it!!
  • Step over to the Dark side with me wedge annd join the Carl Long bandwagon! There is still plenty of room.
  • F*ck you. If there's one thing I hate more than Jr. haters, it's bandwagons. What happens if kyle or carl go winless next year? Will you like whoever wins a lot then? What happens if kyle or carl don't win the cup? Will you like whoever wins it? You make me sick. All bandwagons make me sick. But you especially since you used to be a Jr. Fan. I thought every Jr. fan was true. Apparently I missed one.

  • if you give up that easy, what makes you think they would even want you as one of their fans? Go with which ever one makes you feel less insecure. I'm a fan of DEI and you don't see me with hurt feelings. Victory is much sweeter.
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