
Who would you say is the better Stock Car driver?

May be...

  • This is a tough question because Jr. is much more liked according to fans. I think they are both very good. Yeah Matt has a championship. He was with the right team at the right time. If Dale Jr. had those teams instead of Matt Kenseth the roles would have been reversed. I've seen Dale dominate a race and get knocked out because of someone else or engine failure. This is a very good question...Thanks
  • Matt Kenseth, hands down.
  • Matt Kenseth's championship edges him ahead but stats don't lie. JuneBug is better than The Brat this year.
  • Matt Kenseth !!!
  • Just by numbers alone both are pretty close to each other, Jr has more wins (18-16) and the top-5 and top-10 numbers are pretty close too each other
    Here's the numbers
    Starts Wins Poles Top-5 Top-10 DNF Avg Start Avg. Finish
    314 18 8 83 133 41 16.4 15.0
    315 16 6 84 155 31 15.0 20.1
    So aside from Matt's Championship in 2003, there's not a whole lot of difference.
    Jr beat Matt for 2 Busch Titles and Matt edged out Jr for ROY in 2000.
    Damn, in the time it took me to put this together someone beat me too it :-)
    Wow, bigmac, even when actual facts are presented that shows the drivers in question are about equal you still continue to bash.
  • I would say they are about even. They have similar stats other than Kenseth winning a championship and Jr finishing 3rd (I think). Jr beat Kenseth 2 times in Busch.

    starts - 314
    wins - 18 (5.7%)
    top 5 - 83 (26.4%)
    top 10 - 133 (42.4%)
    avg finish - 16.4

    starts - 315
    wins - 16 (5.1%)
    top 5 - 84 (26.7%)
    top 10 - 155 (49.2%)
    avg finish - 15.0
  • Matt Kenseth is the better driver. He has a championship and he also is more consistent than Dale Jr.

    But Dale Jr. is still a good race car driver and is doing better this year though than Matt.
  • Dale Jr. or Matt Kenseth......??
  • Matt Kenseth is known as Mr. Consistency, he won the last Winston Cup in 03 with only one win, and beat Junior for the Rookie of Year honors. No offense to Junior though.
  • Matt Kenseth
    Like everyone else said, he is much more consistent and has had more success then Jr. has in his career so far.
  • Jr no way around it.
  • Statistically they are close enough for me to throw up both hands and flip a coin, but maybe Kenseth by a gnat's whisker, although tomorrow could change that for this year. However, I can hardly ignore that Kenseth does have a championship to his credit on the overall scorecard, but Junior is still in the race.
  • Kenseth. He has had a much more consistent career and a championship to boot.
  • Matt Kenseth, of course! Not that Dale Jr. is bad... but Matt is way better :)
  • around a tie
  • me they both suck
  • I would say Matt Kenseth is a better stock car driver and plus he has made all chases!
  • Matt Kenseth has only had one championship. He was consistent that year only. After that he has really not been doing much. I say Dale Jr. is better.
  • are you kidding? jr. of course!!!!
  • Matt Kenseth is [no doubt]
  • Matt Kenseth
  • Kenesth hands down..even though i am a Jr fan am also fan of Kenseth, so best of both
  • Kenseth...
  • i'm a Dale Jr fan as you all know but Matt is a real good driver so i would have to say Matt! i'm sorry Jr i still love you!
  • Depends which track....over the course of their careers...I say it's been pretty even except for #17 winning the championship in 2003. They're both great drivers in my book. If you're asking for my opinion...I would say Kenseth...just because of his consistency over the years.
  • Big Jr. Fan, but I think Kenseth may be a better driver, knows more about the cars and has a championship
  • Junior!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • definitely Kenseth
  • Matt Kenseth hands down.
    anybody who claims otherwise is nothing but a foolish uninformed dreamer.
  • 17 No need to explain.
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