
Have you ever seen a spirit or ghost?

May be...

  • My sister and her daughter and my older son do all the time. I can say I have actually seen a spirit one time........ but have had other experiences when i knew I was not alone.
  • yes i have seen them quite all all though my childhood and into my adult hood. they are not as scary as some might let you believe. after a while you will end up in the same boat i am and just wake up see them be like dang it Harold u need to go over to *insert friends name* and play then roll over and go back to sleep. i believe that there are spirits all around us all the time we just cant see them, but if our brains are in the right phase releasing the right balance of alpha and delta waves then they can become visible there is also a theory that says they can make themselves visible to you but no one knows weather it is because they can manipulate the waves in your brain to make you see them or if it is something deeper let me know if this helps
  • i have not but my parents had an encounter with one.
  • no i have never seen one. but i would like to.
  • i probably **** my self if i saw one
  • Have you ever seen something in the corner of your eye really fast? & you look and nothings there? well thats called a DEMON.
  • no
  • Yes.
  • Just a couple of times. If they are bad spirits, best to leave them alone.
  • I've never seen one but I have had paranormal experiences.
  • they're spirits who once served God but sinned and are now alienated from Him.....so they mess about and pose as varying entities, from ghosts to UFO's. Otherwise known as demons.

    If someone is seeing them 'all the time', there are objects of some sort in the house that serves as a welcome mat to them, such as religious objects of veneration, pictures containing symbols, spiritistic tools like Ouija Board, crystal ball or Tarot Cards.......or even literature that they connect with in some way. Anything once owned by a person practicing spiritism can bring them with it.

    yea, some think it's neat but they can be harmful too......they don't think much of humans.....they think we are only glorified apes lol
  • No have not seen it but i do believe it exist.. sometimes u may not seen it but u can feel it..
  • My lamp flew across the room once, with nobody near it, but I dont know what that was.
  • I have seen many spirits.

    I think there are some messing in my house.
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