
Has anybody else checked out racebuddy on nascar.com?

May be...

  • I just checked it out. It goes to fast to read.
  • I think I will let everyone else test it out! I don't want to lose my Trackpass audio if my computer messes up!
  • Haven't checked out the chat yet. I have been checking out the cameras. Love the inside view riding with the driver ( I see it is only Stewart for that view but it is still cool) and the race robo looks very very cool, so far. The battle view is cool too, getting to see more passes in the packs then just toward the front. The pit view is very cool during the pit stops as well. Looks like it has great potential. Here is hopeing once, when they get the kinks worked out and refine it, they don't start charging for it.
  • I see what you say about the chat thing. Could be kinda cool though. Real time answers and conversation instead of Y/A format. I'll probably play around in there...I'll be "President of Jr Nation"...

    go figure.

    Hey RW...either the chat crashed or your private chat invite froze it up on me...the "Would you like join?" box wouldnt go away, I had to close the entire thing. lol.
  • I just checked it out, we will see. Its free so we will see how good it is.

    Im of course Superdave!
  • looks like it could have some promise, as long as it doesn't crash. the interface needs some serious help, but it is funny to see some of the camera shots they have on. and that chat is going to end up being worthless - more "guest999 has entered the room" and "guest999 has left the room" than anything else. and of course, there is already a "busch or junior" room.

    check it out yourself: http://www.tnt.tv/sports/nascar/racebudd...

    so for the questions:

    have you checked out the new free racebuddy on nascar.com?

    how long do you think it will be before the server crashes on them today?
  • Thanks for the warning. I am more interested in the race more than anything else anyway. This is something that would be cool if you had a TV in the same room. Report It
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