
Why do i get so many bad ratings?

May be...

  • I haven't seen you do anything to make anyone mad. Bestanswer has it right, If you are talking about getting thumbs down I wouldn't pay much attention to that as the trolls have been out in full force this past month. You can have a good, informational, and well thought out answer sometimes and you will still get thumbs down. It's pathetic but a lot of times people will just judge you by your favorite driver. I wouldn't pay any attention to it. Sometimes I tend to get the feeling that people just think of me around here as that annoying Harvick fan but somehow I keep coming back. I feel as long as you aren't bashing or being rude then you are entitled to your opinion just as much as anyone else and are more then welcome around here :)
  • sometimes people give thumbs-down to others around here for pretty good reasons, maybe because they are acting like complete jackasses. i get a lot of those.
  • i was just wondering?if i did something to make you all mad i'm deeply
    sorry. i know i'm new to Y/A but some of you are really mean.i'm just trying to fit in.i guess i was trying to hard.again i am sorry.
  • personally, i wear thumbs-up and thumbs-down as badges of honor - at least i (usually) got someone's attention. i wish that was always true, as i know i've received thumbs-down that i'm sure were from people who were just running through all the responses giving everyone thumbs-down. other times, i'm sure i've received them because of my avatar, my screen name, and/or my favorite driver.

    many times i'm sure i've received them because someone actually didn't like me or my answers. but i don't let those get to me because as someone wise once told me:
    "you don't like everyone do you, why should you expect everyone to like you?"

    the ones that i like the most though are those i have received many times for simply stating facts answering questions like "what time is the race on" or "who finished first in the race." i'm sure that i could simply report the time and temperature if asked and someone would come along and give me a thumbs-down, and sometimes only me.

    comes with the territory i suppose...
  • Well you're a Junior fan and they seem to get thumbs down a lot. Don't worry about what others think and keep rooting for your favorite driver.
  • If you are a Jr fan you can expect many thumbs down from the Kyle Busch fans. No matter the subject or the quality of your answers you get the thumbs down.

    They will say awful things also. Many of the Jr fans have left because of this kind of treatment. Six months ago a question about Jr would get about 10 positive to 2 negative responses. Now it's 1 positive to 10 negative. Jr's fan base hasn't changed they have just left this festering pool of negativity.
  • Bad ratings? What do you mean? If you mean thumbs down there's probably a lot of reasons. Could just be because you're a Dale Jr. fan, no matter how good your answer is. Like some people do when they find out who I'm a fan of and that goes for everyone else here, too. Sometimes no matter how good the answer is people don't even read it they just see who you're a fan of and give a thumbs down. That's one thing I don't really like about the thumbs down thing in the NASCAR section. You could give the most perfect answer in the world but if you like a certain driver you'll still get a thumbs down on it. Don't worry about it...if they can't stand someone else's opinion just ignore it and keep posting, there's always somebody who will agree or disagree with you on here and everywhere else. Just keep doing what your doing, and realize that not everyone will agree.
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