
Dale Jr Car Question?

May be...

  • i like the AMP look much better,
    but yes it does seem he runs better in the National Guard car.
    i really hope he gets a win soon.. he needs it!
  • he sittin 3rd in point he got some good luck
  • Is It Just Me Or Do It seem. Like JR runs better when hes in the National Guard Car Vs The Amp Car ? like if you look at it

    like this.

    At Richmond when he was leading with 5 to go and had the car to beat until

    kyle wrecked him he was in the National Guard Car.

    The Coke Cola 600 he had a very very strong car until he blew

    a tire we all know he had that race won but yet again he was

    driving the National Guard car
  • He has his two worst finishes of the season in the Amp car (40th and 35th) But the other 4 races he ran in that car were all top 10's.
    I don't know on this one Go 88, two bad races out of six isn't really enough to convince me, I'm gonna have to watch and see if your theory holds water or not.
    When your boy runs the Amp car, think happy thoughts, man!
  • Yes it does seem that way, maybe you and I should go to the track and fix the car that he doesn't do so good in, so he will have to drive the good one all the time, what ya say, well, maybe we should just wish he would the same car all the time, we may end up in a jail with no TV and I could not handle jail time without Nascar, ha ha

    Maybe we should all start emailing and see if he gets them and see if he will just drive one car, oh well wishful thinking, he has to have a backup..

    GO JR #88, he will win again, just wait, his time is coming.
  • unfortunately, the Bud car does the
    best WITHOUT jr driving it. pity.
  • True, he does seem to do much better in the NG. I say they should just dump the AMP car and see what happens. Couldn't hurt, Right?
  • It's just coincidental
  • Yep, its the truth, I've noticed it, and I'm always happier when he is in the National Guard car, until he wins in the Amp car,I'm convinced the National Guard is the best so far.. A bunch of us were talking about this last week.. His National Guard Car in Daytona is going to be a real cool Camo Green, its awesome, hopefully that green color doesn't hamper things.. He needs to do his Amp car in more colors than green, I think the Red Overdrive Amp with the black, red & silver would be hot.....but, yes another die cast to buy..

    Go Dale Jr & Hms
  • It does seem that way. I'm kool with that, I like the paint job better than the "green" amp car. I just don't like the green, besides that, it's bad luck on a race car!

    Go Jr.>>>>
  • Actually I've never noticed "Go 88" but I really do like Jrs color combos. His cars look great. He'll get a win soon.
  • just a paint job buddy
    but if it helps !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • maybe he subconsiously wants to do better for our military. He may believe if he doesn't do well he let them down somehow . Whether he realizes the reason or not, he just races better in his NG car.
  • not hatin' here, but by that logic it sounds like he has more bad luck in the national guard car...

    i like both cars and contrary to popular opinion i like junior too. i just wish he would hurry up and win in either of them and get this streak over with already... seriously.

  • hmm never thought of that but it does sorta seem that way good point
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